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The Plague stopped Shakespeare, but not 7BR!

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When the actors of the Lord Chamberlain’s Men first performed Shakespeare’s latest comedy, ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’, in the mid-1590’s, it was not a time too different from our own.

In 1594, England had been attacked by an outbreak of the plague (the Black Death). Theatres, markets and churches had been closed, and many, including Shakespeare and the Men, had fled into the countryside. To William in the following year, it must have come as a big relief then, when his rusty actors finally took the stage, the empty coffers were filled, and the crowd began to swell into his dusty theatre to watch the first ever performance of ‘A MIDSOMMER Nights Dreame’.

Fast-forward four hundred years and here we are in a similar time with our churches and markets closed. For us, however, a time of plague doesn’t have to be a time without the theatre! This has been well and truly proven by Year 7 BR English class this week, who have been admirably performing scenes from ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ via Zoom.

C-J Crosbie, the class’ accent maestro, has played Robin Goodfellow with a fantastic impersonation of the cheeky fairy’s mischievous voice. In addition, one of the stars of the show, Daniel C, has been playing the memorable buffoon Nick Bottom to great effect! Daniel got his inspiration for Bottom’s accent “from some of my favorite youtubers”, continuing, “they come from the UK and I have adapted the accent”.

As well as that, 7BR have been watching a version of comedy play online. Daniel adds that he’s “enjoyed the funny scenes and the actors and how they bring the full characteristics during the play”.

Shakespeare himself would be proud, and maybe a little jealous, of this great group of young actors performing his play in strange times via strange devices!

Mr John Williams
Year 7 Advisor – Secondary School Teacher, English