The Way Weekly Recap I Friday 20 August 2021

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From the Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

As we move to the next phase of this long marathon event – this COVID pandemic lockdown marathon – it is time to refine the routines, the daily agenda, and the family plan to not just maintain and survive, but also to thrive in a different context.

I’m preparing for a longer event – at home and at the College. What about you?

I’m finding time to set aside, to complete some home maintenance projects. I’ve reached into the bookshelves and dusted off some of those novels that I had planned to read ‘one day’. I’m devising ways to turn off the screens to have a conversation with the family around an event – a meal or a board game or a group call to a relative we haven’t seen for a while. At the College, I’ve Zoomed with others to look at our planning and we are refining for a longer lockdown with more events and community engagement. We are looking at new ways to relate to our community at home.  We will be in lockdown for a while – at least until the end of the Term if the positive COVID case numbers stay high.

What about you and the family? How are the routines changing? How is the mood at home changing? What are the new opportunities that are emerging?

Year 12 students are starting their Trial HSC on Monday in a very innovative online event that will last for 10 school days. They have been practicing their home technology set-up with teachers to work out the potential glitches, and a lot of work has been put into the plan. If successful, it will be an exciting project of learning, hopefully building confidence about the learning that has taken place across the whole year.  Let me commend the Year 12 students and staff for their energy and commitment to their program in a very different context. A small group of senior staff deserve special thanks.  They have produced this outstanding package in a very short time in order to bring the best support to our senior year of students.

I’m looking forward to the next MRK Recipe too. Thanks everyone for your optimism and support. Now, where is that book again ….

‘In his great mercy, he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead’.  1 Peter 1:3

Mr Ross Whelan
From the Deputy Principal - Senior School Student Development
Roger Young

As the date for a return to normal appears to be more and more distant, it is easy to focus on ‘what was’ or simply start focusing on the negative impacts that these changes have had upon life.

At this point, we are very conscious of the fact that this extended lockdown is impacting student wellbeing. Part of our support of students is the launch of an initiative called ‘The House Sports Challenge’. Here is a video explaining the challenge.

The Challenge itself has something for most students, from ball-based skill development to simple exercise sessions. The House Sports Challenge does require Mum and Dad to authenticate the exercises as having been completed; this then allows students to contribute to their House Points Tally. The site can be accessed via the following link:

Although this is being launched on Tuesday afternoon when there would regularly be sport, it is something students can undertake every day. Indeed, the various exercises/challenges are something that you might choose to do as a family together. Why not have a go? One thing is for sure… in order to break the cycle of negativity that can weigh us down, it is important to remain ACTIVE! Doing this together is just an added encouragement.

Running Man


There will be a further initiative, similar to the Junior School ’Wellbeing Wednesday’, which we will talk about next week. Thanks for your support and for your prayer at this time.

Hebrews 12:1 - 1 'Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us..'

Mr Roger Young
Deputy Principal - Senior School Student Development
From the Assistant Chaplain

My two little girls (1 and 3 year old’s) have never gone a day without food or clothing, yet they have never been to the shops and bought anything for themselves.

It is easy for me to tell them to not worry. Why? Because as their Dad, I am responsible for them; I am responsible for providing for their needs. It is not for them to worry about where their food comes from. That is my job. But what about us parents? Are we to worry?

In the book of Matthew, Jesus telsl his listeners not to worry.

Matthew 6:25-32

25 “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? 

Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? 27 And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?

 28 And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, 29 yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. 30 But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?

 31 Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. 

Just as I provide for my littles girls needs, we have a Heavenly Father who tell us not to worry because He provides for our every need. We tell our kids to not worry and we genuinely mean it. We have a God who tells us to not worry and he genuinely means it.

How great is our Heavenly Father!

Mr Matthew Richards
Assistant Chaplain
Parent Support for HSC Students

The final year of Senior School is usually a year of hard work and a huge commitment for students.

The pandemic is continuing to disrupt education and contributing to higher levels of uncertainty. Now the HSC trials will be conducted remotely. With all of this going on, it’s not surprising that some students have an emotional response and it is therefore extremely important for parents to know how to support their children during this time.

Parents can help instill hope during these uncertain times by ensuring young people remain connected with their social networks and encourage them to maintain balance between study and life. Students can benefit from being reminded that their self-worth is not attached to their results and that you will love them even if they don’t achieve the highest ATAR and no matter what.

Acknowledge that this is a difficult time and encourage them to do the best they can under the circumstances. When students try their best, but fear disappointing their parents, fear not being loved and unable to feel good about themselves, we see overwhelm and emotional distress. Remind your child that there are many study options post the HSC to achieve success and that their HSC results will not define who they are.

Parents will discover practical advice for students and parents to help get through the final year of Senior School.

We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this article. If you have any concerns about your child, please contact the College Counsellors for further information or seek medical or professional help.

Click on this link for more information on the Surviving Final Year edition of SchoolTV

Mr Jacoline Petersen
Director of Student Counselling

Wellbeing Matters Webinar

The extended lockdown is taking a toll on most of us.

Many parents are juggling work demands, child care and self-care. These conditions can contribute to increased stress levels and everything can feel more emotionally charged. To avoid conflict in your household you may start questioning if you should shift the boundaries on screen time. You may feel unsure of how to support your child if they struggle with the demands of school and school work.

To support you to feel more equipped to assist your child to face challenging situations, we would like to invite you to a webinar with Clinical Psychologist, Dr Judith Locke. She will equip you with the latest research, share her clinical experience and increase the tools in your parenting kit to support you to raise a more Confident and Capable Child or Teen.

