Term 2 I Wednesday 26 June 2019

From the Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

We had a difficult week at the College following the passing of Yvonne Khoury but at the same time it has been a special time of supporting one another, focussing on the importance of others and how precious life really is.  The funeral gave everyone a glimpse of the special lady Yvonne was and the impact she has made on those who knew her.  It has been heartening to see so many staff and people from our College community and beyond willing to help without fuss.  We have had a reminder of how God gives an extra measure of strength and holds us together during such difficult times.  I would like to acknowledge the staff team from Mrs Riitano’s Kitchen for their care and support and also thank our College Chaplain, Jim Dayhew for his leadership of the formal process of Yvonne’s passing on behalf of the family, including conducting the funeral.  In Jim’s article this week you will find a copy of his message.  The coming days, weeks and months will continue to be difficult for Raf, Jayden and Nicholas and I know you will continue to pray for the family. 

We have had a great term with several highlights in the academic, creative and sporting arenas.  We can congratulate many of our students in the pursuit of excellence in these areas.  MADE for Stage, our Senior School Showcase Evening was held last Wednesday night.  We were privileged to welcome Mr Chris Sebastian as MC and included an impressive Artwork Display in the MRK followed by a showcase of performances including dance, drama and musical performances.  Thank you to all who planned, performed and assisted on the evening.  Well done to all.  There are some images from the event included in this edition of The Way. Other recent events have included the Anglican School’s Choral Festival at Oran Park and the MISA Dance Festival – again both wonderful displays of the creative talents of our students and staff. 

Junior School Reports have already been sent home and Senior School Reports will be available in due course.  You will have opportunities to meet with teachers early next term. 

Let me on your behalf welcome to our Creative Arts Faculty, Miss Simone Rapisarda, who has accepted a teaching position until the end of the year to replace Mr Nicholas Lane.  Miss Rapisarda is an excellent teacher and now being fully qualified after her final practice here at the College, and brings the most up to date understanding of the curriculum and teaching strategies.

The College will be a-buzz over the holidays with activities and opportunities for students including the annual Code Camp and various sporting camps.  You will find a comprehensive list of things to do in other sections of the newsletter.  The Administration office will remain open from 8am – 3pm each day. We wish all our Staff and families a safe and restful holiday and look forward to an exciting Term 3 with special events and occasions to enjoy.  Thank you for your continued support of the College. 

“…. for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good pleasure.” Philippians 2:13

Mr Ross Whelan
From the Deputy Head of Junior School

Our children are entering this digital world without a sense of what it was like before technology was imbedded into our lives.  

We as schools are also adapting and we as a school are committed to providing a safe and supportive school culture. Thomas Hassall took the step to ban mobile phones and their usage during school hours as I heard recently so did the Victorian Department of Education and Training.

We also wanted to provide opportunities for parents to hear from experts as well. To that end we have invited Dr Andrew Campbell, a leading authority in the area of Cyberpsychology and Child, Adolescent and Family Mental Health.  Dr Andrew Campbell has been researching and teaching in the area of e-Mental Health, for more than 15 years. He is highly regarded in his field and we hope to learn a significant amount from him. He will be providing a seminar for parents on Thursday 15 August. Early next term you will be receiving more information about the event and there will be an opportunity to book your spot.

In the meantime, consider from your own families perspective on what constitutes reasonable use of technology by your child. I would like to encourage you to keep talking to your children about this issue stay connected to what they are thinking and understand about the issue. If you are looking for more information can I recommend that a starting place might be the Australian Institute of Family Studies which can be accessed from the link below.


Mr Luke Sale
Deputy Head of Junior School - Operations/Welfare

From the Chaplain

Psalm 23 – Comfort for now, hope for the future.

I’m sure you’d agree, music has the power to speak to and soothe our soul, particularly in times of great distress, as we have seen today.

The Psalm just read was an ancient song for God’s people in their time of need and over centuries has provided comfort and hope to countless people.

May you find both comfort and hope in these words today.

You may be wondering right now; where is the comfort, where is the hope?

This famous Psalm of King David offers us God’s perspective as we mourn, but it is a mourning that has deep hope.

