Term 4: Thursday 2 November 2017

Roger Young
Leadership through service
Our new 2017/18 Captains and Prefects were commissioned on Friday 20 October.
Principal Ross Whelan
From the Principal
2018 Kindergarten children had their orientation yesterday.
Physical Education Centre - first glimpse inside!
The Physical Education Centre and the new playing field is now starting to take shape.
2017 Gold Award students
Three of our Gold Dukes participants have had their Award approved and the other is expected very soon.
Important Upcoming Dates 2017
Lots of exciting gatherings ahead! 
From the Chaplain
In October, 132 students travelled to Port Hacking Conference Centre to learn more about Jesus.
Principal's Awards
The latest Principal's Awards.
Senior Student Leadership Team 2018
Congratulations to our elected Senior Student Leadership Team for 2018.
EventsBack to Top
WellbeingBack to Top
SchoolTV: Transitions
......transitioning is an ongoing process .......
LearningBack to Top
The Great Aussie Bake-Off
Year 10 Food Technology students have mastered the drip cake technique.
News from the Senior IRC
The Marvel and DC universes have arrived at the IRC.
Students find Thomas Hassall's diary
Year 12 History Extension students travelled to the city for a research day and discovered something amazing.
Disability Provisions for the HSC 2018
Important message for parents and care givers of students sitting the 2018 Higher School Certificate.
Performing ArtsBack to Top
Young performers evening coming
Celebrate learning through your tutors.
The HUB gets juicy at MRK
The Mrs Riitano's Kitchen juice bar is now open.
Ensemble Evening
Senior music ensembles show for students to show their talent is coming.
African music studies
Year 10 music drumming to the African beat.
X-THACTOR 2018 is your chance to shine.
Talented Athletes Program - Swimming
TAP Swimming program is held Monday and Friday 6am to 7.30am at the Whitlam Leisure Centre.
Athletics season ends with a bang
The College always been involved in Athletics but this year has seen many more students take to the track and field.
For the first time AFL NASSA Gala Day was held as a separate Gala day and at a new venue.
NASSA Volleyball Gala Day
On 19 October Thomas Hassall won the Girls division in the NASSA Volleyball Gala Day.
AICES Waterpolo Championships
Thomas Hassall represents in the pool at the AICES Waterpolo Championships.
NASSA Year 7-9 Basketball Gala Day
Four teams, three silver medals and one day filled with basketball.
NASSA Cricket Gala Days
Students took to the pitch to play two days of cricket in some very competitive matches.
MISA Chess Championships
MISA Chess Championships were held for the second year running.
2018 Football Development Program
Football Development programs for students in Kinder – Year 9.
Interested in a Holiday Football Camp?
A holiday football clinic is being scheduled for mid-December.