Term 2 I Friday 14 May 2021

From the Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

The Athletics and Cross Country season is well underway and just today over 150 students from Junior and Senior Schools represented the College at the NASSA Cross Country Carnival

It was great to see the competition and several of our students will now proceed to the Combined Independent Schools (CIS) Carnival.  The next levels becoming more difficult; competitors need to be in training and the best performers also really like their sport.  Thanks to the teachers involved and it was great to have lots of our parents at NASSA today held at the Equestrian Centre at Horsley Park.

On Wednesday next week 19 May, we will hold our Junior School Athletics Carnival at the Campbelltown Athletics Complex.  It will be a great day and parents are very welcome to attend.  We will have a COVID Safe Plan in place and you check in at the various points as you arrive.

The Anglican Synod has appointed the new Archbishop of the Sydney Diocese. The Very Rev Kanishka Raffel has been the Dean of St Andrews Cathedral in Sydney, and replaces the Most Rev Dr Glenn Davies.  Kanishka comes to the role with an interesting background, having been born in Britain and with a Buddhist background.  We wish him well and look forward to his leadership, and his inauguration will take place next week.

Thank you to the wonderful group of parents who assisted at the recent Mother’s Day Stalls and wasn’t it disappointing that the Friday Breakfast was cancelled after the COVID restrictions were re-introduced.  The NSW community is still having to manage uncertainty, and we all do well to understand that the uncertainty of 2020 continues to impact.  It’s been interesting to observe that wellbeing issues across the community are more evident.  Please talk to us about the issues that may be impacting your family situation.  Our counsellors and leaders are available for a conversation.  Simply contact the College reception if required.

NAPLAN exams have been held this week for all students in Years 3, 5, 7 & 9, and follow-up tests will occur next week for those who have been absent.  We use the NAPLAN results to observe and analyse the growth and change for groups and individuals over the 2 year period.  Results will be available next term.

The College maintains a strong link with the members of the Hassall Family History Group. Thomas Hassall was the oldest child of 8 to his parents Rowland and Elizabeth, and the Hassall family were one of the earliest families in the colony arriving in 1798.  The Hassall Family Award is presented each year to the Year 12 student who shows excellence in the 3 areas of academic achievement, personal character and service for others.  We welcomed 2 representatives of the Family group this week to talk about new initiatives.  Our Year 2 students study the history of Thomas each year and even visit the Cobbity region to see his surroundings.  We have included a feature of their excursion in this edition of the Way.

Thanks again for your support of the College and our programs.  It’s a thriving place!

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.  In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil of fade … ! Peter 1:3-4

Mr Ross Whelan
From the Deputy Principal - Senior School Learning
David Butler

It has been wonderful to see all of our students embrace winter uniform so well and be wearing their College blazers around the campus.

It has also been a very successful and settled NAPLAN period. Year 8 and 10 Mid Course exams are next week, so it is a time of studying, preparing, marking and report writing at present which is part of the natural rhythm of education. A little outside of the norm, was a recent visit to Unity Grammar for the College Captains, Vice Captains and I.

It was our pleasure to accept an invitation from Unity Grammar to attend their Multi Faith event on Wednesday evening of last week. We got to meet with Jewish students from Masada College in St Ives, Catholic students from St Patricks Marist College in Dundas, Islamic students from Amity College in Prestons, members of the hearing impaired community and staff and students from our hosts Unity Grammar in Austral. Guest speakers included Federal Member for Werriwa Anne Stanley, Ryan Epondulan from the Columban Centre for Christian-Muslim relations, Jeremy Jones President of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry and Unity Grammar Year 11 student and NSW Women of the Year Finalist Daniya Syed. It was a great opportunity for our students to share in fellowship with students of different faith backgrounds. They gained an insight into the purpose of fasting in the Jewish and Islamic traditions and heard about the different customs and practices of the young people in these communities and schools. Discussions around topics such as kosher food, boys and girls playground areas, subject selection and social media were taking place in a friendly and inclusive environment.

Here is what our students had to say on the experience.

Sreya: The students at Unity Grammar were very hospitable and easy to talk to, which personally helped me understand a bit more of the lifestyles of the students in different communities and different faiths within our area. It was an amazing experience, and something I would suggest we continue attending and perhaps could even consider hosting in the future. 

Tino: Attending Unity Grammar's Multi Faith Iftar was an amazing privilege, giving the fellow Captains and I an insightful opportunity to converse with fellow students who contain different religious backgrounds and customs which we do not often encounter.

Thomas: It was an incredibly fun and intriguing experience, in developing our understanding of a school so close to ours, and of a culture that despite its importance in modern Australia remains so different and unfamiliar to many. Of course the food was great too.’

