Term 2 I The Way Newsletter I Friday 07 June 2024

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From the Principal
Karen Easton - Principal

We are past the halfway point of the term and looking forward to the long weekend. I hope that you and your families can enjoy some quality moments over the next few days. I have been reflecting on the pace of school life during term time and it is certainly fast and filled with fantastic opportunities for the students. It is wonderful that we are blessed with the resources and staff to pursue so many different activities. Can I encourage you to thank a teacher or staff member for the many ways that they go above and beyond for the students?

This week alone we have hosted the Anglican Schools Corporation Annual Choral Festival which saw over 500 students from different schools come together to celebrate the universal language of music. Our staff facilitated and managed this event and delighted in the performances of our students. We have sent off 120 year 9 students on their first Duke of Edinburgh hike with college staff in attendance to guide and encourage their development as young men and women with character. We have had students represent in soccer, cross country and athletics – again, ably supported and encouraged by staff and parents. Year 10 have been out on work placement learning about the responsibilities and joys of being in the workforce. The teachers are also marking tasks, exams and writing reports at this time.

We are a busy community.

We are a vibrant community.

I continue to enjoy meeting you at the Parent Café on a Friday morning.

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Colossians 3:17


Mrs Karen Easton
From the Deputy Principal - Senior School Learning
David Butler

It will have been an important week for Year 10 students this week as they got an insight into the careers they have chosen to investigate as part of the Work Experience Program. I commend them for having the skills to reach out to companies to ask if they could come and spend a week! It is so vital for a young person to be able to carry themselves maturely and speak well in situations like the workplace. I hope they have been coming home excited with stories about the purposeful work they have seen and been a part of. We have always found that Subject Selection coming on the heels of Work Experience, Mid Course reports and Parent Teacher Interviews is the most effective way to capitalise on the knowledge they have gained through this program to inform their future direction!

A brave group of Year 9 adventurers and staff went out hiking today through the Ku-ring-gai National park and they will be experiencing many character-building opportunities over the next 24 hours. Keep them in your prayers as they navigate the cold night and the slippery conditions!

I want to thank all of the music students and staff who took part in the fabulous Choral Festival this week which was hosted at the College. It was such a joyful occasion and a wonderful celebration of musical talent and appreciation from across the corporation.

I want to thank our Senior School teachers for the support they have been offering to their colleagues by stepping into their classes when they are not well enough to attend the campus. We are so blessed to have such skilled and flexible staff. In a climate where teacher shortages are occurring across the state, we continue to have quality teaching and learning experiences for our students because of the hard work of our whole teaching staff. The support of the parent community means a great deal to our teachers and is a strong contributing factor for why quality staff continue to work at the College, many travelling considerable distances to do so. Can I encourage you to reach out through the Parent Teacher nights and other interactions that you have with our teachers, to offer them your thanks and support for all they are doing to help your children and the College?

Have a fantastic long weekend with your families and I look forward to seeing you at College soon.

Mr David Butler
Deputy Principal - Senior School Learning
From the Chaplain
Denis Oliver

It is report writing time in Senior School and soon you will see the results. But how will you respond? What will you do with the information? What might Jesus say?

1 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye. (Matthew 7)


I love this teaching from Jesus because he uses humour to highlight the absurdity of being blind to our own faults while focusing on the flaws of others.

When we cannot see clearly, we need help from others who can. We need guidance from those who have experience in dealing with their own faults. This doesn't imply that we need to be perfect before we can make judgments, but it does suggest that we should address our own shortcomings first as we help others with theirs.

Our children have their own areas for growth. To help them become lifelong learners, we need to not only be aware of our own faults but actively work on improving them. Here’s an exercise to try:

  1. Read your child's report and check out the learning behaviors listed.
  2. Rate yourself on these behaviors.
  3. Choose a common trait that both you and your child can work on.
  4. Share with them one thing you are doing to improve in this area.

By doing this, your child will see that you, too, are on a journey of lifelong learning alongside them. This is especially true for Christians!

Reverend Denis Oliver
College Chaplain
From the Senior School Director of Teaching and Learning
Jason CB

I received a package this week, delivered to my home. Within a few hours, an email from Australia Post arrived in my inbox. It read:

“We’d appreciate a few minutes of your time to provide feedback on your experience. This helps us improve our delivery service to you so next time it will be even better.”

In our modern age, we are constantly being asked to review products and services, no matter how brief the encounter or mild the service. In the last few weeks, I have been asked to review a restaurant, a clothing store, an airport lounge, an Uber trip, a phone call to an electricity provider, and even a public toilet!