It reminds us that if we have God, we lack nothing.

What does it mean today, to know the Lord as our Shepherd?

As a boy, David was a shepherd who tended his sheep, protecting them from the savage attacks of wild animals. In doing this, he pointed to God’s great shepherd king, Jesus, who was willing to lay down his life for his sheep, his people, on the very first Easter.

We can find great comfort in the words of this Psalm when we read that the Lord:

“makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.”

That same God, whom we meet fully in Jesus, satisfies our physical hunger and thirst, and he satisfies the needs of our soul. He points us in the direction we should live. He meets us at our deepest spiritual need which is to know and enjoy God, not just what he provides for us.

Today, we reflect on Yvonne’s death, and even consider our own mortality – not an easy thing to do at all. We seek consolation, we may demand answers. Where are you Jesus in the midst of our grief and mourning?

David encourages us to remember that: "Even though I walk through the darkest valley, even death itself, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me."

The presence of a shepherd would have brought security and protection to sheep on a hillside. The reminder for us all is that Jesus is present with us this very day. We don’t have to face death alone.

God is a God of compassion and he himself knows what it is to lose a loved one, as he witnessed his own son, Jesus, die for our sin. We are not alone in our grief.

Elsewhere in the Psalms we are reminded that:  “The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” (Psalm 34:18)

With this knowledge, we can trust Jesus and his goodness, rather than fear the devastation of death. Yvonne's husband Raf himself shared “God has never failed me. That’s what you are all here with me today.”  Today we too can trust the Good Shepherd Jesus and his unfailing love.

Finally, we read that death need not be the end. The Psalm points to an eternity with God:

"You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever."

What does it mean to have the goodness and love of Jesus, to dwell in the house of the Lord forever? Jesus, the Good Shepherd explained this himself to his disciples, as the time for his own death drew near. He said:

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am."

You know the way to the place where I am going.

Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?”

Jesus answered, “I am the way…. and the truth and the life…... No one comes to the Father except through me.“

The matter of where we find our final resting place is what matters most.

While Jesus cares for us in this world, his care for us in the next is what gives us deep and lasting peace for our soul.

And today, we commit Yvonne into Jesus’ perfect, unfailing, loving care.

To Him, our great Shepherd, be the glory, now and forever. Amen

Reverend Jim Dayhew
College Chaplain

Term 2 & 3 Important Dates
Thursday  27 June Year 11 Parent Teacher Night 
Friday  28 June 2019 Last day of Term 2

* Due to the recent passing of Mrs Khoury and as a sign of respect we have decided to cancel this year's Dad's Day in the Canteen. We will bring it back bigger and better next year. 

Term 3

Monday 22 July  Term 3 Commences 
Wednesday 24 July  Term 3 Class Parents Meeting 
Thursday  25 July  Years 9 & 10 Parent Teacher Night
Monday - Thur 29 July - 1 Aug College Photo Week
Wednesday 31 July

Junior School Young Performers' Evening 

Thursday 1 August Year 7 & 8 Parent Teacher Night (Year 9 2020 Information Night)
Wednesday 7 August  Senior School Young Performers' Evening 
Tuesday 13 August Junior School Parent Teacher Night
Thursday 15 August NASSA Junior School Athletics Carnival
Wednesday 21 August Junior School Creative Arts Matinee & Evening Event 
Saturday  24 August  South West Festival
Monday  26 August Mid Term Break - Staff & Students
Tuesday 27 August  Junior School Creative Arts Matinee & Evening Event 
Wednesday 28 August Hot Topics Event 'Anxious Christians'
Thursday 29 August Father's Day Stall
Friday 30 August

Father's Day Stall 
Father's Day Breakfast
Junior School Creative Arts Matinee & Evening Event 

Wednesday 4 September Prefect Commissioning Assembly
Thursday 5 September Illuminate 2019 - A Showcase of Year 12 Major Works
Friday 6 September Junior School Grandparents' Day 
Friday 20 September Prep & Kinder Tabloid Carnival 
Wednesday 25 September Hot Topics Event 'Cultural Marxism - Imaginary Conspiracy or Genuine Threat?'
Thursday 26 September Prep, Year 1 & 2 Tabloid Carnival 
Friday  27 September  Class of 2019 Graduation
Last Day of Term 3 
July School Holiday Activities

You can view the flyer here to find out more information.

