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Year 2 Visits Cobbity

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On Thursday 29 April, Year 2 went to St Paul’ s Anglican Church at Cobbitty.

We were learning about Thomas Hassall who was born in May 29 1794. We went to Cobbitty to explore where Thomas Hassall chose to build a church. Thomas Hassall wanted to tell people about God on a Sunday and teach children reading, writing and arithmetic during the week. So Heber Chapel was built in 1828.  

They soon needed a big building to worship God and St Paul’s was built on the same property in 1842. Thomas Hassall has a gravestone on the site with his wife Anne Marsden.

This gave the students a deeper understanding as to why our College is named after Thomas Hassall.

He was a man that loved God and valued education.

It was a great day.

Mrs Trudi Woods
Stage 1 Assistant Coordinator- Year 2W