Term 1 : Friday 2 March 2018

From the Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

We wanted to know more about Thomas Hassall the man.  It was a great time of learning together. 

The idea I used to imagine Thomas Hassall was the image of our grandparents.  All the students have an image of their grandparents don’t they – mostly kind, wise, generous, happy, safe and secure.  Grandparents provide a legacy to their grandchildren. The best legacy provides a positive platform for young people into the future – optimism, confidence and in the case of the Christian grandparents – a platform of faith in the Lord Jesus.

A new book has been released this summer on Thomas Hassall’s granddaughter, Amy Wilkinson.  She became the founder of a school for blind children in China in the late 1800’s.  It’s a lovely story about a grandchild.  I’ve made a few copies available at the front reception if you would like to borrow a copy to read. 

We’ve had some interesting visitors to the College in the last fortnight – educators from around the world - Mr Zhing – the Principal and Founder of the Panyu Zhixu School in China which caters for over 3000 students, Ms Angela Michaels – the Principal and Founder of the Miracle School in Pakistan, which caters for over 600 orphan children from Kindy to Year 12, and we also hosted Senior Staff from the Pacific Hills Christian School here in Sydney. 

Our College Counsellors hosted a very successful networking event for Wellbeing Professionals and Counsellors in the broader Southwest on Thursday. 

It is a vibrant College always.  Class Parents Coordinators have met together and want to engage with families throughout the year.  A family movie night under the stars is planned for Friday 23 March and everyone is welcome.

Thank you for your continued support of all we do.  Please enjoy the pages that follow and don’t hesitate to contact our staff with your questions or comments. 

‘….Your love O Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies…’ Psalm 36:5

Mr Ross Whelan
From the Deputy Principal
Roger Young

Our students are still building their confidence in the pool in terms of representative swimming, but there was a real sense of determination and teamwork on the night with solid swimming across the whole team and a few notable stand outs. One of the most important comments made on the night was expressed by a couple of students from the team who did not necessarily come into medal contention. These words capture the heart of their interaction with me, 'I came to NASSA to swim in three events and I ended up swimming in 6!", "I only got fourth, but I have broken a number of personal best times tonight!”. These comments reflect a willingness to stand up and be counted; to have a go and participate regardless of the outcome and inherent in the comment is a concept that we are promoting across the College community called, ‘growth mindset’. This means that the students had committed to push through trials and tribulations and not be limited by their own doubts or reservations. There were many of our students, who despite not having the speed or natural talent, simply buckled down and had a real go regardless of where they placed. Well done Thomas Hassall NASSA Swimming Teams, I want to congratulate each and every student who took the time and effort to come and represent the College. We are really proud of each one of you.

No matter the activity a student undertakes, our new Student Recognition Scheme (SRS) is designed to ensure that each and every student have their contributions to the life of the College recognised in a positive way. This great new initiative is now underway and has the potential to help us to encourage and inspire students and their journey through life. Please give us constructive feedback as we go; we are aware that we might have to make adjustments to ensure the Student Recognition Scheme is doing what it was designed to do.

Weekend rehearsals for the College Musical , ‘Leader of the Pack’, are now underway and a sense of excitement and anticipation is building from here. If your child is not participating in the Musical we would encourage you to support the community by coming along and being part of the audience. Finally, I am looking forward to the College Movie Night under the Stars on Friday 23 March. This event is being supported by the Class Parent Network and is something that is going to be a family opportunity to have some great entertainment out under the stars.

Mr Roger Young
Deputy Principal - Senior School Student Development
Movie Night Under the Stars - Everyone is Welcome

Bring a blanket, some chairs and the family for a fun whole College Event.  We will be selling food and drinks on the night.  

Please note the event will go ahead rain, hail or shine!

Open Day - 16 March 2018

This day is a great opportunity for anyone considering enrolment to see the College in action. There will an opportunity to visit classrooms, hear from the Principal and ask questions about the College.

Please let your family and friends know and encourage them to register for this event on the College website (http://www.thac.nsw.edu.au/open-day).


Prep and Kindergarten Applications 2019

We are currently taking Applications for our Prep and Kindergarten programs for 2019.  Sibling applications must be in no later than the end of Term 1, Friday 13 April, 2018. Any applications submitted after this date will not guarantee sibling priority.  Please click on the following link to download your application form http://www.thac.nsw.edu.au/application-form  .

Principal's Awards

Well done to all of the recipients. 

Cashier Hours

The College Cashier operates in the Administration Office for parents & students every weekday between 7.30am – 9.30am.