OSHClub - Vacation Care

OSHClub works in partnership with Thomas Hassall Anglican College to provide Vacation Care services. Vacation care runs Monday - Friday from 7:00am - 6:00pm in the school holidays. The daily price is $56 and incursions/excursions are an additional cost, whether the child participates or not. To find out which events have an additional cost, please visit the website. Please bring breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and a refillable drink bottle. 

When: Daily, throughout the holidays.

Holiday Sports Speed Clinic

Hosted by Academy of Sport Speed Australia (ASSA) Head Coach Ranell Hobson, your child will be introduced to the skills and drills used by elite players to generate first step explosive speed and change of direction, develop holistic athleticism, minimise risk of injury and increase efficiency of running. For 12+ years. 

When: Please note, the dates for this clinic are Thursday 4 July and Monday 8 July. There is no clinic on Friday 5 July

Code Camp

Unleash your child’s imagination. They will design, code, problem solve and become storytellers, as they move from consumers to creators with technology. This camp is for children aged 5-12 years and there are three levels. 

When: Monday 8 July - Wednesday 10 July

Motiv8 Sports

Motiv8sports Campers will be treated to an incredible array of trademark team sports in an environment full of energy, motiv8tion and unbelievable guidance from the professional team of coaches. For Thomas Hassall students, enter the coupon code ‘THAC’ to receive a 50% discount.

When: Tuesday 9 July - Thursday 11 July

Football Camp

This camp is open to students of Thomas Hassall Anglican College, their friends and family. Students will be involved in activities that develop skills and promote understanding of the game. The daily training will be designed to improve the skill level of each individual. Our Football Director, Mr Sonny Makko will be leading the program and it is offered to boys and girls in Kindergarten to Year 9. 

When: Monday 15 July - Friday 19 July

Congratulations Lara

Let's get behind Lara as a College community and support her through her journey on the national stage.

Viewers are able to vote for their favourite performers.   You can show your support and vote online now for Lara.


Junior School Musicals

Each date will showcase a different performance and feature all of our students. Performances will be 10am and 6:30pm each day. Tickets will be available early Term 3!

Performance by Prep, Year 5 and 6 students

Performance by Years 3 and 4 students

Performance by Kindergarten, Year 1 and 2 students

South West Festival 2019

The South West Festival is back again.  

We are currently calling out to our College community for sponsors for this years event.

You can get involved and in multiple ways:

  • through sponsorship of the event
  • through sponsorship of an attraction
  • donating items to our silent auction
  • sponsoring a motor show category

To find out more or to register click here

For more information, please contact Carmen Pasapera, Marketing and Community Relations Manager on 9608 0033 or [email protected]


EventsBack to Top

Code Camp is Back this Winter School Holidays

These Winter holidays Code Camp are returning to Thomas Hassall to teach your child to code, or to help them continue on their coding adventure! 

Code Camp has already taught more than 50,000 students in Australia and is a great way to spend time over the holidays as kids have lots of fun with friends while learning important new skills including logic, creativity, problem-solving, app development and game building. It’s fun and engaging, and gets them prepared to take on the digital world of the future.

This season from Monday the 8th of July to Wednesday the 10th of July, Thomas Hassall will be hosting Spark, 2D Game Makers and Little Heroes. 
Bookings can be made via this link: www.codecamp.com.au/THAC

Code Camp qualifies for the Creative Kids Rebate.


WellbeingBack to Top

Parenting Styles

There are so many different opinions offered on how best to parent. New parents will often have firm beliefs about how they wish to balance love and discipline, but this ideal often goes out the window when a toddler throws their first tantrum in the supermarket!

Raising children can bring parents and caregivers great joy despite many learning ‘on the job’ and growing into the role through experience and understanding. Children will always flourish in a warm and loving environment, supported by clear guidance.

