The Way Weekly Update I Friday 23 July 2021

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From the Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

As the COVID event continues we are working hard at the College to enhance the Blended Learning Online experience; to encourage our young people to maintain a balance in their engagement between online and physical environments, and to continue to offer support where needed. We welcome your questions and feedback. Given the pace of the transmission of the virus, and the issues of managing policy and strategy, we expect the Premier to be making a new announcement about the lockdown early next week. We are pleased that the staff at the College are now receiving their Pfizer vaccinations as part of the priority program for education staff in the south-west.

It is pleasing to see the positivity in our College community in the middle of this event! Parent Teacher evening was held last night for families of Year 7 & 9 students, with many encouraging messages received.  A similar evening for Years 8 & 10 students will be held next Thursday.  Year 12 students came together earlier this week for a group zoom to hear the latest information regarding HSC changes, including that Trial exams needed to be pushed back, and that the State Authority NESA will be able to assist schools and individual students who are disadvantaged at this time.  More information will be on hand next week, and families are able to keep in touch with the latest news by searching the NESA website .

Junior School students and staff held a Pyjama Day online event today, to support those who are living in foster care which was a great event.  You will find an update in today’s edition with some fun photos. Thanks so much to the organisers.

Let’s continue to encourage our community engagement. Please send through some photos of online learning for us to share in The Way and on our social media sites. Would you be interested in a College trivia night online, or another event that can capture a sense of engagement and encouragement for one another during this time? Staff are participating in a MasterChef event online as well – which will certainly test us all.  Send any photos, ideas or even some encouragement to [email protected].  

In this week's edition, we also have a new feature article from our MRK Staff called Cook with MRK. They will be presenting a recipe each week to motivate you at home. Be sure to check it out and send us any photos too of your attempts and creations. Well done to the MRK Team for continuing to inspire us even online with their food ideas.  

And in a very positive distraction from COVID, the 2020 Olympic Games in 2021 has started in Japan, and the Opening Ceremony takes place tonight. What a joy it will be to celebrate the success of the Australian and other elite athletes.  Mrs Sharon Evans has contributed an article today and we are also encouraging families to show how you are all enjoying this significant event. Many of our young people will be excited at the prospect of attending the games when they are held in Brisbane in 2032.

Thank you again at this time for your consideration and understanding and goodwill. It is a critical time in the community, so please take extra care of those around us.

‘…but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not grow faint’.  Isaiah 40:31

Ross Whelan

Mr Ross Whelan
From the Deputy Principal - Senior School Development
Roger Young

Thanks for the way in which each of you have been doing your bit to make life manageable at a time that we really are being tested out as a community.

As leaders we have had to adjust quickly to change and ensure that our responses have been carefully considered and well communicated. Where we have not done this as well as we might then I apologise in advance and want to ensure you that we will respond to any of the concerns raised as best that we can or the more particular need that you might have.

A big concern for teachers and College Staff is the way in which students have managed their progress in Blended Learning. Of course, there are some students who really enjoy the change, while for others the whole isolation thing is a real struggle.

Here are some anonymous responses from students across the Senior School.

Student #1: "Blended learning has been okay! A positive thing about blended learning is that I can actually focus on my work more by staying in my room and not getting distracted by talking with my friends etc. it is just that because of lockdown and these restrictions I can't talk with all my friends that I usually do at recess or lunch or even during classes.  I have started to go for more walks around the area of where my house is and I have been exercising more by doing cardio related workouts. Being active and healthy makes me feel better about myself."

Student #2: "Blended learning has been really hard for me to deal with, I am a very social person and I like to be around my friends, but because of the restrictions I have been inside my house for so long and I think that I spend too much time alone in my room and not being social or active. Lately I have tried to be more active by riding my bike, going for walks, playing basketball and more! Being active makes me feel better and helps me stay occupied."

Student #3: "Blended learning is going well for me. I have made a timeline on what to do and when to do it and I always seems to finish my work that teachers send me. The only times my work schedule goes bad is when a teacher sends a lot of work to do, but I manage to do it in the end. I enjoy being on zooms and talking to someone other than just my family and being able to help my friends when I can.

