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Essential Workers

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Are you an essential worker and need to have your child onsite?
The College has staff onsite each day to assist in supervising students of essential workers. It is important to register if your child/ren need to attend so that we can plan for staffing.

Below is some important information if you are brining your child to the College for this supervision:

Junior School Requirements (Prep to Year 6)

  • Junior School students will need to be dropped at Gate 17 on Southern Cross Drive (near Kindergarten playground) from 7.45am to 8.20am
  • Students will be working through their online learning throughout the day. Please send your child with headphones.
  • Students will have their recess and lunch during normal break times in the IRC forecourt. There is no Canteen Service so please ensure your child has their food packed.
  • Students can wear either their formal or sports uniform on any of the days they are attending.
  • At 2.30pm, students can be collected at Gate 17. Please collect your student by no later than 3.00pm unless attending After College Care.

Senior School Students (Years 7-12)

  • Senior School students will enter via Gate 3 and proceed directly to the IRC (N Block Library) at 7.55am.
  • Masks will need to be worn indoors at all times, unless an appropriate exemption applies. If your child is catching a bus to College, they will also need to be wearing this whilst travelling to and from College.
  • Students will be working through their online learning throughout the day. A fully charged device and headphones will be required.
  • Students will have their recess and lunch during normal break times in the IRC forecourt. There is no Canteen Service so please ensure your child has their food packed.
  • Students can wear either their formal or sports uniform on any of the days they are attending.
  • At 2.35pm, students can be picked up in the N block Carpark. Please collect your student by no later than 3:00pm.

COVID Requirements

  • If your child or a member of your household has the mildest of symptoms, please get that person tested immediately. Whilst awaiting the result of anyone in your families, your child or children must NOT attend College.
  • If a member of your household has been advised that they are a close contact as defined by NSW Health, please do not send your child to College.
  • If a member of your household is a casual contact as defined by NSW Health, please ensure that person gets tested immediately and await a negative result before sending your child or children to the College.