Sometimes I long for the days when you could buy a product or service and were not expected to leave a review.

Another worrying trend is that there is an expectation that everything should get a 5-star rating. Anything less and it may constitute a phone call from a worried manager. 

Perhaps this reflects a concern that anything less than a perfect rating is a terrible rating. 4 stars instead of 5 stars somehow indicates something is very wrong. I know I am guilty of being quite judgmental of businesses based on reviews. When I am in an unfamiliar town or city, I will use Google reviews to locate the highest-rated cafes and other businesses. 4.9 is my cut-off point!

Unfortunately for some of our students, they also can feel deflated if they receive a less-than-perfect mark or rating on their work or in their reports for the ticked boxes. Parents can become concerned unless there is a neat column of ticks all on the far-right side.

It is tricky for educators to strike a balance between providing honest feedback whilst also enabling students to feel empowered to improve.

As school reports arrive home, we want students to know that they are more than just a series of ticked boxes, rankings, marks, and comments. Each student has the potential to improve and exceed our expectations.

Teachers have provided many useful suggestions as to how students can improve, and I encourage students and parents to note these and implement them into their daily habits. Results should not define us but encourage us to continually improve and grow.

Mr Jason Corbett-Jones
Director of Teaching & Learning - Senior School

Upcoming dates

Date Event

Monday 10 June

King's Birthday Public Holiday

Tuesday 11 June

CASA Secondary State Gymnastics 

Stand Tall Presentation - Year 8 & 9

Sydney Eisteddfod Junior Strings Ensemble

Wednesday 12 June

Senior Strings Ensemble & Intermediate Concert Band Performance 
Carnes Hill Shopping Centre 3pm - 4pm

Thursday 13 June

Junior School Athletics Carnival

CASA Athletics Training

Year 11 & 12 Parent Teacher Evening 

Friday 14 June

K-2 Assembly

Cafe Chat in Cafe MRK

Parent Community Network Meeting

Year 9 Drama Workshop

Years 10 & 11 Volleyball Gala Day

Yr 12 Modern History Excursion

Monday 17 June

Photo Week - Prep (White/Red), Kindergarten, Years 1, 2 and 12 individual and class photos

AICES Netball Cup

CASA Athletics Training

Tuesday 18 June

Photo Week - Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 individual and class photos

CASA Gymnastics Tournament

CIS U16s Basketball

Wednesday 19 June

Photo Week - Years 7 - 11 individual and grade photos

CIS Football Cup Semi Finals

Thursday 20 June

Photo Week - Prep (Blue/Purple) individual and class photos, Sibling Photos and Catch-up


Friday 21 June

Photo Week - Sibling Photos and Catch-up

Mother's Celebration Breakfast

Junior School Assembly  - Auditorium

Host Families Needed

We are excitedly anticipating a visit from Takayama Junior High School, our sister school, who will be visiting the College. Hosting students will provide your family with an amazing intercultural experience. We have always had such positive feedback from families who have hosted and it is a vital part of our Japanese language program within the College community. The Japanese students are here to experience Australian Culture and our style of family life to improve their spoken English. 



If you are interested in hosting students, please click on this link and fill out the online form.

Thank you for considering this wonderful opportunity.

Mrs Fiona Byrne
Languages Coordinator


Mother's Celebration Breakfast

Mothers and Guardians, you’re invited to come along to our rescheduled Mother's Day Breakfast. Come and enjoy breakfast with your child at the John Lambert Auditorium.


7.00 - 8.30am

You can join us anytime from 7.00am - 8.30am although students from Years 7 - 12 are required to leave at 7.55am

This is a free event for the College Community, but due to limited seating and catering, bookings are essential. If you already made a booking for the original event, your registrations will automatically transfer to the new one. If you are unable to attend on 21 June, please either send an email to community@thac.nsw.edu.au or follow the instructions on the email from the ticketing system

Please book online www.thac.nsw.edu.au/book

College Photo Week

College photos are taking place in 2 weeks.

College Photos have been scheduled to take place from Monday 17 until Friday 21 June 2024. Don Wood Photography will be taking individual, cohort and sibling group photos at various times throughout the week. All students will have their photograph taken, however, the purchase of photographs is optional.


Monday 17 June - Prep White & Red, Kindergarten, Years 1, 2 and 12 individual and class photos will occur.

Tuesday 18 June – Years 3 - 6 individual and class photos will occur.