Student #4: "Blended learning for me has been alright, some good things are that you can work at your own pace and work how you want to with minimal distractions and the bad things are that you aren't getting the same level of educational progression as being at school, also the social aspect with friends and teachers is challenging."

Student #5: "Blended Learning is good at the moment. It seems more efficient than last year. The good thing about Blended Learning is the fact that you can take a bit more time to make sure work is done. Some of the disadvantages are the fact that you aren't getting the same understanding of the work you need to do, without the teacher right there in front of you.  The advantages though include the fact that being at home, you have any food option for lunch time, most of the work is doable, you can always email teachers if you need a question or help, & you can take the time to work at your own pace."

These responses are all different and yet there are many similarities. For the parents reading this it might be good to have a discussion around some of the positives and negatives for your own child’s experience in the Blended Learning format. It would also be useful to have a read of the wellbeing article prepared by Mr McCormack.  There is some very useful suggestions made in this article that should assist you in supporting your child and indeed the whole family.

Please take care as we go into the weekend.

Mr Roger Young
Deputy Principal - Senior School Student Development
From the Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School
Luke Sale

I am writing this to you at the end of Week 2 of Blended Learning Online.

I hope that things are going well with your family and that you are navigating the lockdown. I wanted to bring an encouraging message to you about the progress of staff and students. 

Firstly, I wanted to highlight Pyjama day and the amazing uptake of students of that event. While holding an event like Pyjama day will present some challenges, we are really encouraging students to take the opportunity to think about people in need at this time. You can see what some of our students got up to in the article below.

To continue the fun, next Friday we will celebrate Green and Gold Day. This could be an opportunity for families to show their support for Australian Athletes participating in the Olympic Games. Please share with us what that looks like for your family by emailing [email protected]

There is such excellent and thought-provoking work happening around the Junior School at the moment. Some examples of this include:

  • Prep students making a musical instrument out of recycled materials and then singing a song that demonstrates their creative and critical thinking skills
  • Students in Kindergarten giving a scientific description of how things move
  • Year 6 answering the questions: Why can understanding your identity be so confusing in this world and explaining how knowing you’re a child of God is so comforting! One student even answered question one by saying that 'social media makes us feel so insecure even though we are actually totally fine.'

I wanted to sign off by saying hang in there, we are all in this together!

Mr Luke Sale
Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School
From the Assistant Chaplain

I am not handy at all.

If something in the house is broken I know the smartest thing to do is call the right person for the job. This lesson wasn’t an easy lesson to learn. A few years ago, I noticed that my pool was leaking. The grass was soggy around the pool and the water level was rapidly decreasing. So being a typical 30-year-old man, I tried to find the leak myself; that was my first mistake. After hours of digging and cutting concrete in search of a leak, I discovered that I have made the situation much worse. I knew it was time to call the right person for the job.

I’m sure many of us can relate to this story. We try to fix things ourselves without getting the proper help we need. It is the same for our everyday life, isn’t it? We so often forget that God is in control of all things. Sometimes when life gets hard, we try to go about fixing it all on our own. I want to encourage you to call the right man for the job.

In Romans 8:28 it says: 'And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.'

I want to encourage you all to ask God for help when life is hard. He is in control of all things and loves you more than you can imagine. Pray to God and God will listen. God is the right person for the job. He will help you and comfort you in tough times.

Mr Matthew Richards
Assistant Chaplain
From the Senior School Director of Wellbeing

First and foremost, let me say – How are you?

How is your family and those you care about? We hope that you are travelling well in what are trying times. We hope your children our managing this time in the best way possible and seeking to continue to learn and grow during this time.

We find ourselves again in somewhat familiar territory, don’t we! It was only a year ago that our community was bunkered down in lockdown, restrictions here and there and everywhere and the ‘stay at home’ mantra was the message of the day. This time though, it has perhaps hit even harder in our community of the Southwest.