Nashita: The Iftar event with Unity Grammar was very heart-warming and insightful as the students and staff were very welcoming and it was truly beautiful to see everyone unite as one, sharing and embracing bits of their faith and culture with us.

It was great to be able to represent Thomas Hassall Anglican College in this way. When farewelling some of our Year 12 host students, I wished them all the best for their HSC and they corrected me to instead say all the best for life. It was a timely reminder that there are indeed more important goals than the HSC and we should be encouraged ‘to set our eyes on things above, not on earthly things’ at it says in Colossians 3:2.

Mr David Butler
Deputy Principal - Senior School Learning
From the Director of Junior School Operations & Welfare

Let me start off by saying Happy Mother’s Day to all our lovely mums for last Sunday.

I hope you were spoilt by your families.

This term in Junior School, we have witnessed many exciting opportunities presented to our students. One of those opportunities is Lunchtime clubs for Years 2 to 6. It is an initiative that aims to support students who struggle to be in the playground both socially and emotionally. Our aim is to encourage, support and give strategies when faced with friendship and game issues, which usually occurs during recess and lunch. So far it has been a great success. Stay tuned for updates.

Our Junior School prefects were invited to the Anglican Schools Corporation Young Leaders Day on Monday, along with five other Anglican Schools. The students spent the day learning about what it means to be a ‘servant leader’ as well as a ‘host leader’. The students worked alongside prefects and teachers, engaging in activities that enabled the group to think about how they could be better leaders and what they could potentially do to encourage our Junior school community, in how they could be a leader within their grade or friendship group without wearing the badge. I must say I was very proud of how our prefects presented themselves throughout the day, engaging in the activities, getting to know other prefects and speaking politely at all times when spoken to.

In the next couple of weeks, Years 3 and 4 will be having a visit from the Liverpool Region Police Liaison officer, to talk about the dangers surrounding social media which include talking to strangers online, giving private information, social bullying and posting photos. Year 5 and 6 will have their session next Friday 21st May. Year 3 and 4 will be on Friday 4th June. The College really encourages you to sit down and have a conversation about what they learn from the Police Officers visits. As you are all very well aware, devices can cause a lot of problems if not guided and monitored.

Thank you for your continued support of the College. We look forward to supporting you in your child's journey in 2021

Mrs Kylie Singles
Director of Operations & Wellbeing – Junior School
From the Assistant Chaplain

This term stage-based chapels have started up in the Junior School.

Chapels are a time where students have the opportunity to pause and reflect on the glory of God as they listen to God’s word (The Bible), sing praises to Him and have a time of prayer.

Chapels have started off with a bang. We are going through the book of Mark and are looking at the questions ‘who is Jesus?’ and ‘what has he come to do?’. Here we see that Jesus proves that he is the Son of God who has come to save us from our sins, with the many miracles that He performs.

This week at the Year 3 and 4 Chapel we had the privilege of the Junior School Chapel band leading us in music. The Chapel Band consists of Year 5 and 6 students who have been practicing every Friday morning.

These are students who have used their gifts to serve everyone at Chapel as we sing praises to God. The Chapel band is led by Mr Howard. He has done a terrific job getting the students ready to serve us at Chapel.  

If you have any questions about Junior School chapel, please feel free to ask Rev Oliver or Mr Richards.

Mr Matthew Richards
Assistant Chaplain
Update from the Academic Dean of Students

Study Centre

It was my pleasure to employ another one of our high achieving graduates this week, Amy Milne, into our Study Centre as a tutor for History and Geography. We are so blessed to have such talented alumni to call upon to assist our current students as they prepare for examinations, work on their assignments or seek assistance with their homework.

Study Centre has been such a valuable resource for so many of our students over the years and it continues to be well staffed with highly competent and friendly tutors. I would encourage you to engage with your child about how Study Centre could be of benefit to them in their academic walk.

Study Centre is available for all students in Years 7-12 on Monday – Thursday afternoons from 3 – 5pm. The expectation in relation to behaviour is that students will be respectful and cooperative. Students who attend Study Centre must arrive on time with work to do or a book to read. Parents, could you ensure you collect your child via the J Block carpark pick-up area. The Study Centre operates Monday-Thursday from 2.40pm – 5.00pm.

Mid Course Examinations

In Week 5, Years 8 and 10 students will sit for their Mid Course Examinations. Students are expected to be in attendance for all exams unless they are unwell. Students should ensure that mobile phones and any other electronic devices are placed in their lockers and not brought into the examination room. Teachers have been working hard to revise with all their classes and join with you in encouraging your children to do their best. It can be helpful to point out to your child that exams are a great way to identify areas and topics that are well understood, in addition to identifying the areas that need more work, so they should look forward to demonstrating all of the wonderful knowledge they have learned and can apply! Best wishes Years 8 and 10.

