On June 30th 2018 a group of students, parents and teachers will again undertake the Kokoda Trek in PNG. As of last year we decided to implement a small ministry of providing Bibles to the people of the Kokoda Track. We distributed 100 Bibles from the Bible League into villages across the track and this year we are aiming to send another 100. How can you help? We are looking for sponsors for each Bible and you are able to purchase one on behalf of someone on the track. The cost is $8 per Bible and you can purchase 1 or 10, it is totally up to you. We also encourage you to write a small message to be put into the Bible. If this is something that you feel is for you, please bring your money in an envelope addressed to Bible4Kokoda.
God Bless.
Mr Phil Kaye
Kokoda Trip Coordinator