The Way Weekly Update I Monday 16 August 2021

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From the Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

The COVID situation continues to impact the State and with high numbers still a concern, the management of the process at government level is clearly very difficult

Vaccination rates, while increasing, are still at lower levels than the authorities want for return to normal living.  We are thankful for the work they are doing. Thanks for your own efforts and at the College, for your commitment to the Blended Learning Online program. 

Given the continued lockdown as well as the need to continue routines at home for our students we have cancelled the scheduled Mid Term Break on 30 August 2021.  Therefore this will not be a pupil free day and lessons will continue as normal.

Year 12 students are having to adjust, to learn to be flexible and resilient, and to prioritise their time in preparation for the HSC. Their schedules have been modified, and their normal program changed several times.  Let me commend them to you as they continue to show patience.  Thanks also to their teacher leaders who have also had to make significant changes to their work and structures for the HSC.  Please keep them in your prayers.

Our College Counselling Team are working closely with families during this challenging time offering insights and support as needed. You will find some helpful resources from the team in this edition of The Way.

We have a Wellbeing Webinar coming up next week, Raising Confident and Capable Children, presented by Dr Judith Locke. There are two evening sessions, one for Junior School and one for Senior School, with the information tailored for the specific age group.  Judith is a registered clinical psychologist with experience in adult, child and family therapy with over 20 years of national and international experience in teaching, workplace training and psychology.

There will be 2 events for families as follows so please mark them in your diaries:

Senior School – Tuesday 24 August – 7pm
Junior School – Wednesday 25 August – 7pm

There is more detailed information in this week’s edition of The Way along with how to register.  It would be great to see as many as possible of you there.

Thank you for your continued support of the College.

‘Be joyful in hope; patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.  Share with the Lord’s people who are in need.  Practice hospitality’.  Romans 12:12-13

Mr Ross Whelan
From the Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School
Luke Sale

As we look ahead to the second half of Term 3 we are entering a new phase of online learning.

In Junior School we have instituted Wellbeing Wednesday’s. This is primarily a chance for students to have a screen light day where the tasks are designed to be more creative and hands-on. We have received some excellent feedback relating to this day and I want to extend my thanks for your participation in this day as well. 

You would have received a new grid for Wellbeing Wednesday that is based on science week. It included the materials needed and how to access instructions for this day. There are some resources involved in making this happen, but most families should have easy access to the resources required.

Grade Based Assemblies

Last week has also seen the introduction of Grade based assemblies. This is a time for students to be able to jump online and interact with students from other classes of their grade. I have been able to attend several of these assemblies and there was a great spirit and energy in each assembly. One of the important things to watch out for is that a few students from each class will be receiving an award each week for their online participation and commitment to learning. Be on the lookout because as students receive their award, we are sending them home.

Junior Chapel Services

Last week has also seen the introduction of a Junior School Chapel service that we have dubbed - Chapel@home these are occurring live each Wednesday from 10.45.  We had over 270 students attend the first chapel service and we are hoping to continue to develop this concept more as the weeks progress.

Junior School Chapel

Hope in difficult times

Our Director of Counselling, Mrs Jacoline Peterson, has written an article that I am encouraging parents and members of the Thomas Hassall Anglican College community to read. It centers around building Hope in Uncertain Times and how you can help students navigate this very difficult time; the trial that we are currently undergoing will produce endurance and will build character. 

Our hope and prayer during this difficult time is that you stay safe and remember we are there to help in all circumstances so please call and make contact with us if you have any questions.

Have a lovely weekend and God bless you and your family.

Mr Luke Sale
Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School
From the College Chaplain
Denis Oliver

This extended lockdown is doing my head in!

I can’t teach the students I care for face to face. I cannot go to church. The days are blurring together. My life has been feeling bland and flavourless despite all the challenges there are with COVID. Then this weekend came…

The weekend before last, Saturday was a beautiful winters day, blue sky and sunshine, and I was out the front chatting with neighbours about life - it was a special moment that God had given me. Sunday was the opposite, cold and wet, a great day to buy hot chips and do cryptic crosswords with my wife – another moment given to me.

I realised that each day is a gift and that I am to use time well to be a gift to others. God has tailored each moment for us to participate in his plan – live in the moment for him.

15 Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, 16 making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. 17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. Ephesians 5

If you are interested what that wisdom might look like, check out the video below.


Reverend Denis Oliver
College Chaplain
You have Our Support

We are here to support

We now have more than 5500 active Covid cases in NSW, after being in lockdown for more than 5 weeks.

Consequently, we do not anticipate that we will be out of lockdown quickly. We know that many parents have faced increased levels of stress during the lockdown, because some are caring for their children and juggling paid work from home.