For those unable to attend College during these times payments can also be made at the College Uniform Shop on Wednesday & Friday afternoons between 12noon – 3pm

Remember all College Fees can be paid through the parent portal or via BPAY.

LearningBack to Top

News from the Senior IRC

Game vs Novel - Term 1 Competition

Which is better... the Video Game or its novel?

How similar are game novels to their electronic cousins?

Can a game novel be better than its Video Game?

Borrow and read a video game novel based on a game you have played, and collect and complete a Game VS Novel form to go into the draw to win a fantastic prize!

For more information please see Mrs Comiskey or Mr Smith in the IRC.

Board Games Club in the IRC

Love board games? Want to challenge your friends playing the latest popular games?

The Board Games Club is held in the Senior IRC during lunch time every Monday.

For more information please see Mr Driscoll.


What's new on the shelf?

The world of the corporation has arrived at the IRC!

Vortex - S.J. Kincaid

"The impossible was just the beginning. Now in their second year as superhuman government weapons-in-training at the Pentagonal Spire, Tom Raines and his friends are mid level cadets in the elite combat corps known as the Intrasolar Forces. But as training intensifies and a moment arrives that cold make or break his entire career, Tom's loyalties are again put to the test.

Encouraged to betray his ideals and friendships for the sake of his country, Tom is convinced there must be another way. And he more aware he becomes of the corruption surrounding him, the more determined he becomes to fight it, even if he sabotages his own future in the process.

Drawn into a power struggle more dramatic than he has ever faced before, Tom stays a hyper intelligent step ahead of everyone, like the exceptional gamer he is - or so he believes. But when he learns that he and his friends have unwittingly made the most grievous error imaginable, Tom must find a way to outwit an enemy so nefarious that victory seems hopeless. Will his idealism and bravado cost him everything - and everyone that matters to him?"

Vortex, the second exciting novel in the 'Insignia series' is a gripping, heart stopping thriller that will have you reading well into the night. Written by American science fiction author S.J. Kincaid, Vortex is set in a bleak dystopian future in which the world is run by sinister corporations and where business interests reign supreme even at the expense of human life. Everything is run and controlled by the companies, countries have no power and are just mere puppets, and people who get in the way are simply re-programed.

Returning from the first novel is main protagonist Tom, a young man trying to make his way in this competitive world. Brave and resourceful, as well as fiercely loyal to his friends, he is fascinating character that readers will love and cheer for through his adventures. 

Filled with epic fast paced action, a deep fascinating world and wonderfully diverse characters, Vortex is a fantastic novel that is sure to please all fans of science fiction and dystopia, especially readers who enjoyed either the Hunger Games or Divergent series.

Enter the world of the corporation by borrowing Vortex from the IRC today!

The first novel in the series Insignia is also available for borrowing from the IRC.

Lots of more exciting new books have arrived in the IRC! Make sure to check the new book stand for the all the new titles!

Missing books from 2017

There are many students in Years 8 to 10 who still have Library books from 2017. Students need to return these books to the IRC as soon as possible. If any students require a printed list of their loans please speak to Mrs Comiskey or Mr Smith. Students who do not return their books will be invoiced for a replacement copy.

Information Hunters

Need help finding information for an assignment or exam?

Not sure where to begin or what to look for?

The Library staff are your information hunters!

Mrs Comiskey and Mr Smith are available every lunchtime to show you the hints and tips you need to find the information you are searching for!

Reader of the Month

The Reader of the Month for February will be announced next week! Who will be the first winner? Are you the best reader in Thomas Hassall this month?

Each month a prize is given to the student who borrows and reads the most books. Open to all grades. Borrow a book from the IRC, and start reading today!

Mrs A Comiskey and Mr M Smith
Senior IRC Library Team 

Performing ArtsBack to Top

HICES Debating - Round One

The Middle and Senior Division debating teams of the College made an impressive showing in the first round hosted by Inaburra School on the evening of Tuesday 28 February 2018. 

The following students took part:-

Our Senior Division teams were required to debate each other, so it was always going to be both a loss and a win for our College. Again, both teams performed admirably with another difficult topic.Our Middle Division teams made some highly impressive arguments in favour of a very difficult topic, and though they did not record a win, they made both Inaburra School and Macarthur Anglican College earn their points for the round.

We now looking forward to hosting Round 2 of the HICES Debating Competition on Thursday, 15 March 2018 from 2:35pm to 6:00pm. Students looking to add to their service to the College, including for the purpose of the Student Recognition Scheme, are invited to obtain a permission note for volunteers from Mr Gawthorne in the English & Drama Faculty staff room. Volunteers will be showing students and teachers from other schools around the College, as well as attending debates as audience members.