Miss Kelie Munro
Academic Dean of Students

Thomas Hassall Marketplace

Do you have second hand uniforms or school equipment that you want to sell? Are you searching for extra uniforms?

In response to the requests of parents, the College is pleased to provide a marketplace were parents can connect to buy/sell/swap College Uniforms and other school based equipment such as instruments or sports gear. 

Please use this link to our uniform page of our website to access the site. The terms and conditions of use are outlined on the site, please take time to read these before using.

We trust that this will assist families. Should you have any feedback or questions, please contact Mandy Payne

You can also access the Marketplace via our website by going to the 'Current Students' tab and selecting 'Uniforms'.

Once you are on the page, navigate to the 'Second Hand Uniforms Buy and Sell' tab and then press the link 'Visit the Marketplace'.


EventsBack to Top

Mother's Day Stall

Our Mother's Day Stall was a great success last week!

The students really enjoyed the opportunity to buy gifts for the special women in their lives.

We would like to thank our Parent Community Network who organised the stall and ran it over the two days. We could not have done it without you!


LearningBack to Top

Year 2 Visits Cobbity

On Thursday 29 April, Year 2 went to St Paul’ s Anglican Church at Cobbitty.

We were learning about Thomas Hassall who was born in May 29 1794. We went to Cobbitty to explore where Thomas Hassall chose to build a church. Thomas Hassall wanted to tell people about God on a Sunday and teach children reading, writing and arithmetic during the week. So Heber Chapel was built in 1828.  

They soon needed a big building to worship God and St Paul’s was built on the same property in 1842. Thomas Hassall has a gravestone on the site with his wife Anne Marsden.

This gave the students a deeper understanding as to why our College is named after Thomas Hassall.

He was a man that loved God and valued education.

It was a great day.

Mrs Trudi Woods
Stage 1 Assistant Coordinator- Year 2W

Book Talks in 4S

In 4S we have been preparing and presenting book talks.

Book talks are a small talk about a book that we have been reading recently. We find out the main characters, themes and setting and then we write and practise a presentation at home and show it to the class when we are ready.

We were allowed to bring a copy of the book and show it to the class. We were also allowed to have a theme for our presentation. Some people used puppet shows, interviews with the author, scratch projects and some even pretended to be the main character!

Book talks helped me to understand the book better because it made me slow down and think about the book more instead of just rushing through and reading it.  They have been really helpful at making me a better reader.

Written by Tahlia D - 4S

Senior Library Book Snap

Anzac Day Display

The IRC commemorated Anzac Day this year with a special display showing portraits from a number of service men and women who served in conflicts from the First World War to Afghanistan. ‘Every face has a story to tell… Lest we forget.

Page Turners Book Club

Love Books? Love Reading? Love Food? Join the Page Turners, an exciting new book club for students in Years 7 to 9. Numbers are strictly limited. Sign up today to ensure your spot. Meetings will be held Monday lunchtime every three weeks. For more information please speak to Mr Smith.

Overdue notices

Library overdue notices have been emailed this week. Students who do not return their books after receiving their third email notice as well as an email to their parents will be invoiced for a replacement copy. All invoices will still stand if books are returned after this final date. If you have any problems or questions regarding overdue books please speak to Mrs Comiskey or Mr Smith who will be happy to help.

Book Bites

Take a book bite to see if it is to your taste

‘A Secret of Birds & Bone’ – Kiran Millwood Hargrave

‘In an Italian city ravaged by plague, Sofia's mother carves beautiful mementos from the bones of loved ones. But one day, she doesn't return home. Did her work lead her into danger? Sofia and her little brother Ermin are sent to the convent orphanage but soon escape, led by an enigmatic new friend and their pet crow, Corvith. Together they cross the city underground, following clues in bones up to the towers of Siena, where - circled by magpies - the children find the terrible truth ...”

‘A Secret of Birds & Bone’ is a beautifully written historical novel filled with action and adventure. Featuring wonderful characters and set in an atmospheric Italian Renaissance setting, this deep and moving story of family, love and friendship will be enjoyed by many.