I am both challenged and encouraged by the words of our Principal and our Chaplain in recent days, who have shared with staff, messages of hope, faith and trust in our Lord Jesus and that we do very well to remember in these times the anchors we have in our lives. It was only Wednesday that Denis Oliver (College Chaplain) encouraged the staff about the importance of maintaining Connection. That we are indeed created for connection (Genesis 2:18 ) and it is not good for us to be alone! Furthermore, he challenged us to make sure that we proactively connect with others, and of course that we are in connection and relationship with God through Jesus Christ, our Saviour. What the scripture has taught us for generations is affirmed in the modern study of human behaviour and the science of wellbeing – we need to be in relationships and connect with others…a building block of positive and healthy wellbeing!

Building from this, I would like to suggest to you 5 key principles that we can encourage and foster positive and healthy wellbeing for you and your children at this time. These 5 principles really encourage us to build some daily habits, to intentionally be proactive in these areas. They are:

Connect – Connect with people every day. In your home, on the phone, through group chats and zoom. Ring or message someone else to check in on them, to just say hello. Make it a daily habit to connect with at least one other person, apart from those in your home and have a conversation.

Be Active – At least once a day, head out for some physical activity. Try to do this for at least 30-40 minutes. Walk the dog, go for a walk or jog, jump on the bike, do some dancing – it doesn’t really matter which one you go for, but we need to get moving! The benefits of physical activity are well known, but importantly it can help improve our mood and enhance our mental health. 

Take Notice & Be Grateful – Make it a daily habit to stop and be mindful about who and what you have in your life. Be intentional about reflecting on the positive elements around you and focus in on them. There are many simple ways to do this, one way that we know works very well is to write these down in a simple ‘What Went Well’ journal and read back over them regularly.

Keep Learning – We need to embrace the challenges around us and keep learning and growing. We should try and focus our thoughts on what we can do at the moment, and not all that we can’t’ do. Learning and growing doesn’t stop during this period, it’s just different. Indeed, we discover new ways to learn and new things to learn!

Give to & Serve Others – Focusing our efforts and energy on giving to and serving others is a very important foundation of healthy and positive wellbeing. Fixing our hearts and minds on the needs of others and serving them can be a daily habit that we all build more proactively. This is especially important for our children to learn and appreciate. Yes, their needs are important – but we want to constantly challenge them to also look to the needs of others!

Please reflect on these ideas and consider how you might introduce them into the daily habits of your home, indeed the daily habits of your teenager. I have included an infographic that summarises these, please use this as a helpful reminder.

As always, if you are concerned about the wellbeing of your child, we’d very much appreciate hearing from you. Please reach and make contact via your child’s Year Advisor, or if more urgent there is contact information on the Blended Learning page on the College website for connecting with the College Counselling Team.

Wellbeing Infographic

Mr Stuart McCormack 
Director of Student Wellbeing - Senior School

Managing Parenting Disagreements during Covid

The new restrictions imposed, to limit the spread of the Covid-19 Delta strain, is impacting on all of us differently.

We are aware that many of our families are located in the LGA where severe restrictions applied. Consequently, some of our parents are struggling to balance work, child care and self-care.

These conditions can contribute to everything feeling more emotionally charged. It is easy for parents to disagree on issues like the level of access children can have to screens or the importance of all college tasks being completed before they can play online games. Many parents are finding it hard to navigate the complicated process of agreeing on rules.

I want to remind you that conflict is a natural part of relationships. When children see how you resolve your conflict they learn valuable life skills including negotiation and problem solving.

Plan and Prepare

Often you find yourselves reacting to situations and each other which can be prevented if you invest in some planning. Find a neutral, calm time to talk through disagreements on rules before your children are in front of you.

Work through Emotions First

It can be useful to say something like” I feel emotional because I am stressed about meeting this deadline and supervising the kids with their learning” It is useful for your partner to understand where you are coming from and it can assist with making your planning less emotionally charged.

Separate Relationship Issues from Parenting Decisions

Relationship issues can easily impact on parenting decision and make it harder to agree and easier for the conversation to end in a fight. It is useful to set boundaries about what is and what is not out of bounds when you talk about parenting.