Wednesday 19 June - Years 7 - 11 individual and grade photos will occur.

Thursday 20 June - Prep Blue and Prep Purple individual and class photos will occur.

Sibling photos will occur on Thursday 20 June and Friday 21 June for most families, however, for families with children in Prep White & Red, sibling photos will be taken on Monday morning – 17 June.

If you wish to purchase a photograph package, this can be done via credit card by visiting www.donwoodphotography.com.au and entering the password emailed to you. 

If your child is absent on the day of their class photo, yet returns to school while Don Wood Photography are still at the College, then they may be able to have an individual photo taken if it can be arranged. Please ask them to report to the Student Reception to make arrangements.

College Awards

To receive an award is a recognition to your hard work, excellence and service in the College. 

Congratulations to the following Junior School assembly merit award recipients:

Junior School Awards


Become a VET Work Placement Provider

At Thomas Hassall Anglican College, we believe that education extends beyond the classroom.

We are committed to providing our students with opportunities that prepare them for the real world, and vocational education and training (VET) is a crucial part of this mission. As we strive to offer our students hands-on experience in their chosen fields, we are reaching out to our parent community to ask for your invaluable support as work placement providers.

Why Your Involvement Matters

- Real-World Experience - By becoming a work placement provider for our VET students in Construction, Entertainment, and Business Services, you offer them a unique chance to apply their classroom knowledge in practical settings. This real-world experience is instrumental in bridging the gap between theory and practice, providing our students with insights that textbooks alone cannot offer.

- Skill Development - Work placements allow students to develop essential skills such as teamwork, problem-solving, and communication. These placements also foster a professional mindset and work ethic, equipping students with the competencies needed to thrive in their future careers.

- Community Building - Your participation strengthens the bond between the school and the wider community. It showcases our collective commitment to nurturing the next generation of professionals, contributing to a supportive and thriving local economy. By working together, we create a network of mentorship and support that benefits everyone involved.

Benefits for you

- Mentorship Opportunities - As a work placement provider, you have the chance to mentor and inspire young minds. Sharing your expertise and experience can have a profound impact on a student's career trajectory and personal development.

- Family Engagement - Engaging with the school through work placements allows your family to take an active role in students' educational journey. It fosters a sense of pride and involvement in the growth and success of our future leaders.

- Giving Back - Providing work placements is a meaningful way to give back to the community. Your contribution can help shape the careers and lives of students, leaving a legacy of support and encouragement.

How to Get Involved

Becoming a VET work placement provider is straightforward and rewarding. If you or your business can offer placements in Construction, Entertainment, or Business Services, we would love to hear from you. Your involvement would require a week-long placement depending on your capacity and resources.

To express your interest or to learn more about how you can support our VET programs, please fill out the form below.

Click Here to fill out the Expression of Interest - Workplace Provider

If you have any questions send an email to VET@thac.nsw.edu.au. We are eager to work with you to create enriching opportunities for our students.

Mr David Phelps
VET Coordinator

WellbeingBack to Top

Smokeless Tobacco Products


Smokeless Tobacco Products
Smokeless Tobacco Products

Snus and nicotine pouches are gaining popularity among youth as smokeless tobacco (SLT) products. These products are marketed as safer alternatives to traditional smoking and vaping, yet they still pose significant health risks. Both are discreetly placed under the upper lip, allowing nicotine absorption through the gums. Like vapes, they come in a variety of flavours and strengths, with unregulated nicotine levels leading to inconsistent and misleading labelling.

Smokeless tobacco products and vapes were initially developed to help people quit smoking, but many young people have adopted them, believing them to be safer. The marketing of snus and nicotine pouches targets young audiences through social media influencers, raising concerns about their increasing popularity among school students.

Educators and health authorities are advocating for proactive measures to curb this rising trend. These products, with high nicotine levels, pose serious health risks, including nicotine addiction, cardiovascular disease, gum disease, tooth decay, and nicotine poisoning. Researchers emphasise the harmful effects of nicotine on developing brains, linking its use to depression, anxiety, ADHD symptoms, and a heightened risk of addiction to other drugs.

The evolving nicotine landscape requires parents and caregivers to stay informed to protect young people from these emerging threats. It is evident that SLT products contain not only nicotine, but elements of other chemicals of which we don't yet know their long-term effects. Not only do we need to steer young people away from harmful substances, but empower them to make informed decisions that prioritise their health and wellbeing.