Mr David Gawthorne
Secondary Teacher - English 



The Hub

Our students showcased a variety of talents and instruments for their fellow friends. Anneliese Luxton sang a beautiful version of Colourblind by Coldplay. Evelyn Kilic and Lucas Lortoto performed some movie themes on the piano, and Miriam Leslie performed on Ukelele, the theme song from Netflix new TV show, ‘Stranger Things’. We also had a guest MC at the HUB this week, Mr Schrack, who brought a great bundle of energy to the event, and gave strong encouragement to all student performers.

Thank you everyone, and well done to all those student performers this week.

Byron Mark
Ensembles Manager

The Duke of Edinburgh Award

The Duke of Edinburgh International Award is a positive and rewarding challenge of self-discovery. By undertaking four core activities (Physical Recreation, Skills, Service and Adventurous Journey) within the Award Framework and regularly working towards individual goals, students (starting at 14 years old) are equipped and empowered to achieve their personal best, take ownership of their own goals and life choices and become actively engaged within their community and workforce. The Award program is one of individual challenge. It presents young people with a program of voluntary activities that encourage personal discovery and growth, self-reliance, perseverance, responsibility and service to the community.

At Thomas Hassall, through access and participation in the Award, students are given the opportunity to explore their potential through growth in character and service to others as Christ is honoured. The Award is a unique opportunity to take part in many activities that would not occur during weekly routines. For example hiking, bush craft and camping events as a part of the Award are one of the most appealing aspects for students. Here they build confidence and resilience, learn to work as a team, and discover the beauty of the Australian bush.

For more information on the Award at Thomas Hassall please contact the Award Leader Niamh Friel ([email protected]) and keep a look out for the Parent Information Night to happen later this term.

For information in general visit the Award’s official website http://www.dukeofed.com.au/.

Senior Drum Circle

This week at the Senior 7-12 assembly, staff and students had the special sonic treat of listening to some West African rhythms performed by our Senior Drum Circle. However, this was a special performance, as they were joined by some very special guest teachers as well, who volunteered to jam along with the students live on stage (with no rehearsal!) This was a great fun activity for everyone involved, and great for our students to see some of our teachers get involved.

Thanks to everyone, and well done to all!

Byron Mark
Ensembles Manager



Encore celebrates the best HSC Music performances from the previous year. Some of our students have shared their thoughts below:

'Encore was an amazing and educational experience for any student but especially for Music 1 and Music 2 students. Encore left me amazed at the abilities of the students from NSW. It showed me the amount of time and effort that goes into performing or composing a piece of work perfectly and preforming it effortlessly. These students showed such amazing stage presence and confidence in their talents that I was blown away. The performers showed so much skill, it was truly astonishing to see. I have taken so much away from this experience and am so grateful to the teachers who supervised this excursion.' Rebecca Good

'​Encore was very insightful for me, as a student doing music 1, I was able to take a lot away from the experience as it showed me performance skills I n​eeded to improve on. Even though many of the instruments were classical or ones I didn’t major in, I was still able to take something away from each them. It was rather interesting to see compositions brought to life also, there were around 4 compositions showed. Some performances I liked, some I didn’t, but overall I retained lots of performance skills that I need to work on myself and ways to use composition to create messages and moods!' - Gemma Navarrete

Mr Nicholas Lane
Acting Creative Arts Coordinator 





On June 30th 2018 a group of students, parents and teachers will again undertake the Kokoda Trek in PNG. As of last year we decided to implement a small ministry of providing Bibles to the people of the Kokoda Track. We distributed 100 Bibles from the Bible League into villages across the track and this year we are aiming to send another 100. How can you help? We are looking for sponsors for each Bible and you are able to purchase one on behalf of someone on the track. The cost is $8 per Bible and you can purchase 1 or 10, it is totally up to you. We also encourage you to write a small message to be put into the Bible. If this is something that you feel is for you, please bring your money in an envelope addressed to Bible4Kokoda. 

God Bless.

Mr Phil Kaye
Kokoda Trip Coordinator 

TVET 2018

Our College has 20 students in 2018 settling into a TAFE College experience one afternoon a week to work towards credentials in a variety of service areas.  We are fortunate this year to have four girls accepted into the start of nursing and two more girls continuing on from last year.  Their feedback so far was enthusiastic. Pyper Campbell for example is very switched on to the fact that even after only a few sessions she has acquired valuable skills in diagnosing whether someone is really sick or not.  All of the girls are eagerly looking forward to further training that will make them valuable in Health Services Assistance.