We anticipated some challenging situations could develop during lockdown at various times. We wanted to support families and compiled some resources that can support families when presented with tricky situations.  If you need information on:

⇒ Responding to children pushing your boundaries

⇒ Raising awareness of our triggers

⇒ Manage Family conflict

⇒ Sibling rivalry or

⇒ Mental Health

You can access any of these resources and more by clicking on this link

SchoolTV, also provides relevant fact based information for our parent community that can be used if and when challenging situations arise. This immense uncertainty created by the pandemic is certainly taking a toll on all of us and as parents it can be hard to know how to assist our children at a time like this. Dr Michael Carr-Gregg, one of Australia’s leading psychologists, provides us with some recommendations on how we can support our children and instill hope.

For more information on how to “Instill Hope in Uncertain times”, click here

Remember that you can touch base with any of the psychologists at college during this Blended Learning period. You can reach any of us:

Mrs Petersen ([email protected])

Mr Cleur ([email protected] )

Ms Bjelan([email protected] )

via email  to organise a Zoom session or a chat on the phone.

Mrs Jacoline Petersen
Director of Student Counselling

Wellbeing Matters Webinar

The extended lockdown is taking a toll on most of us.

Many parents are juggling work demands, child care and self-care. These conditions can contribute to increased stress levels and everything can feel more emotionally charged. To avoid conflict in your household you may start questioning if you should shift the boundaries on screen time. You may feel unsure of how to support your child if they struggle with the demands of school and school work.

To support you to feel more equipped to assist your child to face challenging situations, we would like to invite you to a webinar with Clinical Psychologist, Dr Judith Locke. She will equip you with the latest research, share her clinical experience and increase the tools in your parenting kit to support you to raise a more Confident and Capable Child or Teen.

Tuesday 24 August 7.00pm

Wednesday 25 August 7.00pm

To find out more please read the attached flyer and to book in for one of these sessions, please visit our website.

This webinar will not be recorded and will only be available live.

Olympic Moments

Year 4 have loved learning about and watching the Olympics this year.

It was amazing to see so many records and achievments over the two weeks in Tokyo. This week, Year 4 looked to recreate some of these amazing Olympic moments. We hope you enjoy watching it as much as we enjoyed making it. 

Miss Ashleigh Hackfath
Junior School - Year 4 Team Leader 

Wellbeing Wednesday
It was another good day of learning and creativity last Wednesday for our Junior School students.
Here are some of the activities our students got up to.
wellbeing wed

We can't wait to see what you learn next week for Science week! 
Year 4 Band Program

Year 4 Band Program in full Swing

One of the great opportunities offered in our Junior School is the YEAR 4 BAND PROGRAM. All students in Year 4 receive an instrument to learn throughout the year, under the tuition and direction of professional musicians. Although running this program from home is challenging, many students are doing well and giving it a great go, following their weekly tasks and uploading their performances. Their tutors then watch these videos and provide written feedback for students to implement in their future practices.

The students are also completing music theory tasks once a week with their high-school music teachers Miss Rapisarda and Mr Wong. Thanks very much to the Year 4 classroom teachers and all Year 4 parents for supporting this program during blended learning.

It is our hope to return to College again soon so that all students can reunite and form their Year 4 Concert Band to make music together again. Attached are some screenshots of students practicing at home.

Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles

Ideas for lockdown

Here are some ideas our Year 6 students came up with for managing lockdown!

Thank you for the great tips Year 6. Have you got more great ideas to share with your peers? Send them to us via email [email protected]


Junior Concert Band

Junior Concert Band is Alive!

Last week was the very first Zoom rehearsal for one of our youngest ensembles; the JUNIOR CONCERT BAND! With over 40 students attending the session, it was a great way for students to connect with each other to share their love of music. These rehearsals will now take place each Monday afternoon, as we work towards teaching the students new pieces as well as improving their technique and musicality.

Watch this space for some exciting online performances soon too! Well done to all those students involved, and thanks to those parents who continue to support their child’s music education.

Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles

Cook with MRK

Our MRK staff are back for another week of Cook with MRK! 

This week's recipe are some tasty and quick cookies

Read the full recipe on our website
Around the grounds

During the lockdown, the Grounds and Maintenance team have started a garden rejuvenation project in Junior school.

With the removal of the overgrown trees in the garden bed next to C Block, the team is in the process of creating a garden to mimic the new gardens in the MRK outdoor planter boxes.

This tropical theme will thrive in the shaded area and allow more sunlight into the nearby classrooms.

around the grounds

Early starts allow us to witness some fantastic sunrises.

We have been encouraged by the devotion from Rev Denis Oliver this week.

Carpe Diem is a Latin term that urges us to seize the day, rather than let anxiety and fear stop us from doing it. We hope you find his message in the edition of The Way an encouragement too.