Our Year 12 Class of 2023 Student Leaders have been hard at work this Term actioning their focus portfolios.
Here is an update from them
Chapel Christmas Service
On the Monday of Week 8, myself and a group of other prefects had the task of leading a Christmas service for the whole of the Senior School. I imagine that any student who attended would say that it was a huge success! The theme of the afternoon was ‘better to give than receive', and Rev. Oliver shared some wisdom on what it meant for the Lord to send his own precious and unique son down to earth as a sacrifice to pave our way to eternal life. The service also involved a range of student features in the form of musical items, ranging from as young as Year 4 all the way to Year 12. Overall, it was a great event that helped to unite the students of Thomas Hassall and prepare us for the message of Christmas.
Another special thanks to all the staff, students and AV team involved for helping this service run as smoothly and successfully as it did.
- Ethan O

Relay For Life
On the 19th November, myself and a few other students, parents and teachers were involved in the ‘Fairfield Relay for Life’ where we walked for 12 hours, raising funds for the Cancer Council to support cancer research and treatment. This event allowed individuals from all communities to come together to celebrate cancer survivors and carers as well as remembering those that we’ve lost in the evening’s candlelight Ceremony of Hope.
During this event, our team members walked over 100km collectively and we were able to successfully raise close to $8000 for this cause. Hosting many fun activities such as open mic hour, box car races, the copious amounts of laughter and support from not only our own team members, but also other people in the community, the event facilitated great memories and an incredible sense of achievement for everyone involved.
I want to give a massive thank you to all the people who came to support us on the day and those who were able to donate to this wonderful cause. Without you, the tremendous success of this event would not have been possible.
‘Relay for Life’ was such an incredible event, raising awareness and funds for a powerful cause. Even with only a small team we were able to make a significant impact. Imagine what we could achieve and who we could help if we came together as a college community to support more events like these.
- Eliana S

Christmas Cards
On Tuesday the 22nd of November , A group of 4 Year 12 student leaders headed down to Year 6 to participate and run a small activity to show compassion for others in need.
Harrison, Holly, Destiny and Mehak ran a workshop with the Year 6 2022 cohort to design and write Christmas cards for the College’s Compassion children, miracle schools and Thomas Hassall buddies.
This was an extremely fun and beneficial activity that allowed the children to participate and learn more about community culture and the start of the 2023 student leaders vision of looking at social justice on a larger scale.
Thank you to those who participated!
- Holly F
Jersey Day
On Friday 25 November, students from Prep to Year 12 along with staff came together to celebrate the World Cup with Jersey Day.
The College saw a wide variety of jerseys, coming from many different teams, sports, and countries across the world. Each student brought a gold coin donation which contributed to the Australian Red Cross Flood Appeal in order to help those in need. This initiative was co-ordinated by our Sport Captains Cynthia and Joe with assistance from the prefect team and staff.
Jersey Day was a great way to enforce the College culture and promote inclusivity. Participation for this event was outstanding and saw an improvement in student engagement within the College!
- Charlotte S