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From the Deputy Principal - Senior School Learning

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From the Deputy Principal - Senior School Learning

David Butler
Mr David Butler
Deputy Principal - Senior School Learning

Reading through countless reports that outline the progress and performance of our students has once again been an uplifting experience.

So many students have rebounded well from the disruption of years past to get back on track and take responsibility for their learning and attitude. Students here aspire to make a meaningful contribution towards the Thomas Hassall community and broader society. I am heartened by the abundant generosity that can be seen through the Sadlier hamper and Toys n Tucker programs to help those in our local area experiencing hardship.

I am thankful to the graduating class of 2022 for setting an example in many ways for what it means to care for one another, to work with College staff to try to achieve their best and to lead the students here by example. Shortly they will have their HSC results awarded to them and make final decisions about the further training, education and vocations they will undertake. It is our prayer that they would seek the Lord’s guidance for this next step and in their post-school lives.

Thank you to the wonderful staff of Thomas Hassall Anglican College for the hard work, passion and expertise you have brought to your roles here this year. Serving the families of this College through your work here whether it is in the classroom, in the offices or in the College grounds, your efforts are greatly appreciated.

As we head into the Christmas holiday break, I pray that it will be a meaningful one for you and your family. I hope you get to enjoy some well-earned down time to connect with each other and enjoy the season. Have a safe and merry Christmas!