Term 1 : Thursday 15 February 2018

From the Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

Camp week, swimming carnivals and Parent Teacher Information Evenings all signal that the College program is in full operation.  It’s a joy to see the classrooms and everyday programs in action.  This week’s copy of ‘The Way’ provides a delightful glimpse of the first few weeks of our work together.

We are calling for your involvement whether it’s in the Class Parents Network, which holds its first meeting next week on Thursday morning, or whether its our first ‘Movies under the Stars’ on Friday 23 March from 6pm for food and fun before the movie.  We want to encourage our community at the start of the year.  Please feel very welcome. 

Rehearsals for our Musical, ‘Leader of the Pack’ are progressing well and it’s time for chorus members and additional cast and crew to come on board.  Students should talk to Mr Lane or just knock on the door of the Creative Arts Staffroom if they are interested.

Have you driven past the new Physical Education Centre or taken the long way around the College perimeter to see how the new Oval is progressing ahead of its first cut of grass in the next few days?  We are certainly looking forward to the completion of this exciting project in May.

Very best regards to every College family.  Please let us know if there are any concerns.

‘Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Saviour, and my hope is in you all day long.’ Psalm 25 : 4-5

Mr Ross Whelan
From the Deputy Principal
Deputy Junior

The first of our Junior School Parent Information Sessions was held yesterday with many parents coming along to learn more about the expectations, themes and processes for the year ahead. It was well attended and the parents heard some vital information for their grade, from camp information to homework expectations and programs that are happening across the College. We also held a community BBQ between the two sessions that was cooked by our wonderful Year 12 leaders. Thanks so much for serving the Junior School in this way.  These sessions will be repeated next week so please put it in your diaries to come along and join us for both the formal information session and also the community BBQ.

The partnership between home and College is crucial for success so a main focus of all sessions was looking at the language we use in the classroom to support positive learning.  We are providing a SHARED LANGUAGE in every classroom and teaching space across P-12. We are striving to enrich students’ educational journey and provide them with a consistent approach towards learning.

We encourage all our community to think of themselves as learners, both teachers and students. We want to look at the behaviours that help students in their learning, gives them ownership and skills to work on. We also want a positive focus on behaviour, we ask questions such as ‘ is what you are doing valuing the learning of others?’ rather than ‘stop being disruptive!’ This encourages the student to reflect on their behaviour, talk about the choices that have been made and identify what needs to change. We want to celebrate their successful engagement with learning and their achievements. Teachers are continually seeking to find opportunities to affirm students when they are demonstrating these desired behaviours and attributes – catch them doing the right thing.

We believe that when students engage with Positive learning it maximises success in learning for all students. Please join us in using the positive language with your child at home.


Mrs Christine Bessant
Deputy Principal
From the College Chaplain

What have you done since graduating from Thomas Hassall Anglican College? 

I have been on a number of camps, meeting new people, and catching up with friends. I've been sleeping in past 7:55am, enjoying relaxing.

What's your plan now that you have finished at Thomas Hassall Anglican College?

I'm currently at the University of Sydney studying a Bachelor of Liberal Arts, with the hope to transfer into social work next year God willing. However I have no idea what I want to do, and am hoping that an arts degree will give me an opportunity to try different things.

How has your faith in Jesus grown at the College?

My faith has grown at college through being challenged by my peers, learning that no-one is perfect, and that the HSC is not the most important thing in the world. Socially I struggled to fit in with my peers, but God helped me see that I was born to stand out.

What impact did your Christian faith have in your studies?

My faith has allowed me to know that it's ok when you fail, or don't receive the results you want. It's help me see that sometimes you'll be sitting at your desk, and not be able to absorb anything no matter how hard you try. Its taught me that no matter how hard you try, you cannot be upset with your marks when you're only doing your best, for there isn't  anything more you can do than your best. However, that does not mean we can use that as an excuse not to try, or to cruise our way through. Rather it's taught me to simple do my best, and God has the rest.

What was your parent's role in your studies?