Brody Moffat said that he is very much at home in the adult atmosphere of TAFE and pleased to get his White Card and equipment ready for construction.  Luke Agar is enjoying Plumbing and the girls doing Hairdressing are very pleased with the training and the friendly, professional way that it is being delivered.  Christian Georgallis is loving the Real Estate training and the dynamics of this TAFE class at Campbelltown.

These students need to make sacrifices to be committed to this but have all have made a good start.  Their families also support them in paying the extra fees and encouraging them to keep going.  If you know a TVET student, perhaps you could share their experience and encourage them too. 

Mr Jim Ward 
Coordinator of TVET


Football Programs for Senior school

2018 Football Development Programs

This program is held Tuesday afternoons, 3pm to 4pm.

The College offers football programs for Secondary students in Years 7 and 8. The year-long program caters for both boys and girls and will be conducted by our football director Sonny Makko.

The one-hour sessions are designed to improve the skill level of each individual and is suited for all abilities. Students will be involved in fun activities that develop skills and promote understanding of the game.  The program runs for 35 weeks.

The 2018 Football Development Program commenced on Tuesday 13 February.

Information flyers and application forms for the 2018 football development programs have been emailed to all College families. Copies are also available at the College office.

For further information, please contacts Mrs Evans, P-6 Sports Coordinator and TAP Coordinator - [email protected]


NASSA Boys Basketball Trials

On Friday 16 February, six students from Thomas Hassall Anglican College trialled for the NASSA Open Boys Basketball Team.

This event consisted of students of all ages from eight different schools, competing to earn their spot in the 12 man team.

Congratulations to Nathan Murdocca, Brock Page, Luke Venardos, Elijah Cruz and Marco Kalik (shadow player) for being selected to represent NASSA at the AICES basketball tournament on Thursday 8 March. 

Talented Athletes Program - Swimming

The TAP Swimming program is designed to identify talented students from Years 3 – 12 and offers an extensive training program to students who have represented Thomas Hassall Anglican College at the NASSA carnival level or above.

In 2018 we are excited to extend the program to include an extra day for students to train. 

Days: Monday, Wednesday and Friday during the College term (except public holidays)
Time:  5.45am - 7.15am
Venue: Whitlam Leisure Centre - 90A Memorial Avenue, Liverpool
Cost: Fees will be charged per term
Transport: Parents are to make their own arrangements to get children to the pool for a 5.45am start. Students will be transported by mini bus to College at the conclusion of the session.

The squad-based sessions will be structured to adopt best practices and will focus on stroke development and correction, developing strength and endurance. 

Sessions will include race preparation, dives and turns.

The TAP Swimming program is offered to all students who competed at the NASSA Junior or NASSA Senior Swimming Carnival. However, if there is a talented swimmer who did not attend the College Swimming Carnival they may be assessed to be part of the program.

If you would like more information about the TAP Swimming program, please contact Mrs Evans [email protected]

Brochures are available at the College Office.


CIS Boys Football Cup - Round 1

On Monday, the THAC First XI Football team took to the pitch for the school’s inaugural match in the Combined Independent Schools (CIS) Cup against Broughton Anglican College at Blacktown Football Park. While the skies looked ominous, the boys seemed up to the challenge, with an intense warm up and a strong pre-match talk from inspirational coach Sonny Makko. The start was energetic and dominant, with the highly fancied THAC boys pressing hard and dominating position. The early nerves settled when Michael Ruhs struck from the far post to put Thomas Hassall ahead on the five minute mark. The goals kept raining for the boys in the first half. The midfield engine of our leonine Captain, Adrian Viggiani and the workhorse, Mandlenkosi Ndlovu set a great platform for our boys to exploit gaps in the defence’s exposed line. Further Goals to Adrian Neoklis, Gabriel Safi and the Captain saw Thomas Hassall take a commanding 4-0 lead at half time. The precipitation started reeking true havoc in the second half, with two awkward concessions from set pieces by Thomas Hassall to give Broughton the sniff of a comeback. Any dreams of glory were short-lived however, as another goal to Michael Ruhs and the tower of power, Stefan Todorovic buried Broughton’s hopes. The match finished 6-2 to Thomas Hassall. The next round of the knockout awaits!

Thank you to John Williams (Manager) and Sonny Makko (Coach) for your support and assistance with the team.

The team now await their opponents for Round 2 coming up shortly.