LearningBack to Top

King Tut Roadshow

The King Tut Roadshow semi-trailer is a multi-sensory experience allowing students to be fully immersed in the rediscovery of Pharaoh Tutankhamun’s Tomb and the Dead Sea Scrolls. Year 7 students attended a full day Incursion on Monday 27 May, where they experienced the development of Modern Archaeology in an interactive way. They participated in 6 different activities throughout the day, led by Thomas Hassall's dedicated History teachers, who dressed in theme for the day.

“Understanding Archaeology” was a hands-on experience where students handled a variety of artefacts, including 2000–4000-year-old pot shards and skulls, to learn about dating artefacts in the ancient world. Students examined full size replicas of Tutankhamun’s Tomb paintings, made their own personal seals from clay, handled parchment and papyrus and stamped their names in hieroglyphics to learn about communication in ancient societies. Students also participated in “Sand Hydraulics” and built an Ancient Roman arch to learn about the engineering behind ancient grand monuments. Year 7 students are congratulated for their good behaviour, interesting questions, and enthusiasm during the Incursion.


Mrs Michelle Pearson
History/Legal Studies Coordinator

Solving Problems in Maths

Since the beginning of the term, the Mathematics students have continued to show a strong commitment to their studies. They have been actively participating in classroom activities and diligently working on their homework tasks, which are provided regularly to reinforce their understanding and prepare them for the upcoming assessments. Additionally, they have taken advantage of extra resources and support offered by the teachers to enhance their learning experience. This consistent effort is aimed at ensuring they are fully prepared and confident for their exams.

Upcoming assessment tasks for Term 2

Year 7 – Week 9

Year 9 – Week 7

Year 11 (Standard/Advanced) – Week 8

Year 12 (Standard 2) – Week 9

Year 12 (Advanced) – Week 7

Year 12 (Extension 2) – Week 8

Other Mathematics courses for Term 2

Year 8 – No assessment this term

Year 10 – Completed in Week 5

Year 11 (Extension 1) – Completed in Week 3

Year 12 (Extension 1) – Completed in Week 5


Here is a question that Year 11 Extension 1 have been grappling with. Can you solve it?

Mr Andrew Lim
Senior School Teacher - Assistant Coordinator Mathematics

Geographical Investigation Surveys

Year 11 is conducting primary research/data and would greatly appreciate your participation for a Geographical Investigation. If you have a moment to complete 1-2 Surveys if any/all relate to you or your experience it would be greatly appreciated. Each form should only take 3 minutes. 

If you have any questions regarding the surveys, please email ssedlar@thac.nsw.edu.au

Mrs Stephanie Sedlar 
Senior School Teacher – HSIE

Opportunities to Write

There are many wonderful writing competitions running in Australia. We have compiled a list of the ones we are aware of that are valid for us in NSW. If your child has a talent or passion for writing, they may want to enter some or all of the competitions below.

Please note, every competition has specific terms and conditions. Please make sure the guidelines are followed closely to make sure work is accepted. These could include age of child, length of submission or even things like size, font and spacing of the text. 

These competitions are run outside of Thomas Hassall Anglican College, but we would love to hear of any success stories. You could let the College know via asaville@thac.nsw.edu.au

Run Quarterly

Little Stories. Big Ideas Competition - Open to: Australian secondary school students

Due June

RD Walsh Memorial Writing for the Environment Prize Open to: up to 18

Dorothea Mackellar Poetry Awards Open to: K - 12

Due August

Best Australian Yarn - Open to: 12 years or older

Hilarie Lindsay Young Writers Poetry Competition - Open to: K – 12

Due September

Poem Forest: A native tree will be planted in The Australian Botanic Garden for every entry received

Due October

Positive words

Mrs Alex Saville
Gifted and Talented Liaison for the Junior School

A Reflection from Year 10 Work Experience

It has been a wonderful week having our Year 10 students immerse themselves into careers. Throughout the week, students actively engaged with professionals, asking insightful questions and eagerly learning new skills in various industries. By the end of the week, many students expressed newfound confidence and clarity about their future careers.

work experience





Mrs Maha Ghabrial
Secondary Teacher - HSIE & Careers Advisor

Mini Vinnies Drive

Our Carmichael Girls from Year 7 have been participating in a St Vincent de Paul donation initiative. Our girls and their families have been thinking about the people who are less fortunate than us in this time, including individuals who have been struggling to keep warm as the weather has cooled down for winter. We have been thinking particularly about women and children who may be finding themselves in emergency situations. 

