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From the Principal

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From the Principal

Principal Ross Whelan
Mr Ross Whelan

The COVID situation continues to impact the State and with high numbers still a concern, the management of the process at government level is clearly very difficult

Vaccination rates, while increasing, are still at lower levels than the authorities want for return to normal living.  We are thankful for the work they are doing. Thanks for your own efforts and at the College, for your commitment to the Blended Learning Online program. 

Given the continued lockdown as well as the need to continue routines at home for our students we have cancelled the scheduled Mid Term Break on 30 August 2021.  Therefore this will not be a pupil free day and lessons will continue as normal.

Year 12 students are having to adjust, to learn to be flexible and resilient, and to prioritise their time in preparation for the HSC. Their schedules have been modified, and their normal program changed several times.  Let me commend them to you as they continue to show patience.  Thanks also to their teacher leaders who have also had to make significant changes to their work and structures for the HSC.  Please keep them in your prayers.

Our College Counselling Team are working closely with families during this challenging time offering insights and support as needed. You will find some helpful resources from the team in this edition of The Way.

We have a Wellbeing Webinar coming up next week, Raising Confident and Capable Children, presented by Dr Judith Locke. There are two evening sessions, one for Junior School and one for Senior School, with the information tailored for the specific age group.  Judith is a registered clinical psychologist with experience in adult, child and family therapy with over 20 years of national and international experience in teaching, workplace training and psychology.

There will be 2 events for families as follows so please mark them in your diaries:

Senior School – Tuesday 24 August – 7pm
Junior School – Wednesday 25 August – 7pm

There is more detailed information in this week’s edition of The Way along with how to register.  It would be great to see as many as possible of you there.

Thank you for your continued support of the College.

‘Be joyful in hope; patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.  Share with the Lord’s people who are in need.  Practice hospitality’.  Romans 12:12-13