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From the Deputy Principal

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From The Deputy Principal (inactive)

Deputy Junior
Mrs Christine Bessant
Deputy Principal
The partnership between home and College is crucial

The first of our Junior School Parent Information Sessions was held yesterday with many parents coming along to learn more about the expectations, themes and processes for the year ahead. It was well attended and the parents heard some vital information for their grade, from camp information to homework expectations and programs that are happening across the College. We also held a community BBQ between the two sessions that was cooked by our wonderful Year 12 leaders. Thanks so much for serving the Junior School in this way.  These sessions will be repeated next week so please put it in your diaries to come along and join us for both the formal information session and also the community BBQ.

The partnership between home and College is crucial for success so a main focus of all sessions was looking at the language we use in the classroom to support positive learning.  We are providing a SHARED LANGUAGE in every classroom and teaching space across P-12. We are striving to enrich students’ educational journey and provide them with a consistent approach towards learning.

We encourage all our community to think of themselves as learners, both teachers and students. We want to look at the behaviours that help students in their learning, gives them ownership and skills to work on. We also want a positive focus on behaviour, we ask questions such as ‘ is what you are doing valuing the learning of others?’ rather than ‘stop being disruptive!’ This encourages the student to reflect on their behaviour, talk about the choices that have been made and identify what needs to change. We want to celebrate their successful engagement with learning and their achievements. Teachers are continually seeking to find opportunities to affirm students when they are demonstrating these desired behaviours and attributes – catch them doing the right thing.

We believe that when students engage with Positive learning it maximises success in learning for all students. Please join us in using the positive language with your child at home.