I could talk all day about how my parents have helped me in my studies. But to sum it up would have to be with their support. My parents did nothing but encourage me, remind me, congratulate me, and tell me to simply just do my best. Knowing that they would be proud of me regardless of my results was always a comfort, so having a mentality of wanting to make them proud motivated me to do so. 

Stuart Tye
College Chaplain

Term 1 Important Dates
Wednesday 21 February 2018 Junior School Information Evening & BBQ
Thursday 22 February 2018 Class Parent Network Meeting 8:30am 
Saturday 24 February 2018 2019 Scholarship Test
Wednesday  28 Feb - 2 March 2018 Year 6 Canberra Camp
Mon-Fri 5-9 March 2018 College Photo Days
Wed-Fri 7-9 March 2018 Year 5 Camp
Friday 16 March 2018 College Open Day
Thursday  22 March 2018 Years 7 &12 Parent Teacher Night
Friday 23 March 2018 'Movies Under the Stars' - College Community Event
Monday 26 March 2018 Years 9 & 11 Parent Teacher Night 
Thursday 29 March 2018 Senior School Cross Country
Friday  30 March 2018 Good Friday Public Holiday
Monday 2 April 2018 Easter Monday Public Holiday 
Thursday  5 April 2018 Year 8 &10 Parent Teacher Night
Junior School Parent Teacher Night
Tuesday  10 April 2018 Junior School Parent Teacher Night
Friday  13 April 2018 Last Day of Term 1 


From the College Chaplain

"We have been overwhelmed by the sense of family and community amongst the staff at Thomas Hassall and we have felt very welcome. There is a strong Christian focus here at Thomas Hassall and the staff have had a powerful encouragement to love the students as Christ loves us. It was a good reminder from 1 Corinthians as we head into 2018.

As ministry interns, we will be a part of the team responsible for the Christian groups throughout the College, such as JAM (years 4-6), Shine (girls Years 7-12), Armoury (boys Years 7-12), Revolution (Years 7-12), and Established, our Christian Leadership training program for Years 10-12.

The days that we are not at Thomas Hassall, will be spent studying the Bible at Youthworks Bible College in Newtown. We value the youth at the College that we have decided to invest time into studying God’s word to do ministry better. Being fed God’s word is an integral part of the Christian life, and being able to understand it and communicate the message as Jesus commanded is just as important.

We are so excited to be part of the College in 2018.  We’re really looking forward to getting to know the kids better and being able to share Jesus with them."

Welcome Natalia and Chelsea. 

Stuart Tye
College Chaplain

Allergy Aware School

We have a number of students from Prep through to Year 12 who have life threatening food allergies. 

Please do not send any nuts or food containing nuts to College. 

Students who require an Epipen need to bring their Epipen to College each day. 

Junior students should keep their Epipen in the red bags provided by the College and carry it with them when they leave the classroom.

Senior students should carry their Epipen in their pencil case, and should not be left in their locker.

Thank you for your cooperation in this.  

Karen Tindall
College Nurse

Prep and Kindergarten Applications 2019

Prep and Kindergarten applications 2019.  We are currently taking Applications for our Prep and Kindergarten programs for 2019.  Sibling applications must be in no later than the end of Term 1, Friday 13 April, 2018. Please click on the following link to download your application form http://www.thac.nsw.edu.au/application-form  .

Prep and Kindergarten Applications 2019

We are currently taking Applications for our Prep and Kindergarten programs for 2019.  Sibling applications must be in no later than the end of Term 1, Friday 13 April, 2018.  Applications submitted after this date, will no longer have sibling priority.

Please click on the following link to download your application form http://www.thac.nsw.edu.au/application-form  .

From the College Manager

On the front of the PEC complex, the steel support structure for the front decorative panels are being lifted into position while at the back facing the sports field, feature panelling is also being installed. On the inside many teams are working in the Sports Hall installing huge ceiling fans, speaker systems and acoustic linings in preparation for the timber sports flooring system being laid in a few weeks. In the change-rooms and toilets, painters and tilers are working hard before all the fixtures are installed. There is still lots to be done but thanks to the great team from Mark Moribito Constructtions, we are confident it will be completed sometime during Term 2.

