From the Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

In a stirring assembly, our Graduates enjoyed video memories and a special song from Prep students, which brought tears of joy and memories for Mums and Dads.  Time goes quickly in these growing years. 

Captains Finn Alexander and Rachel Squire recounted the key points of their Senior School years and the Year 12 Music students provided quality entertainment for the gathering.  A special Graduation Certificate and gift was presented to each student and the 44 students who have spent their entire school years at the College from Kindergarten to Year 12 received a special trophy from Mrs Hewson and our State member, NSW Minister for Mental Health, Mrs Tanya Davies. 

Mr Matthew Palmer, our long serving Coordinator of PDHPE gave the Graduation address around the theme of Love, reminding us of it's importance and the impact it has in our world, especially in our ability and capacity to show the love of God.  Mr Palmer sadly will leave the College at the end of the year, to take up a new position as Chaplain and Director of Christian Education at St Paul's Grammar at Cranebrook.  We certainly wish him well and will miss him after such an outstanding contribution to the life of the College.

At the close of Term 3 we do well to reflect on such a significant time in the year and the life of the College.  Not only can we be proud of the achievements of these 127 young people who now step out into such a changing world with optimism and confidence, we also marvel at the achievements and growing success of students in younger years. 

The opening of our new Sporting Complex, named after the WW2 VC winner and namesake of our suburb – Rawdon Middleton VC – was an excellent occasion and we were privileged and thankful for the attendance of His Excellency, the Governor of NSW, Mr David Hurley and Mrs Hurley. The Governor's address is included in this edition of The Way along with a featured article that recently appeared in the Liverpool Champion.

We are looking forward to continued progress during Term 4, which commences for all students on Tuesday 16 October.  Take care as you travel and rest across the break.

Psalm 106:1 - 'Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.'

Mr Ross Whelan
From the Head of Senior School

This week, we have farewelled our Year 12 Class of 2018 as they graduated from Thomas Hassall. This is a special time for our students and their families as they leave the College where they have shared a variety of experiences over many years, making lifelong friends, creating many positive memories and successfully completing 13 years of schooling.

On Wednesday this week, Year 12 spent their last Pastoral Care lesson reading with Kindergarten students. It was a wonderful opportunity for Year 12 to reflect on their school life, remembering what it was like for themselves as they started school. It was a privilege to watch the students engage, interact and have fun with the Kindergarten students. Hopefully they will have fond memories of this experience and remember how much they have grown in their character and strengths throughout their school life. We encourage students to continue to explore their faith and examine the claims of the Gospel.

The book of Jeremiah 29:12-13 says

'Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.'

We thank the Year 12 Class of 2018 for their commitment to their studies and the College throughout the year. They have been ably led by the College Captains, Finn Alexander and Rachel Squire along with all the prefect body. It is wonderful to witness students developing their leadership gifts and using them to serve for the benefit of others. We are proud of each individual student and the year group for all that they have achieved this year. They have shown great determination and resilience throughout the year balancing school, study, work, sport, extra-curricular commitments whilst completing many challenging assessment tasks.

We pray for wisdom for each student as they contemplate their next step in life in 2019. We hope that each student is able to achieve their best in the Higher School Certificate Exams and are able to access their chosen career path in 2019 whether it be at University, TAFE or full time work. We ask that you keep Year 12 and their families in your prayers as students prepare for the HSC Examinations.

Term 4

Years 7-10 should have received their Final Examinations Timetable and Study Guides this week. It is important that students use their time wisely over the holidays to ensure they are well prepared for their examinations. They should be spending some of their time in the holidays writing study notes, memorising them and testing themselves to see if they can recall the information verbally or in the written form. Starting this process early before the exams and repeating it multiple times maximises the chances of retaining concepts and content to long term memory. We desire that all students achieve their best in their examinations and improve on what they have done throughout the year.   

We have changed to the summer uniform in the last 2 weeks of Term 3. All students need to wear a hat at College. If students have damaged or lost their hat, please purchase a new one over the holidays in preparation for Term 4 from Lowes Liverpool. If you have any concerns about your child’s uniform, please discuss this with one of their Year Advisors or Directors of Welfare, Mr Kaye or Mrs Van der Schyff.

Lines of Communication

If you need to contact the College, we would encourage you to use the following lines of communication that will assist you in speaking with the right person to resolve any enquiry/concern you may have as quickly as possible.