The slogan for our Mini Vinnie Drive is, "In week 8 we Don8." Our goal is to influence other members of our community within our College and donate to our vision of keeping the community warm and fed. We have made posters for our Pastoral Care room that are made up of students' hands, which are a symbol that with many hands, the job is light work. The more of us that contribute, the easier it will be to fulfill our goal.

Our initiative was born out of a burden we carried for the poor. Jesus said it so well in the following scripture in Deuteronomy 15:1. "For there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore I command you, 'You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land."

We have currently collected over 100 kg worth of clothes both new items and older items. If you would like to donate, please feel free to do so. Mrs Lahoud will collect donations from the front office up until Week 8 of Term 2.

year 7

Mrs Julia Lahoud 
Senior School Teacher PDHPE

Learning Japanese Games

This week, Year 8 Japanese students had the opportunity to experience an Undokai, a sport day all school students in Japan participate in once a year. Students from the College worked in teams, competing against each other in four challenges.

In the ‘Eye of the Storm’ or Taifu no me game, holding long poles length-ways, teams moved up the course, around a cone and back again. Each team member then completed an ‘Obstacle Course’ or Shougaibutsu kyousou, spinning a bat, playing hop-scotch and tossing rings. Next, with a time limit, the teams threw as many coloured balls into a basket as they could, in the ‘Bird’s Nest’ or Tamaire game. Finally, a giant dice in the ‘Dice Race’ or Saikororeesu determined which cone students had to race to before the next student could roll.

In the process of completing these games, students were able to employ the language they have learned so far in the Year 8 Japanese course. In particular, their number knowledge impressed the incursion operators. Well done Year 8 Japanese and thank you to AoYama Japanese Camp for a wonderful incursion.


Mrs Fiona Byrne
Languages Coordinator & Year 8 Advisor

Performing ArtsBack to Top

Many things happening in CAPA

Following the success of our recent musical ‘The Little Mermaid’, Creative Arts has still been thriving at Thomas Hassall. Our Junior Strings Ensemble performed at our MRK Friday Cafe in preparation for their performances coming up. They provided lovely music as our College community enjoy their delicious meals. The strings students are currently preparing for their performance at the Sydney Eisteddfod next week, and this was a great opportunity for them to perform their set to a live audience. Our Year 9 & 10 Elective Music students have also completed their mid-term performance assessments, representing the topics of Theatre Music and Film Music. Students presented an array of exciting and interesting repertoire showcasing excellent potential as they near their senior years working towards the HSC. 

With UNITE week around the corner, this means our annual X-THACTOR event is fast approaching. We have been receiving some great online auditions as we prepare to announce the finalists who will compete in this exciting event at the end of the term. A new ensemble has also started in the Junior School, the ‘Junior Saxophone Ensemble’. This is a small group of saxophone players from Years 5 & 6 who rehearse on Monday lunch time under the direction of Mr Mark. We are also excited to see our Year 7 & 8 Drama Club students preparing for their first public performance at the end of the term. If anyone is interesting in joining this group, they would love to have you along. 

Lastly, thanks to all our parents that continually support their children in music/drama education with rehearsals before, after and during school. The next few weeks feature many opportunities and events for our students; Sydney Eisteddfod, Choral Festival, Carnes Hill Performances, and more. We look forward to sharing these events with you in our next edition of The Way.


Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles - Creative Arts

Upcoming Senior Sport Dates

Coming up this term, we have the following sports events so if there is something that interests you, please come and see a PDHPE staff member to learn more about how you can get involved.

Upcoming Sporting Events Term 2

Week 7

Monday 10 June 

CASA Athletics Training CANCELED due to Public Holiday

Tuesday 11 June

Girls U15s Bill Turner Cup - Round 3 Game

CSSA State Gymnastics Tournament 

Wednesday 12 June

Secondary Wanderers Schools Cup Tournament

Thursday 13 June

CASA Athletics Training

Friday 14 June

Years 10 - 12 B&G Volleyball Gala Day

Week 9

Monday 24 June

CASA Athletics Training


Tuesday 25 June

All Schools NSW Football

MISA Dane Festival

Thursday 26 June

CASA Athletics Training

Mrs Irene Focas
Senior School Sports Coordinator

House Competition Activities

Students competed in our annual House Volleyball comp on Monday 3 June. Each House had a Junior team which was Years 7, 8 & 9 and a Senior team which was Years 11 & 12. 

The semis played at lunch and in the senior comp, Lewis beat Carmichael and Liddell won over Wilberforce. For the juniors, Wilberforce beat Lewis and Carmichael won over Liddell. 

