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From the Deputy Principal - Head of Junior School

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From the Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School

Sandy Wheeler
Mrs Sandy Wheeler
Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School

What a year it has been at the College and also in the Junior School this year.

In just the last week, we hosted our first-ever Prep Celebration event. This is a special opportunity where family and friends gathered to celebrate the milestone for completing their first year in Pre-Kinder. We are looking forward to celebrating Kindergarten to Year 6 achievements at our Junior School Celebration events taking place tomorrow. You can watch these events online.

There were lots of fun and colourful costumes on Friday for our Junior School Christmas mufti day! Thank you to everyone who got into the spirit of Christmas and made donations. The money raised is being sent to our Compassion Sponsor Child. In Week 7, students had another opportunity to dress up in a Jersey in recognition of the FIFA World Cup. The money raised from this event was donated to the Red Cross Flood Appeal.

Christmas Mufti

Our Year 6 students have had a great few weeks to celebrate the completion of their time in Junior School. Last Wednesday, they had their Year 6 Dinner at the College. This was a tremendous event where they gathered as a cohort to enjoy a meal cooked by our MRK staff, gelato and fairy floss, as well as enjoying time in the photo booth and on the dance floor. On Friday they enjoyed a special day out at Aquatopia together. We pray for this cohort as they take the step into Senior School next year, that it will be a smooth transition.

As we look forward to 2023, the class groups for students will soon be made available to parents. Great care is taken in forming these classes, ensuring the best decision for learning. While students may not be with all their friends, there is still opportunities to mix with other students during break times and Year-wide activities. Thank you for your support of these decisions.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank the following staff for their hardwork and dedication during their service at the College, they will be finishing up at the end of the Term: Ruth Glendinning, Tim Koski and Beverly Chan. We would also like to welcome our new staff for 2023: Austin Buckley, Danica Potgeiter and Pamela Broadstock. We are excited to welcome these new teachers on staff and look forward to our families having the opportunity to meet them early next year.

Thank you for a great 2022. Please have a safe and enjoyable break. See you in 2023!