I encourage parents to keep the College informed of anything that you feel may impact your child’s performance or behaviour at the College so that we can support and assist them.

'Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.' John 6:35

Mr Hugh Renshaw
Acting Head of Senior School

From the College Chaplain

Kindergarten Visit

Year 12 students visited Kindergarten to say hello and good bye. While there, they read Bible stories and gave Kindergarten a copy of a parable that Jesus told. Some Kindergarten students were overwhelmed with the size of their older counter-parts, but they quickly were put at ease and thoroughly enjoyed the visit.

Prayer Breakfast

Around 30 staff prayed for Year 12 over an early morning breakfast this week that was provided by the wonderful team in Mrs Riitano's Kitchen. Staff prayed that they would finish their time at the College well, that they wouldn't be anxious about the future and trust in the peace of God.

6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7

Principal Mr Ross Whelan, reminded the Year 12 students that it might be a time to restore relationships, restore lost positions and restore books to the library. Year 12 student Sarah Gibbon, encouraged her peers to hold on to God by sharing how she has been supported in doing so by staff and students at the College.  

The Class of 2018 have had a significant impact on the College and they will be sorely missed and fondly remembered. 

Rev Stuart Tye

Graduation 2018

Congratulations to the Class of 2018 who graduated today.  The assembly was a wonderful time to celebrate and reflect on the students' years at the College.  There were many fond memories shared with important and encouraging words from our Principal, Mr Ross Whelan, the Year 12 Year Advisor, Miss Priya Sharma and the College Captains. 

Mr Palmer brought a message on Love from 1 Corinthians 12:31-13:13.  There were also some excellent performances from some of our Year 12 students, including music and dance.  A special part of the Assembly included our Prep students singing an item, 'He's Got the Whole World in His Hands,' and the students left through a Guard of Honour by our Kindergarten students.  It certainly was a very special day for our whole College Community.

We wish our Year 12 students well and we continue to pray for them as they now go on to prepare for their HSC Examinations and wish them well in all their future pursuits.

More news from the Building Opening

"I would also like to pay my respects to the traditional owners of the land on which we gather, the Gandangara (Pron: Gan-DAN-ga-RA) people. This acknowledgement is even more important at this time as Australia has begun to properly acknowledge the service of our Aboriginal people in WW1 and in subsequent years.  

I am honoured to be here for this special day in the life of this College. I am fortunate to have visited this school, named after The Reverend Thomas Hassall, one of the great pioneers of education in New South Wales, once before, back in 2015, when I delivered the Anzac Address.

So Linda and I are very pleased to be back here today for the opening of this new sports facility and oval, fittingly named the Rawdon Middleton VC Sports Complex.

Rawdon Hume Middleton (always called Rawdon by his family and friends but generally known as Ron in the Air Force) was born at Waverley, New South Wales in July 1916, the great nephew of the early Australia explorer Hamilton Hume and a relative of Thomas Hassall, after whom this school is named, through marriage on his grandmother’s side. Educated at Gilgandra and at Dubbo High School, he was a keen sportsman, later working as a jackeroo on Leewong, a station at Yarrabandi, near Parkes, managed by his father, when World War II broke out.  

He enlisted in the RAAF in October 1940, an early beneficiary of the Empire Air Training Scheme, learning to fly at Narromine.  He was posted as a Sergeant pilot to an operational unit, Squadron RAF, flying Short Stirling bombers. He gained more experience as a second pilot and soon became Captain of his own crew.  He was promoted to Flight Sergeant in October 1942.  

On the night of 28-29 November 1942 when flying Stirling GF372, Middleton’s aircraft was on a mission to bomb heavy industry plants in Italy when he was hit by enemy fire.  Even though he was severely wounded with a damaged aircraft and fuel tank he continued flying for hours across the Alps to reach the English coast to save his crew.  When reaching close to the coastline he ordered his crew to parachute to safety.  Five crew members parachuted out.  Two stayed with him.  Middleton then turned the plane towards the English Channel to avoid crashing into land and risking civilian lives. He was killed in action along with two crew members who bailed at the last minute and drowned. Rawdon himself went down with his aircraft. 

Middleton's bravery was recorded in the English press and earned him the admiration of the British public. When the story was reported there were calls for him to be awarded a VC. In the citation it said “While all the crew displayed great heroism of high order, the urge to do so came from Flt Sgt Middleton whose fortitude and strength of will made possible the completion of the mission. His devotion to duty in the face of overwhelming odds is unsurpassed in the annals of the Royal Air Force.” 