Remember these are challenging times and you don’t have to do this on your own.

To read more, click on this link:

Mrs Jacoline Petersen
Director of Student Counselling

Cook with MRK

Our MRK staff have been busy cooking up a storm in their kitchens so you can take a break from the computer and get cooking too!

This week's recipe is a cheese pita that requires just 5 minutes of preparation.




300g Filo Pastry

500g feta cheese or Ricotta

2 eggs


50ml oil

180g sour cream

200ml mineral water


Tear the filo pastry into shreds

Mix all the ingredients together

Pour the mixture into an oiled oven proof tin

Bake in a 200 deg celsius oven for 45 minutes or until golden brown

We would love to see your finished product. Share it with us by emailing [email protected]

If you have a favourite family recipe you would like to share please send either a video of it being prepared or some photos and the recipe.

Don't forget to check back next week for a new recipe to try! The recipes will stay available on our website.

Bastille Day Celebrations

Last week Year 4 and 5 French students celebrated Bastille Day by immersing themselves in French culture.

Bastille Day, the French National holiday, commemorates the storming of the Bastille prison, which took place on 14th July 1979 and marked the beginning of the French Revolution. Students learned about the history of this day and were challenged to complete fun French activities such as making the Eiffel Tower, cooking crepes, recreating a French artwork or character and playing traditional French games.

Bastille Day Collage

Mrs Viviana Morris
Junior School Teacher 

Pyjama Day

Our Junior School students enjoyed participating in Pyjama day today!

The Pyjama Foundation raise much-needed awareness for children in foster care. Find out more about The Pyjama Foundation online.

We loved seeing your pictures on our Virtual Photo Booth! Here are some of them


Abide Lunchtime Group

Abide is our high school Christian lunchtime group that usually runs on Fridays at the top of N-Block.

During Blended Learning, Abide is going online! We meet via Zoom on Fridays at 12.20pm to 12.40pm.

Join us for a game, a short Bible talk and prayer time.

All high school students are welcome – access is via the “Abide” page on Canvas.

For more information, please contact Mr Mills [email protected], Mrs Howard [email protected] or Rev. Oliver [email protected]

Year 7 and 8 Agriculture and Food Technology

Year 7 and 8 Agriculture and Food Technology students have commenced Semester 2 with enthusiasm and resilience by keenly participating in zoom demonstrations and then cooking in their own kitchens and sharing their creations with their families.

Today, both Year 7 and 8 Agriculture and Food Technology students learnt how to make pikelets, while learning how to measure liquids, dry ingredients, safely use a frying pan. They also learnt about the browning process, called dextrinisation!

Demonstrating to your class from home is a challenging adventure but with the use of a few unusual props, such as a laundry basket for height, a second camera and the laptop for zooming, just about anything is possible.

Mrs Helen Bull
Secondary Teacher - TAS 

Subject Selection 2022

Our Subject Selection website for students in Year 8 and Year 10 is now live!

We are always looking at new and innovative ways that we can assist our students and parents.  At this time of year we would have had some time with the students in the Auditorium to talk through the subjects on offer as well as a parent information session.  So we have been working hard on creating two new platforms for Subject Selection.  This is a great way for our students and families to have a look at the subjects on offer and read about them. 

You can log on by going to and using the password 'thaconline'.

This will be followed by a live webinar on Thursday 29 July.


The wait is over! The 2020 Olympics are finally here!

I can’t wait!!  The 2020 Olympic Games hosted in Tokyo will officially open tonight at 8.30pm EST.

I love watching the opening ceremony and seeing how proud the athletes are to represent their country. This year will be a little different due to the COVID restrictions, but it will not dampen the enthusiasm and atmosphere that the opening of the Games delivers.

This year, two Australian flag bearers will proudly carry the Australian flag into the arena. Attending their 4th Olympics, swimmer Cate Campbell and basketballer Patty Mills have been named as Flag Bearers for Australia. Patty Mills becomes the first Indigenous Australian to carry the flag at an Opening Ceremony while Cate Campbell becomes the first female swimmer to do so.