Warren Murray
College Manager 

A Special Visit to 2W

2W walked to the Senior School area and Mr Woods came and took a photo with us. We were so excited. Mr Woods has a long, hairy beard. 

Next we had our Recess as we had to wait for the assembly to start. Mr Woods came roaring out from G block and slowly rode around the witch’s hat. His bike is so big and black and very loud. 2W was clapping and cheering.  This was a very fun day for us! 


2017 High Achievers' Assembly

On Wednesday 14 February we welcomed back our Year 12 High Achievers of 2017.  This was a very special time of presenting the 2017 Merit Award Winners (Band 6 students) to the student body. There were 22 former students in attendance and before these students embark on to university, they were able to share their collective wisdom with our current students.  A special congratulations to Cameron Eggins who was presented with his 2017 Dux Award with an ATAR of 99.75. Well done to all our graduates of 2017.

EventsBack to Top

The Southwest Festival is back!

The Southwest Festival is a day for all the Community with rides, stalls, food, school tours and entertainment! Save the date for a family filled day of fun.

Lots more details for stallholders and our community will come over the coming months.

Movie Night Under the Stars - Everyone is Welcome

Bring a blanket, some chairs and the family for a fun whole College Event.  We will be selling food and drinks on the night and playing a movie that will suit all ages.  We will bring you more information very soon!  




Open Day - 16 March 2018

This day is a great opportunity for anyone considering enrolment to see the College in action. There will an opportunity to visit classrooms, hear from the Principal and ask questions about the College.

Please let your family and friends know and encourage them to register for this event on the College website (http://www.thac.nsw.edu.au/open-day).


The Southwest Festival is back!

The Southwest Festival is a day for all the Community with rides, stalls, food, school tours and entertainment! Save the date for a family filled day of fun.

Lots more details for stallholders and our community will come over the coming months.

WellbeingBack to Top

School Transition

However, transitioning is an ongoing process. It can continue long after students have entered their new environment and may encounter difficulties at a number of different stages. These stressors may appear as anxiety and frustration and result in negative or disruptive behaviours. Such behaviours can become problematic making the transitioning process even more difficult for children and parents.

In this edition of SchoolTV, parents will learn practical strategies to assist your child during the transition process and reduce stress and anxiety levels. We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this month's edition and we always welcome your feedback.

If you have any concerns about your child, please contact the school counsellor for further information.

Here is the link to this month's edition http://thac.nsw.schooltv.me/newsletter/school-transitions

Source SchoolTV


Peer Support in the Junior School

Peer Support is taking place this term in the Junior School for Years 1 - 6. 

Peer Support provides students with the opportunity and environment to develop the understanding, attitudes and skills they need to live a safe and healthy lifestyle, realise their potential and contribute positively to society.

The Peer Support Program develops skills in: Maintaining self-esteem; self-awareness; self- confidence; effective communication; decision making; problem solving; assertiveness and conflict resolution

Year 6 is partnering with Year 3 children and they will be exploring the process of conflict resolution.  Year 5 will be working with Year 2 students and looking at three key values: Perseverance; respect and self-control.  Year 4 will be buddies with Year 1 and they are exploring the theme of Friendship. Within this, they will look in particular at two key values imbedded in friendships: Kindness and cooperation/teamwork.  

Kindergarten and Prep will participate in a buddy system next term when they will be working with Years 5 and 6.

LearningBack to Top

NCCD Data Collection

Information for Parents on the NCCD

As a mandatary requirement, the College will participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data this year. The NCCD is an annual collection of data that all schools in Australia participate in. Through this collection, data is collected about the number of school students with a disability and the level of reasonable adjustments with which they are provided. Under the Education Act schools are required to report this information required for NCCD to the Australian Government.

Protecting the privacy and confidentiality of our students is important to us. We do not disclose any student names or any specific information about your student to any authority. If you have any questions, please access the public information notice at www.education.gov.au/notices or contact Mrs Lawler (Junior School) or Mrs Smythe (Senior School).

A Message for All Parents and Carers in the College.

The Learning Support Team advises staff of any specific requirements that your student may need. Any information that you have forwarded to the College about your student is shared routinely with the relevant staff at the beginning of the year so that we can suggest appropriate teaching strategies to best help any students with specific needs. We also routinely complete some simple assessments on many of our students in each year group in order to provide up to date strategy information for teachers, government censuses, and in the Senior School, to gauge eligibility for Disability Provisions provided during examination periods.

We recognize the sensitivity of this information and assure you that it will be shared discretely with teachers. Any shared information will be kept securely and appropriately by teachers and stored according to legislative requirements.

Please recognize that sharing this information is essential if we are to address the learning needs of our students. We appreciate it when parents and caregivers regularly forward updated information regarding their son or daughter as it assists us to cater for each student’s requirements.

We thank you for your co-operation and please feel free to contact Learning Support at any time.

Mrs Lawler (Junior School Learning Support) or Mrs Smythe (Senior School Learning Support).

STEM Academy at Thomas Hassall

STEM, an acronym which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, is an integrated approach to learning about these fields while helping to develop students understanding, creativity, critical thinking, communication and problem solving skills using real-world applications. Awareness of STEM learning has been growing through its integration in curriculum as well as several national and state government initiatives. The University of Sydney have been running their STEM Teacher Enrichment Academy since 2014 and have a vision to be a national leader of teacher enrichment in STEM.

At the end of Term 4 2017, 6 Thomas Hassall teachers, representing the Science, Mathematics and Technology (TAS) faculties, attended the initial three-day training as part of the STEM Academy program. Teachers took part in STEM activities, heard from past STEM Academy schools, attended curriculum-focus sessions, were inspired by speakers such as Dr Karl Kruszelnicki and spent several hours working together as a team planning for a Year 7 STEM project to be delivered at the end of Term 1 2018. More details about this project will be published later in the term, however, the STEM team are excited to inspire all Year 7 students through STEM while developing their skills and a greater awareness of future careers in STEM.

Mrs Megan Bennett
Coordinator of ICT Innovation in Learning

How can I help my child to learn to read?

This is a question parents have been asking for generations and will most likely continue for years to come.

Last year we had a visit from Australian author Mem Fox, reading to our students and talking to parents about ‘Reading Magic’. Her main objective is for parents to be reading to their child from birth and it doesn't have to be children’s books.  Some busy parents I know read the newspaper to their newborn, just so the baby was hearing the structure and words of the English language.

Of course, reading with your child is a lovely bonding time. Sharing the joy of books is a wonderful gift to give your child.

It’s never too late to start!

Older children can enjoy chapter books with parents and child reading a chapter each, or even a page each for reluctant readers. Reading before bedtime, away from screens and devices is a good routine for young students, and a time to calm down and relax after a busy day.

Here are my tips (with a little help from Mem Fox and Timothy Shanahan)

  1. Talk with your kids – a lot!
  2. Read to your kids – a lot!
  3. Listen to your child read – a lot!
  4. Have your child tell you a story
  5. Encourage your child to write – lists, invitations, slogans, stories, poems or letters to grandparents.
  6. Make sure your child sees you reading at home.

Mrs Narelle Lawler
Junior School Learning Support Coordinator 

Performing ArtsBack to Top

Year 4 Band Program

Our Compulsory Year 4 College Music Program was rolled out this week, and there were many happy smiles and jumps for joy this week as students received their instruments.

Year 4 students will be receiving tuition from professional musicians on their instruments, and it is always exciting to see students grow on their musical journey.

We wish the students all the best for this year as they embark on this new journey, and hope they have lots of fun practicing their new instruments.

Byron Mark
Ensembles Manager

Musical Participants Wanted!

Musical Participants wanted!
Come and join this year's awesome Musical ‘Leader of the Pack’!

If you love to sing and dance, it’s not too late to sign up!

Rehearsals begin again in Week 3. Please refer to the updated rehearsal schedule and note that there is an extra Saturday rehearsal on the 3rd of March.

Please email [email protected] to be added to the Musical Canvas Page. If you are interested, please see Mrs Hazel in M block for an application form. Alternatively, you can print off the application form attached and submit it to Mrs Hazel in the M block staff room. 