His body washed ashore at Shakespeare Beach, Dover on 1 February 1943 and he was buried in the churchyard of St. John's, Beck's Row, Suffolk, with full military honours. Rawdon Middleton had become the first member of the RAAF to be honoured by the award of a Victoria Cross. His father was reported to have said of him that: ‘My son did his duty.’ 

What does Rawdon’s life story tell us? What does it tell us about service?

The often-repeated four words used to describe the spirit of ANZAC are Courage, Endurance, Mateship and Sacrifice. They can be found inscribed on pillars at our war memorial in the Kokoda village in Papua New Guinea. While these words resonate, their abstract nature makes these qualities hard to grasp.

I would like to pass on to our young men and women, here at this College, my interpretation of the Spirit of ANZAC which I offered in my address at the ANZAC Day Dawn Service in 2015:

  • When you give us a job to do we will give it our best shot, whether that results in failure or success; 
  • When we do the job you have asked of us, then we will do it in a manner of which you will be proud; and
  • While we are doing the job we will look after our mates, and especially look after them, and their families if necessary, when the job is done.

As much as Rawdon’s commitment to his duty as pilot in this war was full and fearless, no less was Rawdon’s commitment to his mates and his colleagues, his fellow crew, five of whom would undoubtedly had lost their lives if not for Rawdon’s actions.

It is wonderful that this Complex should be opened in the presence of a number of representatives of the Middleton, Hume and Hassall families today.

It is with great pride that we gather to honour a great Australian, in the opening and naming of this new sports complex, the Rawdon Middleton VC Sports Complex."

You can read more about the day by following the link to a story recently featured in the Liverpool Champion

Term 4 Important Dates

Term 4

Tuesday 16 October 2018 Term 4 Commences
Thursday 18 October 2018 HSC Examinations Commence
Monday  22 October 2018 Year 7 2019 Assessment Afternoon
Wednesday 24 October 2018 Year 12 Class of 2019 - Dedication Service 
Friday 26 October 2018 Prep & Kinder Tabloid Carnival
Thursday 1 November 2018 Prep, Year 1 & 2 Tabloid Carnival
Thursday 8 November 2018 Year 11 Parent Teacher Night
Friday  9 November 2018 Kindergarten Orientation - Existing Prep Students 
Monday 12 November 2018 Mid Term Break - Students Only
Thursday 15 November 2018 Kindergarten Orientation - New Students 2019
Friday 16 November 2018 Years 1-6 Orientation
Friday 23 November 2018 Kindergarten Orientation - All Students 
Wednesday 28 November 2018 Year 6 Dinner 
Wednesday 28 November 2018 Prep Orientation - 3 day program
Thursday 29 November 2018 Prep Orientation - 2 day program
Wednesday 5 December 2018 Junior School Celebration
Thursday 6 December 2018 Senior School Celebration
Friday 7 December 2018 Last Day of Term 4
New Careers Website for Thomas Hassall

Either by pressing the relevant Canvas button or going directly to students can open up Careers Central.  It is packed with important job search and training information and also provides access to our weekly Careers Newsletter from Job Jump.

Mr Steve Moynan has been working with Careers Advisor Mr Jim Ward to create the Careers site.  It is a delight to use for everything is very clearly laid out and the coverage is most comprehensive as an introductory search area.  It is closely linked with our in depth Careers Site - Job Jump, which all students and parents can join, that provides more in depth and specific information and real time course and job data transfer to participant emails.  There is a connect button to Job Jump from Careers Central.   Thus the two sites will work very well together to assist students, parents and teachers to quickly access definitive Careers information.

One important feature of Careers Central are the well known Job Bullseyes for different subject areas.  The varied job suggestions of these ones, however, are all hyperlinked and take the searcher to relevant government information sites concerning those Careers. Just searching these opens up many possibilities for students.

Another area of Career Central opens up all the HSC, ATAR  and UAC information a senior student might need.  Just reviewing this provides an excellent checklist of important things concerning which  our Year 12 students need to be conversant.

Students interested in apprenticeships and relevant TAFE and trade requirements will also find Careers Central very useful as there is much information concerning alternative Career Paths and how to access them.

Careers Central also contains scholarship information and ideas of how to finance tertiary study.  This is valuable to review as well.