Tuesday 24 August 7.00pm

Wednesday 25 August 7.00pm

To find out more please read the following flyer and to book in for one of these sessions, please visit our website.

This webinar will not be recorded and will only be available live.

Page Turners Book Club

The Senior College book club 'The Page Turners' has been meeting during lockdown every three weeks on Zoom to talk all things books!

Students have had the opportunity to talk about and share their favourite books to read during lockdown, some of these included 'Dune' by Frank Herbert and 'The Return of the King' by J R.R. Tolkien!  A lively debate on whether there has ever been a good book to movie adaption raised some interesting and funny stories. 

If you love books and reading and would like to join the Page Turners, please contact Mr Smith.  

Abide Lunchtime Group

Abide, our high school Christian lunchtime group is continuing to run online! Join us via Zoom on Fridays at 12.20pm to 12.40pm.

Each week we play a game, hear from God’s word and spend time praying and discussing in small groups.

All Senior School students are welcome to join us – access is via the “Abide” page on Canvas.

For more information, please contact Mr Mills ([email protected]), or Rev. Oliver ([email protected]).



Collaborating in the Cloud

Teachers from the HSIE Faculty have been using Miro Board with their students during Blended Learning Online!

This is a great tool that allows students to be brainstorming and concept mapping in real-time. Each student is able to contribute to the lesson by adding thought, ideas and answers using digital sticky notes that add to a whole class effort.

The beauty of this teaching & learning strategy is that it allows the class to view each other’s ideas and really establish a community of learning and knowledge around the relevant topic or learning focus. Indeed it’s true, we learn better together!

Stuart McCormack
Director of Student Wellbeing - Senior School

The Plague stopped Shakespeare, but not 7BR!

When the actors of the Lord Chamberlain’s Men first performed Shakespeare’s latest comedy, ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’, in the mid-1590’s, it was not a time too different from our own.

In 1594, England had been attacked by an outbreak of the plague (the Black Death). Theatres, markets and churches had been closed, and many, including Shakespeare and the Men, had fled into the countryside. To William in the following year, it must have come as a big relief then, when his rusty actors finally took the stage, the empty coffers were filled, and the crowd began to swell into his dusty theatre to watch the first ever performance of ‘A MIDSOMMER Nights Dreame’.

Fast-forward four hundred years and here we are in a similar time with our churches and markets closed. For us, however, a time of plague doesn’t have to be a time without the theatre! This has been well and truly proven by Year 7 BR English class this week, who have been admirably performing scenes from ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ via Zoom.

C-J Crosbie, the class’ accent maestro, has played Robin Goodfellow with a fantastic impersonation of the cheeky fairy’s mischievous voice. In addition, one of the stars of the show, Daniel C, has been playing the memorable buffoon Nick Bottom to great effect! Daniel got his inspiration for Bottom’s accent “from some of my favorite youtubers”, continuing, “they come from the UK and I have adapted the accent”.

As well as that, 7BR have been watching a version of comedy play online. Daniel adds that he’s “enjoyed the funny scenes and the actors and how they bring the full characteristics during the play”.

Shakespeare himself would be proud, and maybe a little jealous, of this great group of young actors performing his play in strange times via strange devices!

Mr John Williams
Year 7 Advisor – Secondary School Teacher, English

Year 8 Master Cook Challenge 2021

Back in July, Year Pastoral Care classes were challenged to take on a Master Cook challenge for 2021 in the early weeks of our Blended Learning routine.

The criteria are as follows:

⇒ Students will need to produce a short video of no more than 3 minutes recording, including the key steps of you cooking
⇒ Submit a typed up a recipe for your meal (including ingredients, method and a picture
⇒ Submit a clear shot/s of the final plated meal
⇒ Submit picture of family members enjoying the meal
⇒ Submit a picture of the meal scored by mum/ dad or a family member.

The winner will be awarded $100 to their PC class to share

A pleasing number of students went to a lot of effort to cook meals for their families and to submit their entries. Congratulations to those students for having a go.

Mr Roper and I created three runners up categories because the entries were so good. The students who received awards for these categories include:

The Ninja Award – Aaron C 


Best Cinematography award – Paras S 


Best Music (Bee-Bop) Award – Lillian E 

Lillian E

Our winner, is Liliana S from 8 Liddell 1. Congratulations and well-done Liliana. 

L Shead

Mrs Helen Bull and Mr Michael Roper
Year 8 Advisors

Cook with MRK

Our MRK staff are back for another week of Cook with MRK! 

This week's recipe is foccacia bread

Read the full recipe on our website
A New Way to Communicate

There is a new way you are able to share your images with us.

How are you learning at home? Are you participating in Wellbeing Wednesday or our sports challenge? Perhaps your pet or younger sibling are joining in the fun!
We want to see how you are learning at home and encourage you to share pictures with us.

You can now send them to us on WhatsApp on 0407 603 772.  If you'd rather email us, you can still do so via [email protected]

We kindly ask that you only use this WhatsApp service to send through images,  we will be unable to see any SMS or phone calls made to this number. If you require assistance with any College-related matters, please continue to contact reception on 9608 0033 or via email [email protected].

We look forward to seeing what you are getting up to during At Home Learning.

Have we got your correct details?

Have we got your correct mailing address?

Now more than ever, it is important we can stay in touch!!

Have we got your correct mailing address in the Parent Portal? Please log on to ensure your details are up to date so that we can mail you or your child things as necessary. Merit Certificates etc are now being sent out in the mail and we want to ensure that you receive these.

If you have any problems updating your address through the Portal, please call 02 9608 0033 or email us [email protected]