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From the Assistant Chaplain

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From the Assistant Chaplain - Junior School

Mr Matthew Richards
Assistant Chaplain

This term stage-based chapels have started up in the Junior School.

Chapels are a time where students have the opportunity to pause and reflect on the glory of God as they listen to God’s word (The Bible), sing praises to Him and have a time of prayer.

Chapels have started off with a bang. We are going through the book of Mark and are looking at the questions ‘who is Jesus?’ and ‘what has he come to do?’. Here we see that Jesus proves that he is the Son of God who has come to save us from our sins, with the many miracles that He performs.

This week at the Year 3 and 4 Chapel we had the privilege of the Junior School Chapel band leading us in music. The Chapel Band consists of Year 5 and 6 students who have been practicing every Friday morning.

These are students who have used their gifts to serve everyone at Chapel as we sing praises to God. The Chapel band is led by Mr Howard. He has done a terrific job getting the students ready to serve us at Chapel.  

If you have any questions about Junior School chapel, please feel free to ask Rev Oliver or Mr Richards.