A big thank you to Mr Steve Moynan who has instigated this.   Both Mr Moynan and Careers Advisor Mr Ward are very pleased with the new site and thoroughly recommend it to all in our community.  Please explore it and utilize its wealth of information to assist Career Search functions.

Mr Jim Ward
Careers Advisor

Toy Making fun - Year 10 Child Studies Visited Year 2

On Wednesday 26 September, Year 10 Child Studies students visited 2E for a morning of craft activities. The older students were an absolute delight to have in our class and the younger children loved making the craft activities, which were very imaginative. 

Mrs Ellerman (their teacher) commented that she was impressed with the way the Year 2 students embraced any challenges they encountered while doing the activities and were extremely engaged.


Mrs Emma Harris
Junior School Stage Coordinator 

2018 Government Collection Notice


Department of Education and Training
Collections Notice 2018

Due to the changes in the way the non-government schools are going to receive its funding, the 2018 Student Residential Address Collection and Other Information Collection is slightly different this year.

Please follow the link to the Collection Notice from the government and frequently asked questions.

Collections Notice & FAQs

If you have any questions regarding this, please contact me via the front office

Rebecca Clarke
Business Manager

EventsBack to Top

Senior Musicians at Berry Jazz Festival

Lachlan S, Liam P, Matthew S and Pierson F started jamming together on Tuesday lunchtimes, and now have a healthy repertoire of music under their belt, including some original compositions from members of the band. This will be their first performance outside of College and the boys are very excited to perform in the lovely town of Berry at this jazz festival.

This is a FREE event, and is in the middle of the holidays, on Saturday 6 October. They would love to see some familiar faces in the audience at their debut public gig.

We wish them all the best – and well done boys for coming this far already!

Mr Byron Mark
Manager of Ensembles

WellbeingBack to Top

Parenting and Cybersafety

Surviving Yr 12_promo_3x2_1.jpg

Parent and Child
Jointly engaging online

Technology has been with us for more than 20 years and good parenting demands that we are informed of what is happening in our children’s online worlds too. We have to guide our children about the significance of their digital footprint, that the things they post are permanent and highlight the dangers in cyberspace.

Just this week, I received an article from Safe on Social, highlighting a new App that I believe is very dangerous for our children. Melon is the latest app being introduced to young people and parents really need to know about. My understanding is that it is connecting users with new people based on social media friends and offers private messaging, video chat, and a people search feature.

According to Safe on Social, it’s gaining popularity in Australia, whilst being featured in articles across the world that are calling it out for the frequency of cyberbullying, and the high concentration of men looking for girls that will do whatever they ask on camera. This again highlights why we constantly encourage you to set boundaries on devices in bedrooms. If they really have to use their devices in their rooms, ensure the doors are open and put a curfew in place.

In conclusion I wanted to highlight that parents need to note that although the App is free to download, it does start asking users to pay when they use filters. It is clear that this site is not a recommended site for school aged students. I encourage you to check which apps you children are using, but do not introduce them to it by asking specifically about it.

If you want more support or information about Social Media and Digital Reputation, click on this link:

Mrs Jacoline Petersen
Director of Student Counselling


Sourced from Safe on Social and SchoolTV

LearningBack to Top

News from the Senior IRC

The long lost riddles of the Ancient Library of Alexandria have now been solved! Sarah K (Year 12) successfully solved the most riddles.  Congratulations! Sarah has won a $30 movie voucher. 

Annika G and Konstantina O (Both Year 7) were the two runners up. Annika and Konstantina have both won a book of their choice. Thank you to all the students who participated in this competition.

Book in a Jar Competition
The Book in Jar competition for 2018 is now over. Eight students were successfully able to name all five of the books found in the five jars. This year’s winners were Sebastian A (Year 9), Joseph A (Year 9), Benjamin W (Year 9), Krystal G (Year 10), Jessica W (Year 11), Caleb C (Year 11), Zachariah I (Year 11) and Sarah K (Year 12).

Thank you to all students who participated in this year’s competition. Keep an out in 2019, the Books in the Jars will be coming back!

Year 12 Library Loans
Year 12 students will need to return all of their Library loans before they sign out of the College after the HSC exams. Students who have lost books will be invoiced for a replacement copy. Any students who require a list of their loans need to speak to Mrs Comiskey or Mr Smith.