In this Special Report, parents and caregivers can gain a greater understanding of the four defined parenting styles by taking part in the quiz. It can guide parents towards deciding which style they wish to adopt and the effects it may have on their children.

We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this Special Report, and as always, we welcome your feedback. If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact the school for further information or seek medical or professional help.

Here is the link to your special report https://thac.nsw.schooltv.me/wellbeing_news/special-report-parenting-styles

Source - SchoolTV

Performing ArtsBack to Top

Year 1 & 2 Strings Program

It was great to see the Year 1 students perform, as it was their first performance since commencing to learn violin towards the middle of Term 1.

The Year 2 students also did very well and complimented the younger Year 1 students very nicely. Congratulations to all performers!

Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles

Junior Hub

We were very blessed that the rain held out for us, and it was a great event.

The Junior Chapel Band and Junior Drum Circle performed in the Junior School Amphitheatre for their peers. Lots of students gathered to watch their friends perform, and even had a little dance!

Well done to all student performers.

Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles

Junior Strings Orchestra

Each year several schools meet to perform and showcase their various orchestras.  The Junior String Orchestra represented the College well in the strings session and received positive feedback and guidance from the Guest Director on the day.  

Congratulations to all the students who participated and represented the College at this Saturday event.

Mr Byron Mark
Manger of Ensembles

Year 3 Excursion to the Wetlands

It was a great experience for all students, and allowed us to see first-hand a wetland ecosystem. There was an abundance of wildlife, including many different types of birds. Students were able to participate in a variety of activities to consolidate the learning that has taken place throughout the term.

We were fortunate to be blessed with great weather, and some lovely parent helpers.

Mr Robert Sheahan
Stage 2 Assistant Coordinator- Year 3S

Thomas Hassall at the 2019 City2Surf!

Join the THAC 2019 City2Surf team! It’s on Sunday 11 August (Term 3, Week 3) and is open to family and friends of Thomas Hassall students. This is our third year at the City2Surf and each year has provided a fantastic opportunity for students to serve and contribute to the co-curricular life of the College.

This year we will be raising funds for Anglican Aid Miracle School which provides an education and knowledge of Jesus to children on the brick kilns in Pakistan. For more information on Miracle Schools click here.  

Registration is now open online at https://tinyurl.com/thac2019 to join our team and students can also sign up outside the PE staffroom as an expression of interest.

For more information see or email Miss Friel ([email protected]) or visit www.city2surf.com.au.

Young Performers Evening

It is called “Young Performers Evening”. This will be an opportunity to celebrate the work of the students and their musical development throughout the year. There will be a variety of instrumentalists performing a balanced, entertaining program. This event will also provide a perfect opportunity to acknowledge the dedication and hard work of the tutors.

This year there will be a Junior and Senior Young Performers Evening.  Our tutors will be encouraging students to present one or two pieces each to showcase their learning and growth throughout this year.

The date of the Junior evening is Wednesday 31 July and the Senior evening is Wednesday 7 August.

We will bring more information early next term.

Mrs Elizabeth Ford
Creative Arts Coordinator 

Anglican Schools Choral Festival

Each group performed two pieces each. Junior Choir presented “Ngarra Burra Ferra” which is a Yorta Yorta adaptation, from Aboriginal Australia, of the African American spiritual “Turn Back Pharaoh’s Army" and Happy by Pharrell Williams.  Senior Vocal Group presented "Jealous" by Nick Jonas and "Oh Happy Day" by E Hawkins. 

The groups represented the College well in the session and received positive feedback and guidance from the Guest Director on the day.  

Congratulations to all the students who participated and represented the College at this event.

Miss Sarah Prestwidge
Secondary Teacher - Creative Arts

NSW CIS Primary Boys Touch Football Trials

On Tuesday 11 June, Brodie V represented NASSA at the trials for the NSW CIS Primary Boys Touch Football team.  

The selection day was held at Penrith Touch fields and the best players from all over the state came to trial.

Although Brodie was not selected in the team, he trialled with great skills and sportsmanship. 

Well done Brodie!


Sharon Evans
P- 6 Sport Coordinator / TAP Coordinator

Book now for the 5 day School Holiday Football Camp - 15 - 19 July 2019

Date:   Monday 15 - Friday 19 July 2019

Time:  8.30am - 2.30pm

The College is excited to announce that we are opening the School Holiday Football Camp to students at Thomas Hassall Anglican College, their friends and family.

The camp will run in the last week of the July school holidays, from 15 – 19 July and students from Thomas Hassall can invite their friends along to join in the fun!

Students will be involved in activities that develop skills and promote understanding of the game. The daily training will be designed to improve the skill level of each individual. 

Our Football Director, Mr Sonny Makko will be leading the program and it is offered to boys and girls in Kindergarten to Year 9.

Details and enrollment information can be found on the flyer

Save the date and invite your friends to join in the fun!!

For more details please contact Mrs Evans [email protected]

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator 


Sport Speed Holiday Clinic

Thomas Hassall Anglican College is excited to host the Academy of Sport Speed Australia (ASSA) Clinic during the July School holidays.

Learn the Skill of Multidirectional Speed

  • Create First Step Explosiveness

  • Build Postural Strength for Speed

  • Be Energy Efficient in your Game

  • Reduce Injury Risk

Running over two days, students can attend one or both days of the clinic.

Days:           Thursday 4 July 2019 and Monday 8 July 2019

Time:           10.00am - 12.00pm

Venue:         Thomas Hassall Anglican College  (indoor PECS used in wet weather)

Cost:            $55 per day

Ages:           12 years and over (Athletes under 12 can apply, subject to approval by ASSA)

More details are on the flyer below 

 or visit the website: https://academyofsportspeed.com/upcoming-courses-workshops/

Basketball Development Program - Kinder - Year 9

The College is excited to launch Basketball as an additional sport in the 2019 Talented Athlete Program. Utilising our new gymnasium and the experienced coaches from Camden Valley “Wildfire” Basketball Association, afternoon basketball development sessions will be offered to students.

The Basketball Development Program is offered to both boys and girls from Kinder to Year 9.

The one hour sessions are designed to improve the skill level of each individual and cater for all abilities.

Students will be involved in fun activities that develop skills and promote understanding of the game. There are no trials for this program.

All sessions will occur from 3.00 – 4.00pm and will be conducted in the new sports facility.

*  Tuesday - Year 1 - Year 4 Program

*  Wednesday - Year 2 - Year 6 Program    

*  Thursday - Kinder - Year 2 Program

*  Friday - Year 6 - Year 9 Secondary Program 

For further information, please contact Mrs Evans, P-6 Sports Coordinator and TAP Coordinator - [email protected]

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator

Academy of Dance Program - Kinder - Year 6

The College Academy of Dance Program has one position available in the Year 3 - 6 Dance class on  MONDAY and TUESDAY.

Utilising our own highly qualified and experienced dance teachers the Dance sessions cover a range of styles.

- Monday - Year 3 - 6 Program - Contemporary, Jazz and Hip Hop  

- Tuesday- Year 3 - 6 Program - Contemporary, Jazz and Hip Hop

- Wednesday - Kinder - Year 2 Contemporary and Jazz 


We have had a tremendous response to the introduction of the Dance program and have a waitlist in operation for the Wednesday session.

If you are interested in enrolling your child please contact the College Office.

For further information, please contact Mrs Evans, P-6 Sports Coordinator and TAP Coordinator - [email protected]

Year 3 - 6 Athletics Carnival

The Yr 3-6 Athletics Carnival was held at the Campbelltown Athletics Stadium on Thursday 13 June.  The students participated in a variety of track and field events.

It was great to see everyone striving to do their best and we appreciated the support of parent helpers who assisted on the day.

All the students displayed a high level of sportsmanship both on and off the track and the relay races were a great way to finish the day.

A BIG THANK YOU  to Mr Fox, Mrs Focas and the YEAR 9  PASS students who ran the field events.

They did a FANTASTIC job to ensure the carnival ran smoothly and efficiently. 

The House competition was very close this year.  Congratulations to CARMICHAEL, who were overall winners.

The Primary Carnival results were:

1st – Carmichael              2,255 points                                  2nd – Liddell               2,172 points

3rd – Lewis                      2,151 points                                   4th – Wilberforce       1, 652 points

The following students were the Age Champions:




8 years

April M

Isaiah W

9 years

Ella W

Ryder W

10 years

Isabella T

Jacob S

11 years

Naomi C

Charlie K

12 years

Amelia C

Joseph D

Students who have qualified to represent the College at the NASSA carnival will be notified soon.  

The NASSA Junior Athletics Carnival will be held on Thursday 15 August 2019.


Mrs S Evans
P-6 Sport Coordinator

Winter IPSSO Draw and College Sport - Term Three 2019

The Winter IPSSO competition commenced in Term Two and continues through to the end of Term Three. 

Teams train every Wednesday morning 7.30 - 8.15am, Boys Soccer - 7.10 - 8.10am.


Term 3



Game Time

AFL & Softball



Newcombe Ball




11.55 - 1.45

Parry Park

ASG school

Parry Park

Parry Park



St Mark's

12.10 - 2.00

Hammondville Pk

Hammondville Pk

Hammondville Pk

St Mark's College



William Carey CS

12.30 - 2.20







Training team








St Mary's

12.20 - 2.10







Georges River Grammar

12.00 - 1.50

Gordon Parker


Coleman Pk












Semi & Grand Final

12.20 - 2.10

William Carey

William Carey

William Carey

William Carey



Back-up Finals Day









Students who are not involved in Winter IPSSO teams will participate in the Year 3 -6 College Sports program.

All sports are taught by qualified coaches and the sport runs for the entire term. 

There is no cost associated with the program as it is covered by College fees.  

Yr 3 Boys



Yr 5 Boys


Yr 3 Girls



Yr 5 Girls

Football (Soccer)

Yr 4 Boys

West Tigers League Clinic


Yr 6 Boys


Yr 4 Girls



Yr 6 Girls









Sharon Evans
P - 6 Sports Coordinator

NSW CIS Primary Cross Country Championships

On Thursday 13 June, fourteen primary students competed at the College Athletics carnival and then headed to Eastern Creek to run at the NSW CIS Primary Cross Country Championships.

We were very proud of all students who represented the College at the State Championships.

Congratulations to the following students who competed on the day:

8/9 years boys  - Ryder W, Isaiah W, Aleksandar M, Lorenzo V

8/9 years girls - Ella W , Emilija P

10 years boys - Pietro, S, Paul D

11 years boys - Charlie K, Adrian T

12 year boys - Joseph D

12 year girls - Angelina S, Tomi G, Laura M


Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator and TAP Coordinator

Alex selected in NSW CIS Primary Softball team

On Friday 14 June, Alexander G represented the College at the NSW CIS Primary Boys Softball trials.

Selected in the CIS team last year, Alex showed experience and leadership at the trials and was successful in regaining a position in the NSW CIS team for 2019.

Alex will travel to Tamworth in Term Three to play at the NSW PSSA Boys Softball Championship.


Sharon Evans 

P-6 Sport Coordinator

Junior School Sport - Information & Important Dates

Important Junior School Sport Dates

Term Three

Week 3 -           Wednesday 7 August– NSW CIS Primary Girls Softball Trials (Year 5 and 6) - Blacktown International Sports Park

Week 4 -           Wednesday 14 August– NSW CIS Primary Girls Cricket Trials (Year 5 and 6) - Blacktown International Sports Park

Week 4 -           Thursday 15 August – NASSA Junior Athletics Carnival (Year 3 - 6) - Campbelltown Athletics Stadium

Week 7 -           Monday 2 September – NASSA Junior Boys Cricket Gala Day - Onslow Oval Carnival (Year 5 and 6)

Week 8 -           Wednesday 11 September – Winter IPSSO Finals Day

Week 8 -           Thursday 12 September – NSW CIS Primary School Athletics Championships - Sydney Olympic Park Athletics Stadium

