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From the Principal

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From the Principal

Principal Ross Whelan
Mr Ross Whelan
Today our 127 Year 12 students graduated in a ceremony attended by over 500 parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters.

In a stirring assembly, our Graduates enjoyed video memories and a special song from Prep students, which brought tears of joy and memories for Mums and Dads.  Time goes quickly in these growing years. 

Captains Finn Alexander and Rachel Squire recounted the key points of their Senior School years and the Year 12 Music students provided quality entertainment for the gathering.  A special Graduation Certificate and gift was presented to each student and the 44 students who have spent their entire school years at the College from Kindergarten to Year 12 received a special trophy from Mrs Hewson and our State member, NSW Minister for Mental Health, Mrs Tanya Davies. 

Mr Matthew Palmer, our long serving Coordinator of PDHPE gave the Graduation address around the theme of Love, reminding us of it's importance and the impact it has in our world, especially in our ability and capacity to show the love of God.  Mr Palmer sadly will leave the College at the end of the year, to take up a new position as Chaplain and Director of Christian Education at St Paul's Grammar at Cranebrook.  We certainly wish him well and will miss him after such an outstanding contribution to the life of the College.

At the close of Term 3 we do well to reflect on such a significant time in the year and the life of the College.  Not only can we be proud of the achievements of these 127 young people who now step out into such a changing world with optimism and confidence, we also marvel at the achievements and growing success of students in younger years. 

The opening of our new Sporting Complex, named after the WW2 VC winner and namesake of our suburb – Rawdon Middleton VC – was an excellent occasion and we were privileged and thankful for the attendance of His Excellency, the Governor of NSW, Mr David Hurley and Mrs Hurley. The Governor's address is included in this edition of The Way along with a featured article that recently appeared in the Liverpool Champion.

We are looking forward to continued progress during Term 4, which commences for all students on Tuesday 16 October.  Take care as you travel and rest across the break.

Psalm 106:1 - 'Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.'