Stocktake 2018
This year’s Library Stocktake will be starting on Monday 5th November. All students will need to have returned all of their Library loans no later than Friday 2 November. Any students who require a list of their loans need to speak to Mrs Comiskey or Mr Smith.

Library closed for HSC
Due to the HSC examinations, the IRC will be closed at lunchtime during Weeks 1 to 3 next term. Senior students (Years 10-12) needing to study will still be able to access the Library during this time. For more information please speak to Mrs Comiskey or Mr Smith.

What’s new on the Shelf?
Travel back to the American War of Independence with this great book by Bernard Cornwell.
The Fort – Bernard Cornwell

“Summer 1779.
Seven hundred and fifty British soldiers and three small ships of the Royal Navy. Their orders: to build a fort above a harbour to create a base from which to control the New England seaboard. Forty-one American ships and over nine hundred men. Their orders: to expel the British. The battle that followed was a classic example of how the best-laid plans can be disrupted by personality and politics, and of how warfare can bring out both the best and worst in men. It is a timeless tale of men at war, written by a master storyteller.”

‘The Fort’ written by veteran historical fiction author Bernard Cornwell is an exciting and dramatic story based on a mostly unknown battle of the American War of Independence, the Penobscot Expedition of 1779. Action packed and suspenseful, this is a novel that not only depicts the horrors of war, but also the great bravery and heroism that people can display during terrible circumstances.  Author Bernard Cornwell brings this period of history to life with great detail of what life was like in 18th Century America, as well as extensive characterization of both imaginary characters and real life figures such as Sir John Moore and revolutionary icon Paul Revere. Cornwell also objectively portrays both sides of this famous conflict, giving readers a balanced insight of both the good and the bad of the British and the new American Republic. This a fantastic story that will be enjoyed by all fans of history and historical fiction. One side fights for independence, the other for King and Country, make sure you come into the Library and borrow this great new addition to the IRC!

Lots more great historical novels have just arrived in the IRC, travel back in time today!

Mrs Annette Comiskey & Mr Michael Smith
Senior IRC Library Team

Performing ArtsBack to Top

Intermediate Concert Band Dress-Up Concert

This is a small and fun afternoon concert where students perform for their parents before they are picked up from their normal rehearsals.

This year, the dress theme was “Olympians/sports/athletes”, as one of the recent pieces they have finished learning is “Olympic Fanfare and Theme”, which was the official theme song at the Opening Ceremony at the 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles.  This has been a famous piece of music for bands to perform all around the world ever since.

The band performed very well, and had lots of fun dressing up. The best dressed awards this year went to Chelsea S (who dressed as a figure skater!) and Domenic L (dressed as an Oz-Tag player).

Well done for everyone for embracing the team spirit on this special day.

Mr Byron Mark
Manager of Ensembles

Senior Stage Band

This is a very prestigious festival, and we are very happy to have been selected to perform on the ‘Stars of the Future’ stage for the fourth year in a row now.

Our band needs to audition to be selected into this event, and they are excited to be performing there again this year. Their set is from 12 noon till 12.50pm.

The Manly Jazz Festival is FREE, and it would be great to see some of our College community there to support our band students.  It's also a great day out with the family to enjoy lots of professional live entertainment and festive atmospheres.

Hope to see some of you there!

Mr Byron Mark
Manager of Ensembles

AICES Athletics

On Friday 14 September, 9 students represented Thomas Hassall at the AICES Athletics Carnival.This is an amazing achievement as there were 105 schools across NSW present. It is with great pleasure to inform you that 4 students made it through to CIS (Combined Independents Schools) athletics which was held on Tuesday 25 September. This is the highest level of school representative sport.

Congratulations to the following students on their outstanding achievement:

Christian G

  • 1st in 12-17 years 100m Para Athlete
  • 1st in 12-17 years 200m Para Athlete

Michael R

  • 2nd in 16 years 800m

Rachel S

  • 1st in 18-19 girls 800m
  • 2nd in 18-19 girls 1500m

Wiremu T

  • 1st in 14 boys discus
  • 2nd in 14 boys javelin

Congratulations also goes to Isabella V, Cynthia N, Monson A, Clarissa B and Gabriel S who all placed in the top 5 of their event.

Some of these students were asked to attend the carnival the day before, to replace injured students. This shows a great willingness to step up and represent the College.

Miss Lisa Close
Senior School Coordinator 

CIS Athletics Carnival

On Tuesday 25th September, four students represented the College at CIS Athletics Carnival at Sydney Olympic Park. This is the highest level of representative sport at a school level.