‘Jurassic World: The Evolution of Claire’ – Tess Sharpe

“Freshman year of college is full of challenges―there are messy roommates, cranky professors, and disgusting dining halls. But for Claire Dearing, add 'How to properly avoid being eaten by a dinosaur' to that list. The year is 2004 and Claire has been given the chance of a lifetime: the opportunity to intern at the Jurassic World theme park, less than a year before it opens to the public. She is laser-focused, with her sights set on bettering the lives of animals worldwide. But life at the park isn’t all test-driving Gyrospheres and falling head over heels for a fellow student named Justin...though she does that, too. Rumours and suspicions flood the island and Claire is determined to uncover the truth. As Claire searches for answers, she and Justin find themselves thrust into a sinister plot that will leave Claire forever changed.”

‘Jurassic World: The Evolution of Claire’ is a wonderful novel that beautifully captures the feeling of magic and wonder found in the films. As well as providing a fascinating and deeper insight into the character of Claire, this novel also contains a fast-paced story with lots of twists and turns. Mysterious and suspenseful and filled with lots of terrifying dinosaurs, this is a novel that many will enjoy. 

‘The Electric Kingdom’ – David Arnold

‘A deadly flu has swept the globe, leaving a shell of the world that once was. Among the survivors are eighteen-year-old Nico and her dog, who are on a journey devised by Nico's father to find a mythical portal; a young artist named Kit, who knows almost nothing of the world outside the old abandoned cinema he was raised in; and and the enigmatic Deliverer, who lives Life after Life in an attempt to put the world back together.’

‘The Electric Kingdom’ is a thrilling and gripping post-apocalyptic story set in a world where disease carrying mutant flies have almost wiped out every living thing. Main protagonist Nico’s journey is hair raising, suspenseful and exciting, and covers themes of survival, friendship and finding hope in the face of darkness. A five-star read!

Mrs Annette Comiskey & Mr Michael Smith
Senior IRC Library Team

Junior School CSIRO Bebras Challenge

Towards the end of last term, students in Years 3-6 had the opportunity to participate in the Bebras Challenge.

It is a computational thinking challenge organised by the CSIRO. In order to complete the challenge, students were required to work through a series of steps to solve some tricky, multi-part problems.

150 Junior School students participated in the Challenge and we had some fantastic results. Our students achieved 6 High Distinctions, 21 Distinctions, 33 Credits and 55 Merits. Congratulations to all participants!

Year 3 

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Miss Claire Donaldson
Team Leader - Year 5

Lego Masters

On Thursdays during term 2, Years 3 and 4 have the opportunity to come and join in construction club, which has been dubbed “Lunch Time Lego Masters”.

We meet in the middle of B block and spend our time sharing our Lego building skills and constructing marvelous creations.

The Children’s Wellness Centre in London, recently released a study showing that Lego building has some extremely positive effects on child development, including an increase in Teamwork and Social Skills, improvement of communication and language skills and a better understanding of problem solving, mathematics and spatial awareness. It has also been shown to help improve creativity and experimentation, physical development, self-confidence and the lowering of anxiety and stress. Who knew all of these benefits could come from plastic bricks?

Our first meeting was last week and we all had a fabulous time. Check out all the happy builders.

If your child is keen to join lunchtime construction club. Please come and see Mrs Glendinning.

Mrs Ruth Glendenning
Junior School Teacher - Stage 2 - Year 3G

Year 11 Modern History

The students of Mr Mills’ Modern History class have been learning about the murder of Rasputin in 1916.

To do so, the class have performed a crime-scene investigation and examined the available evidence in an attempt to solve the case like Historical Detectives.  

They had a lot of fun! 

Online Testing

Students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 have been completing their NAPLAN examinations this week.

These exams have run very smoothly at Thomas Hassall, aided by the practice tests that were completed a number of weeks ago, along with the excellent technology infrastructure in place at the College that enables us to reliably participate in these online examinations. With the NAPLAN exams being conducted entirely online, there has been discussion for some time now about the move to online examinations for other high-stakes tests such as the Higher School Certificate. While the HSC is yet to move to an online format, ensuring that our students are prepared for such testing is important.

The recent introduction of the new Digital Technologies curriculum as part of the K-6 Science and Technology syllabus and Stage 4 (Year 7 and 8) Technology Mandatory syllabus has incorporated many key digital literacy skills. These are important skills for students to develop. Not only will these digital literacy skills be helpful for students when completing online tests, but also essential skills for all aspects of life in a digital society.

Mrs Megan Bennett
Director of ICT

Performing ArtsBack to Top

What Next?

Western Sydney Careers Expo celebrates its 11th year in 2021!

If you are unsure about what to do next year or want to investigate a particular university, TAFE or Gap year option.... you need to head here. The Western Sydney Careers Expo attracted almost 22,000 visitors and 145 exhibitors. There are over 100 seminars on topics including English, Maths, Biology, Business Studies, PDHPE, Legal Studies, Ancient History, Tertiary courses, Careers and Gap year options.