The finals took place during Period 5, with Years 7-12 coming to spectate and support the teams. The atmosphere was great with a lot encouragement from the crowd. 

The final results are as follows:

Junior House Volleyball:

1st - Wilberforce 

2nd - Carmichael 

3rd - Liddell

4th - Lewis

Senior House Volleyball:

1st - Liddell

2nd - Lewis

3rd - Carmichael 

4th - Wilberforce 


Congratulations to Wilberforce and Liddell and well done to all who played and contributed to their House teams. 

We look forward to House soccer in Term 3!

house volleyball

Mrs Michelle Raft
Languages Teacher - Head of House & Year 9 Advisor

CIS NSW Football Representatives

On Monday 4 and Tuesday 5 June our students attended the CIS New South Wales football tournament where they came up against the best football players in all independent schools in New South Wales. This tournament provided an opportunity for students to be selected into the CIS team. If selected into this team, you are regarded as one of the best 16 footballers in all New South Wales independent and Private Schools.

As such, we are very proud to announce that three of our footballers were successful in making this team. Stefan B, Adrian T and Jy k will now represent our College, Casa, AICES and CIS at the All Schools Football Championships. We congratulate them on such an incredible achievement and also extend this praise to Zoe G, Oliver V, Ryder W and Matias S who also attended the tournament.


Mrs Irene Focas 
Senior School Sports Coordinator

Bill Turner Cup Results

On Wednesday 29 May Under 15s boys team played against Patrician Brothers Fairfield. Although they were not successful on the day, we are still proud of how far they have come in the competition and know that they have learnt from such a valuable opportunity. They will only be bigger and better in games to come! 

On Friday 31 May our under 15 girls team had a great game against Picton Girls High School in the Bill Turner Cup. They played together as a team, encouraged one another constantly and never gave up. As a result of this determination, they were victorious! Winning the game 2-1. We wish them all the best in their round three game next Tuesday against Cecil Hills. 

Mrs Irene Focas 
Senior School Sports Coordinator
CASA Volleyball Gala Day

On Friday 31 May, our MISA Boys and Girls 7-9 Volleyball team, traveled to Minto to compete in the CASA Volleyball Gala day. It was a very tough competition but our students had the skills and sportsmanship to work together to overcome the challenges. The boys team finished second in the pool, facing The Illawarra Grammar Schools in the semi finals, and the girls finished first in their pool facing Wollondilly Anglican School in their finals. Unfortunately, the girls lost their semi finals, and placed third overall for the day after an amazing effort. 

Our boys team who were led by their captain Dante G remain 3 peat champions for the CASA volleyball competition, congratulations to David, Paul, Cris, Lachlan, Justyn, Adrian, Sotiris, Lazzaro, Liam, Max and Elijah. I would like to make a special mention to Natasha M and her family for her commitment to the College on Friday, she represented us so well in both volleyball and soccer and we couldn't be prouder to have such a committed and passionate student at our college. 

Good luck to our seniors who will compete in the same tournament next week.


Mrs Irene Focas 
Senior School Sports Coordinator

AICES Cross Country

Congratulations to the students who attended the AICES Cross Country Championships. There was some fierce competition and we are so proud that our students were able to rise to the challenge and run all those kilometers! A special mention to Adrian T (who was our King of the Track at the Athletics Carnival and has also made the CIS Football team!) for placing in the top 10 in his race. He will now compete at the CIS Carnival against the best runners in all NSW independent schools. 


Mrs Irene Focas 
Senior School Sports Coordinator

Talented Athletes Program Term 2

Our Talented Athlete Program has been busy this term with lots of training sessions. Here are some photos of our afternoon development activities.

If you are interested in enrolling in the program, please complete an inquiry form using this link

We will be holding another viewing week for families and parents of students in the program, more information will be sent out next week. 


Miss Dayla Tikeri 
Sports Administrator & K-12 TAP Coordinator

CommunityBack to Top

Holiday Programs

Holiday Kids Club - Hope Anglican Church

Hope Church  hope church

Midford Uniform Shop Position

Are you looking for an opportunity to drive sales and work in a friendly & family-focused School community? The Midford team is now looking for a fabulous retail store manager. We are looking for a motivated, organized, results-driven manager who can develop the team and run the store as if it were your own.

The open position is for a Casual Uniform Shop Manager, working 22 hours per week Monday, Wednesday and Fridays. During busy “back to school” times these hours will increase. 

For more information, or to apply please visit Seek