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Peer Support in the Junior School

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Peer Support is taking place this term in the Junior School. 

Peer Support is taking place this term in the Junior School for Years 1 - 6. 

Peer Support provides students with the opportunity and environment to develop the understanding, attitudes and skills they need to live a safe and healthy lifestyle, realise their potential and contribute positively to society.

The Peer Support Program develops skills in: Maintaining self-esteem; self-awareness; self- confidence; effective communication; decision making; problem solving; assertiveness and conflict resolution

Year 6 is partnering with Year 3 children and they will be exploring the process of conflict resolution.  Year 5 will be working with Year 2 students and looking at three key values: Perseverance; respect and self-control.  Year 4 will be buddies with Year 1 and they are exploring the theme of Friendship. Within this, they will look in particular at two key values imbedded in friendships: Kindness and cooperation/teamwork.  

Kindergarten and Prep will participate in a buddy system next term when they will be working with Years 5 and 6.