Whether you know exactly what you are doing or need some guidance - its a great place to start!


  • Information and resources for the HSC
  • Information about tertiary study, university, TAFE and training courses
  • Career advice
  • Study advice
  • Employment advice and opportunities
  • Apprenticeship and traineeship advice
  • International exchange and gap year programs



Thursday 24 June - Friday 25 June, 9am-3pm

Saturday 26 June - Sunday 27 June, 9am-3pm


The Dome, Sydney Showground,

Showground Rd, Sydney Olympic Park

For more information see the attachment or head over to https://www.westernsydneycareerexpo.com.au/ 

Mrs Anna Nalla
Careers Advisor

Cinco de Mayo

Year 1, 2 and 3 students participated in a Cinco de Mayo Fiesta as part of their Spanish Language Program. 

Cinco de Mayo is an annual celebration held on May 5, which commemorates the anniversary of Mexico’s victory over the French Empire at the Battle of Puebla in 1862. Renowned Mexican artist, Victor Valdes, took our students through a musical journey to Latin America with traditional costumes and a range of instruments including the Mexican harp. Students learned some dances from Mexico and sang along to some famous tunes from Latin America.

In the classroom, students continued to be immersed in Mexican culture by learning the history of this day, making Mexican crafts, learning traditional songs and dances.

Mrs Viviana Morris
Junior School Teacher (Languages)

Junior String Ensemble

Every Wednesday morning, a happy bunch of string players come together to play music.

The ensemble is made up of students from Years 2-6, with most playing violin, and a couple on the cello. The group were very excited to perform at the Mother’s Day event last week which was unfortunately cancelled, however they are always practicing very well and look forward to their next performance opportunity soon. The group is directed by Mr Ehab Ibrahim, and assisted by other professional violinist Miss Bronwyn and Mrs Hobbins on cello.

Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles

Junior Concert Band Assembly Performance

They were all very excited to perform 3 pieces at the P-6 assembly last Friday.

With over 50 students in the ensemble now comprising of students in Years 5 & 6, it is the largest ensemble in the College, with all students being successful graduates of the Year 4 Band Program. The 3 pieces they performed were Cayuga Lake Overture, Algo-Rhythms, and the Beach Boys classic hit, Surfin’ USA. In a few weeks’ time, these students will be visiting the Sydney Opera House to enjoy a live music performance as part of the opera house education program.

Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensemble

The Groove & THAC FM

This is always a fun session, with a selection of our Senior Students performing for their peers as they enjoy lunch and sunshine.

The performers are joined by a pair of Year 12 MC’s, who spin some tunes and entertain the audience with College updates and fun facts. This week, we had Despina L and Elliana C each sing a song, and our Year 12 hosts were Sacha G and Jeremy E. Well done to these students, and we look forward to the next GROOVE & THAC FM session next week.

Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles

Fencing Champion I Eric Wu

Eric Wu is a student in Year 7.  He is reaching some great heights in the sport of Fencing.

We found out a little bit more about what he's been achieving.

Describe what you do and what you have achieved so far.

I am a registered member of NSW Fencing Association. Currently on Under 12 Foil.

I started Fencing training from early 2020. By the end of 2020, I ranked No 1 under 12 (Foil) and got Grand Prix Award 2020.

So far this year I have scored 1 Gold Medal for Peter Witkop Shield U12 and 1 Bronze Medal for the same cup U14. I also represented Thomas Hassall for NSW school Championships and scored 1 Gold Medal for Year 7-9 and 1 bronze medal for Year 10-12.

What sort of training do you do to achieve these results, how often, schedule etc.

My club is NSW Fencing Academy and I am coached by current head coach of the Australian National Fencing Team - Antonio Signorello.  I currently attend training 2-3 times a week.

What are your plans/hopes and dreams for the future?

My short term goal is to keep improving my fencing skills and help my brothers Max and Isaac to master their skills.

Long Term goal is to be one day able to join the National Team and represent Australia to compete in an international level.

Well done to Eric and we all wish you well in your future pursuits. 

NSW CIS Primary Netball Gala Day

On Friday 7 May, Ella W represented NASSA Junior schools at the CIS Primary Girls Netball Gala Day.

Ella played well throughout the day, turning over the ball and combining well with other players in NASSA team.  

Ella's performance during the rounds was noticed and she progressed to the final stage of selection, with the top 23 players in the state vying for a position in the State team.

Although Ella was unsuccessful on this occasion, she showed excellent skill and sportsmanship throughout the day.  We look forward to her trialling again for the team next year.

Congratulations Ella!

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator