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On the 19 February, Year 11 and 12 Music students attended the "Encore" concert at the Sydney Opera House

Encore celebrates the best HSC Music performances from the previous year. Some of our students have shared their thoughts below:

'Encore was an amazing and educational experience for any student but especially for Music 1 and Music 2 students. Encore left me amazed at the abilities of the students from NSW. It showed me the amount of time and effort that goes into performing or composing a piece of work perfectly and preforming it effortlessly. These students showed such amazing stage presence and confidence in their talents that I was blown away. The performers showed so much skill, it was truly astonishing to see. I have taken so much away from this experience and am so grateful to the teachers who supervised this excursion.' Rebecca Good

'​Encore was very insightful for me, as a student doing music 1, I was able to take a lot away from the experience as it showed me performance skills I n​eeded to improve on. Even though many of the instruments were classical or ones I didn’t major in, I was still able to take something away from each them. It was rather interesting to see compositions brought to life also, there were around 4 compositions showed. Some performances I liked, some I didn’t, but overall I retained lots of performance skills that I need to work on myself and ways to use composition to create messages and moods!' - Gemma Navarrete

Mr Nicholas Lane
Acting Creative Arts Coordinator