Meet the athletes in the team

Check out the schedule to see all the action!

Are You Ready Miraitowa? | Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 -

FUN FACT - Did you know… Equestrian Andrew Hoy is competing in his 8th Olympic Games!

I know I will be there, cheering on the athletes as they participate in the Games. 

Aussie, Aussie, Aussie,  Oi, Oi, Oi !!!

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator 

Get Ready for Green and Gold Day!

Australia is turning Green & Gold on Friday 30th July, in support of the Australian Olympic Team so let's do the same at the College.

Get your green and gold ready, as we wear our sporting colours on Friday 30th July, in support of the Australian Olympic Team.

‘Green & Gold Day’ is for everyone! It doesn’t matter who you are, your sporting ability or your background, we believe sport has the power to unite us all.

Green and Gold Day is about painting the country in our national colours and being proud of Australia’s sporting achievements.

As a College, let's come together and celebrate our athletes, who are representing us so proudly over in Tokyo.

We will send more information early next week with more details and ways to get involved.


Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator 

At Home Learning
We would love to see how you are learning at home!

To add a bit of excitement to Blended Learning Online we have had a virtual photo booth running. We have loved seeing your pictures come through of your pets working with you, craft activities and how you are learning from home.
You can still join in and add a virtual frame to your images until Monday afternoon. Click the link to join 
At home learning

You can also share your images with us by emailing [email protected]
Essential Workers

Are you an essential worker and need to have your child onsite?
The College has staff onsite each day to assist in supervising students of essential workers. It is important to register if your child/ren need to attend so that we can plan for staffing.

Below is some important information if you are brining your child to the College for this supervision:

Junior School Requirements (Prep to Year 6)

  • Junior School students will need to be dropped at Gate 17 on Southern Cross Drive (near Kindergarten playground) from 7.45am to 8.20am
  • Students will be working through their online learning throughout the day. Please send your child with headphones.
  • Students will have their recess and lunch during normal break times in the IRC forecourt. There is no Canteen Service so please ensure your child has their food packed.
  • Students can wear either their formal or sports uniform on any of the days they are attending.
  • At 2.30pm, students can be collected at Gate 17. Please collect your student by no later than 3.00pm unless attending After College Care.

Senior School Students (Years 7-12)

  • Senior School students will enter via Gate 3 and proceed directly to the IRC (N Block Library) at 7.55am.
  • Masks will need to be worn indoors at all times, unless an appropriate exemption applies. If your child is catching a bus to College, they will also need to be wearing this whilst travelling to and from College.
  • Students will be working through their online learning throughout the day. A fully charged device and headphones will be required.
  • Students will have their recess and lunch during normal break times in the IRC forecourt. There is no Canteen Service so please ensure your child has their food packed.
  • Students can wear either their formal or sports uniform on any of the days they are attending.
  • At 2.35pm, students can be picked up in the N block Carpark. Please collect your student by no later than 3:00pm.

COVID Requirements

  • If your child or a member of your household has the mildest of symptoms, please get that person tested immediately. Whilst awaiting the result of anyone in your families, your child or children must NOT attend College.
  • If a member of your household has been advised that they are a close contact as defined by NSW Health, please do not send your child to College.
  • If a member of your household is a casual contact as defined by NSW Health, please ensure that person gets tested immediately and await a negative result before sending your child or children to the College.

Term 3 Fees

We are aware that the extension of the lockdown will have a significant impact on some of our families businesses or on individuals ability to earn their normal income.

If your family has any concerns regarding the payment of Term 3 fees due to the impact of COVID-19, you are encouraged to contact Mr Angelo Dinjar on 9608 0033 or [email protected]. There are a number of options that we can discuss with you and be assured that your financial situation is kept confidential at all times.

We were able to work together on this matter with our affected families in our previous lockdown last year and are confident we can do so again.

Mrs Rebecca Clarke
Business Manager