Please note students from Year 4 are welcome to apply

Talented Athletes Program - Swimming

The TAP Swimming program is designed to identify talented students from Years 3 – 12 and offers an extensive training program to students who have represented Thomas Hassall Anglican College at the NASSA carnival level or above.

In 2018 we are excited to extend the program to include an extra day for students to train. 

Days: Monday, Wednesday and Friday during the College term (except public holidays)
Time: New time for 2018 is 5.45am - 7.15am
Venue: Whitlam Leisure Centre - 90A Memorial Avenue, Liverpool
Cost: Fees will be charged per term
Transport: Parents are to make their own arrangements to get children to the pool for a 5.45am start. Students will be transported by mini bus to College at the conclusion of the session.

The squad-based sessions will be structured to adopt best practices and will focus on stroke development and correction, developing strength and endurance. 

Sessions will include race preparation, dives and turns.

The TAP Swimming program is offered to all students who competed at the NASSA Junior or NASSA Senior Swimming Carnival. However, if there is a talented swimmer who did not attend the College Swimming Carnival they may be assessed to be part of the program.

If you would like more information about the TAP Swimming program, please contact Mrs Evans [email protected]

Brochures are available at the College Office.


Year 1 and 2 - Splash into swimming

In Term One, students in Years One and Two will attend a Swimming Program at Prairiewood Leisure Centre.  

The Swim program will commence in Week 3.

Year One will start lessons on Thursday 15 February.

Year Two will start lessons on Friday 16 February. 

The program will continue every week as part of the Stage One weekly sports program.

The 45 minute lessons will be ability-based and will cater for non-swimmers through to stroke development and correction.

Parent Helpers:  Any parent wishing to help the class teacher in changing children back into uniforms at the pool needs to complete a Working With Children Check. These checks are done online, verified at the Roads and Maritime Service Centre and then your WWC number is forwarded to the College and clearance verified.  Please see the class teacher for more details.

Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator

2018 Football Programs - Junior School

2018 Advanced Pathway Programs - Years 3 - 6 football representative teams

The 2018 APP Football teams were selected in Weeks 1 and 2.   Congratulations to all students who trialled for a position in the program.

Our Football Director Sonny Makko was very impressed with the standard of football in the College.


2018 Football Development Programs - Kindergarten - Year 8 (afternoon programs)

The College offers Football Development Programs for students in Kinder to Year 8.

The year-long program caters for both boys and girls and will be conducted by our Football Director Sonny Makko.

The one-hour sessions are designed to improve the skill level of each individual and suited for all abilities.

Students will be involved in fun activities that develop skills and promote understanding of the game.

Students can enroll in more than one day if preferred. The program runs for 35 weeks.


Information flyers and application forms for the 2018 football development programs have been emailed to all College families.  

Copies are available at the College Reception.


Program details:

Kinder - Year 2 Program                  Monday  3 - 4pm            - FULL - names placed on waiting list

Year 3 - Year 8 Program                  Tuesday 3 - 4pm

Kinder - Year 2 Program                  Wednesday  3 - 4pm     - FULL - names placed on waiting list

Year 2 - Year 6 Program                  Thursday 3 - 4pm          - FULL - names placed on waiting list

K - 6 Girls Only Program                 Friday 3 - 4pm


For further information, please contact Mrs Evans, P-6 Sports Coordinator and TAP Coordinator - [email protected]


Junior School Sport - Term One 2018

Sport for students in Years 3 - 6 occurs every Wednesday during Periods 5 and 6.  Children have the opportunity to participate in the IPSSO teams or the College Sport program. 

IPSSO - Term One Draw

Term 1



Game Time


Girls Soccer


Oz Tag & Softball




St Mary's

12.20 - 2.10


Hoxton Pk Res

Powell Park

Greenway Park




Training - Yr 6 camp

1.00 - 2.20


Hoxton Pk Res

Powell Park

Greenway Park




Training - Yr 5 camp

1.00 - 2.20


Hoxton Pk Res

Powell Park

Greenway Park




St Mark's

12.10 - 2.00


Hammondville Pk

Hammondville Pk

Hammondville Pk

St Mark's school



William Carey

12.30 - 2.20


Hoxton Pk Res

Powell Park

Greenway Park





12.30 - 2.20


Hoxton Pk Res

Powell Park

Greenway Park





12.30 - 2.20


Hoxton Pk Res

Powell Park

Greenway Park




St Mary's

12.10 - 2.00


Hammondville Pk

Hammondville Pk

Hammondville Pk

Australis Park

Students who are not involved in IPSSO teams will participate in the Year 3 -6 College Sports program. 

