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From the Deputy Principal

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From the Deputy Principal - Senior School Development

Roger Young
Mr Roger Young
Deputy Principal - Senior School Student Development
Thomas Hassall Anglican College had a great night at the NASSA Swimming Carnival on Wednesday night.

Our students are still building their confidence in the pool in terms of representative swimming, but there was a real sense of determination and teamwork on the night with solid swimming across the whole team and a few notable stand outs. One of the most important comments made on the night was expressed by a couple of students from the team who did not necessarily come into medal contention. These words capture the heart of their interaction with me, 'I came to NASSA to swim in three events and I ended up swimming in 6!", "I only got fourth, but I have broken a number of personal best times tonight!”. These comments reflect a willingness to stand up and be counted; to have a go and participate regardless of the outcome and inherent in the comment is a concept that we are promoting across the College community called, ‘growth mindset’. This means that the students had committed to push through trials and tribulations and not be limited by their own doubts or reservations. There were many of our students, who despite not having the speed or natural talent, simply buckled down and had a real go regardless of where they placed. Well done Thomas Hassall NASSA Swimming Teams, I want to congratulate each and every student who took the time and effort to come and represent the College. We are really proud of each one of you.

No matter the activity a student undertakes, our new Student Recognition Scheme (SRS) is designed to ensure that each and every student have their contributions to the life of the College recognised in a positive way. This great new initiative is now underway and has the potential to help us to encourage and inspire students and their journey through life. Please give us constructive feedback as we go; we are aware that we might have to make adjustments to ensure the Student Recognition Scheme is doing what it was designed to do.

Weekend rehearsals for the College Musical , ‘Leader of the Pack’, are now underway and a sense of excitement and anticipation is building from here. If your child is not participating in the Musical we would encourage you to support the community by coming along and being part of the audience. Finally, I am looking forward to the College Movie Night under the Stars on Friday 23 March. This event is being supported by the Class Parent Network and is something that is going to be a family opportunity to have some great entertainment out under the stars.