Congratulations to the following students on their outstanding effort and result:

Rachel Squire (Year 12): 4th in the 800m and beat her PB by 2 seconds. 2nd in the 1500m, beating her PB by a massive 12 seconds.

Christian Georgalis (Year 11): 1st in 100m and 200m para athlete events

Michael Ruhs (Year 10): 6th in 800m

Wiremu Taylor (Year 8): 3rd in discus and 5th in javelin

Talented Athletes Program - Swimming

The TAP Swimming program is designed to identify talented students from Years 3 – 12 and offers an extensive training program to students who have represented Thomas Hassall Anglican College at the NASSA carnival level or above.

In 2018 we extended the program to include an extra day for students to train. 

Days: Monday, Wednesday and Friday during the College term (except public holidays)
Time:  5.45am - 7.15am
Venue: Whitlam Leisure Centre - 90A Memorial Avenue, Liverpool
Cost: Fees will be charged per term
Transport: Parents are to make their own arrangements to get children to the pool for a 5.45am start. Students will be transported by mini bus to College at the conclusion of the session.

The squad-based sessions will be structured to adopt best practices and will focus on stroke development and correction, developing strength and endurance. 

Sessions will include race preparation, dives and turns.

The TAP Swimming program is offered to all students who competed at the NASSA Junior or NASSA Senior Swimming Carnival. However, if there is a talented swimmer who did not attend the College Swimming Carnival they may be assessed to be part of the program.

If you would like more information about the TAP Swimming program, please contact Mrs Evans [email protected]

Brochures are available at the College Office.


2019 - 15 years and under Secondary Boys Football program

Trials were held on Tuesday 25 September for the 2019 - 15 years and Under Secondary Boys Football Program.

All boys who are enrolled in the Secondary School in 2019 and are 15 years and under are eligible to trial for the program.  Current Year 6 boys wishing to join the program are also eligible to trial as they will be in Senior School next year.

If your son was unable to attend the trial or is interested in a position in the program please complete the attached flyer and return to Mrs Evans via email [email protected] 

Paper copies of the application form are available at Student Reception.

The 2019 program commences in Term 4, 2018 and continues into Terms 1, 2 and 3, 2019.


Term 3 MISA Results

This term the competition included soccer, netball, oz tag, volleyball and rugby league. Each team trained once a week to enhance their skills and develop strategies to work effectively as a group. Overall, it was a successful term in the competition. Congratulations to all students who represented the College with great pride.

The grand final of the Year 10-12 boys volleyball competition was held in the new Rawdon Middleton VC Sports complex. This was an afternoon to display the team’s hard work and determination to be overall champions, despite finishing in second place after the round game competition. The team received support from their fellow peers who sat and cheered in the grandstand. After 40 minutes, the scores were tied at 1 set all and it came down to the final set. With a poor start, the game seemed over when the Thomas Hassall team was down 22-9 in the final set. With great grit and determination, the Year 10-12 boys volleyball team worked courageously to come back from a large deficit to win 25-22 and win the overall competition. What a mighty victory and fitting end as the majority of the team consisted of Year 12 students.

A big thank you to the following teachers who train and coach their team each week; Mr. Wee, Mr. Newmarch, Miss Hanna, Miss Mugridge, Mr. Driscoll, Mr. Makko, Mrs Driscoll, Mr. Nguyen, Mr. Tran, Miss Friel, Mr. Strong, Mrs Howard, Mr. Schrack, Mrs Renshaw, Mrs Low, Mr. Tye and Mr. Williams.

MISA Term 3 overall results

10-12 Boys Volleyball: 1st place

Year 8 Boys Soccer: 1st place

10-12 Girls Volleyball: 3rd place

Year 7 Girls Netball: 3rd place

Year 7 Boys Soccer: 3rd place

U15’s Rugby League: 5th place

Year 8 Girls Netball: 5th place

Year 8/9 Boys Oz Tag: 5th place

Year 8/9 Girls Oz Tag: 5th place

Year 9-12 Girls Soccer: 6th place

Miss Lisa Close
Secondary Sports Coordinator 

CommunityBack to Top

AFL 9's Greenway Park Mixed Comp

Where : Greenway Park, West Hoxton

If kids sign up and mention they are from Thomas Hassall, the AFL will waiver the entry fee.

Register at

For more information click the link