All sports are taught by qualified coaches and the sport runs for the entire term.  There is no cost associated with the program as is covered by College fees.

Year 3 Boys  Soccer Year 5 Boys Basketball
Year 3 Girls Swimming Year 5 Girls AFL
Year 4 Boys Dance Year 6 Boys Tennis
Year 4 Girls Cricket Year 6 Girls Joey League

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator

Junior School Sport - Information & Important Dates

Important Junior School Sport Dates for Term One

Week 3 -             Thursday 15 February – Year 3-6 Swimming Carnival – Prairiewood Leisure Centre

Week 3 -             Thursday 15 February - Year 1 swimming program starts

Week 3 -             Friday 16 February - Year 2 swimming program starts

Week 5 -             Tuesday 27 February – NASSA Junior Swimming Carnival – Homebush – 4.30 – 7.00pm

Week 7 -             Monday 12 March - NASSA Junior Boys and Girls Soccer Gala Day

Week 8 -             Thursday 22 March – NSW CIS Swimming Carnival – Homebush

Week 11 -           Wednesday 11 and Thursday 12 April – NSWPSSA Swimming - Homebush

Throughout the year, there are also NSW CIS trials for some sports which do not have a Gala Day as an entry path.  If your child plays representative sport in Softball, AFL, Golf, Hockey or Rugby Union please see Mrs Evans to indicate your expression of interest to be nominated for these sports.  Students need to be in Years 5 or 6 and have represented their Association in their sport.  Information regarding CIS trials and sports available is found at; https://cis.aisnsw.edu.au/Pages/default.aspx

PE & Sport

It is advisable that your child has a refillable drink bottle on Sport and PE days to ensure that they are able to re-hydrate after exercise.  A frozen drink is also a great idea.  All children are required to wear the PE cap or College hat for sporting activities.  


Junior School Swimming Carnival

The Junior Swimming Carnival was held on a sunny day at Prairiewood Leisure Centre on Thursday 15 February. 

The day gave all students an opportunity to have a go, with children entering 50m, 25m or novelty events. 

There were some very close races, with many swimmers now attending swimming squad to improve their skills. 

I was most impressed watching the improvement of our Talented Athlete Program swimmers, who have been training hard under the guidance of our new coach Blake Medhurst and Danielle French.  It was great to see spectators cheering their house on. Mrs. Morris and Mrs Brown had lots of fun doing novelty events in the indoor pool.  The relays are always a highlight to finish the day, and the grandstand was alive with cheering and support for the swimmers in the water. 

A big thank you to all the parents who assisted at the carnival, without their support, the carnival would not have been such a success.  I would also like to thank the Secondary PASS students, under the guidance of Mr Kaye, who eagerly assisted on the day.  They did an excellent job encouraging the Juniors and helping where needed. 

Results from the carnival will be published in the next edition of The Way.

Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator

NASSA Junior Basketball

On Monday 12th February, ten boys and ten girls represented the College at the NASSA Basketball Gala day at the Northern Beaches Indoor Sports Centre.

The day provided a wonderful opportunity for students to demonstrate their skills and was a fantastic way to start this year's season.

Both the boys and the girls teams showed excellent sportsmanship and skill and faced some tough competition throughout the day.

Overall the Thomas Hassall girls came out in second place to St Luke’s Grammar School, which was a fantastic achievement.

Well done to both teams, you should be extremely proud of your achievements!

Congratulations to Marley Rhodes and Alexander Spasenovic who were selected to represent NASSA at the CIS Basketball Trials on Friday 23 February.  We wish them all the best as they represent the College.

Mrs Brown and Mr Koski