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Mini Vinnies Drive

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Our Carmichael Girls from Year 7 have been participating in a St Vincent de Paul donation initiative. Our girls and their families have been thinking about the people who are less fortunate than us in this time, including individuals who have been struggling to keep warm as the weather has cooled down for winter. We have been thinking particularly about women and children who may be finding themselves in emergency situations. 

The slogan for our Mini Vinnie Drive is, "In week 8 we Don8." Our goal is to influence other members of our community within our College and donate to our vision of keeping the community warm and fed. We have made posters for our Pastoral Care room that are made up of students' hands, which are a symbol that with many hands, the job is light work. The more of us that contribute, the easier it will be to fulfill our goal.

Our initiative was born out of a burden we carried for the poor. Jesus said it so well in the following scripture in Deuteronomy 15:1. "For there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore I command you, 'You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land."

We have currently collected over 100 kg worth of clothes both new items and older items. If you would like to donate, please feel free to do so. Mrs Lahoud will collect donations from the front office up until Week 8 of Term 2.

year 7

Mrs Julia Lahoud 
Senior School Teacher PDHPE