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New Careers Website for Thomas Hassall

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Careers Central, the new Thomas Hassall Anglican College Careers Web site has just been launched and specifically introduced to students in Years 10,11 and 12, although all in the College community can access it.

Either by pressing the relevant Canvas button or going directly to students can open up Careers Central.  It is packed with important job search and training information and also provides access to our weekly Careers Newsletter from Job Jump.

Mr Steve Moynan has been working with Careers Advisor Mr Jim Ward to create the Careers site.  It is a delight to use for everything is very clearly laid out and the coverage is most comprehensive as an introductory search area.  It is closely linked with our in depth Careers Site - Job Jump, which all students and parents can join, that provides more in depth and specific information and real time course and job data transfer to participant emails.  There is a connect button to Job Jump from Careers Central.   Thus the two sites will work very well together to assist students, parents and teachers to quickly access definitive Careers information.

One important feature of Careers Central are the well known Job Bullseyes for different subject areas.  The varied job suggestions of these ones, however, are all hyperlinked and take the searcher to relevant government information sites concerning those Careers. Just searching these opens up many possibilities for students.

Another area of Career Central opens up all the HSC, ATAR  and UAC information a senior student might need.  Just reviewing this provides an excellent checklist of important things concerning which  our Year 12 students need to be conversant.

Students interested in apprenticeships and relevant TAFE and trade requirements will also find Careers Central very useful as there is much information concerning alternative Career Paths and how to access them.

Careers Central also contains scholarship information and ideas of how to finance tertiary study.  This is valuable to review as well.

A big thank you to Mr Steve Moynan who has instigated this.   Both Mr Moynan and Careers Advisor Mr Ward are very pleased with the new site and thoroughly recommend it to all in our community.  Please explore it and utilize its wealth of information to assist Career Search functions.

Mr Jim Ward
Careers Advisor