Week 9 -           Wednesday 18 September – Winter IPSSO Finals - Back-up date

Week 9 -           Friday 20 September – Prep - Year Two Tabloid Carnival - College oval

Week 9 -           Thursday 27 September – Prep - Year Two Tabloid Carnival - College oval

Throughout the year, there are also NSW CIS trials for some sports which do not have a Gala Day as an entry path.  If your child plays representative sport in Softball, AFL, Golf, Hockey or Rugby Union please see Mrs Evans to indicate your expression of interest to be nominated for these sports.  Students need to be in Years 5 or 6 and have represented their Association in their sport.  Information regarding CIS trials and sports available is found at; https://cis.aisnsw.edu.au/Pages/default.aspx

PE & Sport

It is advisable that your child has a refillable drink bottle on Sport and PE days to ensure that they are able to re-hydrate after exercise.  A frozen drink is also a great idea.  All children are required to wear the PE cap or College hat for sporting activities.  

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator 

2019 Football Programs - Junior School

2019 Football Development Programs - Kindergarten - Year 8 (afternoon programs)

The College offers Football Development Programs for students in Kinder to Year 8. The year-long program caters for both boys and girls and will be conducted by our Football Director Sonny Makko.


The one-hour sessions are designed to improve the skill level of each individual and suited for all abilities. Students will be involved in fun activities that develop skills and promote understanding of the game. Students can enrol in more than one day if preferred. The program runs for 35 weeks.


Information flyers and application forms for the 2019 Football Development Programs have been emailed to all College families.  Copies are available at the College Office.


Program details:

Kinder - Year 2 Program                  Monday  3 - 4pm

Year 3 - Year 8 Program                  Tuesday 3 - 4pm

Kinder - Year 2 Program                  Wednesday  3 - 4pm - FULL

Year 2 - Year 6 Program                  Thursday 3 - 4pm

K - 6 Girls Only Program                 Friday 3 - 4pm


For further information, please contact Mrs Evans, P-6 Sports Coordinator and TAP Coordinator - [email protected]


Junior School Football Program Flyer - 

Junior School Football Application Form - 


Equestrian Champion

Amelia has been nominated for a Local Sports Star award in the Junior Sports Star Individual category.  We are very proud of Amelia's achievements.  You can read the full article below. 

Motiv8sports 3 Day Olympics Camp 2019

Motiv8sports Campers will be treated to an incredible array of trademark team sports in an environment full of energy, motiv8tion and unbelievable guidance from the professional team of coaches. For Thomas Hassall students, enter the coupon code ‘THAC’ to receive a 50% discount.

The 3 day camp runs from 9 July to 11 July from 8:30am – 3:30pm daily (non-sleep over events). Motiv8sports camps are designed for all abilities and focus on the energy and effort rather than a child’s sporting ability. Children attending Motiv8sports Super Camp learn about sport, teamwork & sportsmanship in an environment driven by incredible leadership and constant motivation.

To find out more and for bookings, please visit bit.ly/THACmotiv8


CommunityBack to Top

Hope Anglican Church Holiday Club

We are calling all kids in K–6 to join the quest of Man vs. Wild! 

Adventure with us as we search through Bible stories, songs, crafts and games to find the only one who can conquer the wild!

Lunch, morning tea and afternoon tea included. All kids welcome! 

The program will run on Thursday 11 – Friday 12 July from 9am–5pm & costs $30. There will even be a parents' cafe for you to enjoy when you drop off your kids!

Come at 4:45pm on Thursday & Friday to join the adventure and enjoy a small glimpse of the day. Stick around for dinner from 5pm on Friday to celebrate with us! 

And the celebrations don't end there! Come along on Sunday at 9am or 10:45am to see the characters, see the kids perform and for prizes. There will also be a sausage sizzle and jumping castle! 

Places are limited, so don't miss the opportunity to attend, register now!


Uniform Shop

The store stocks a range of pre-loved uniform items that have been donated by parents.

The uniform shop is open during Term Time on Wednesdays and Fridays between 12noon and 3pm.

You are able to donate uniforms that are in a good condition and you will no longer need or you can purchase second hand items for a great price!  Items include tunics, ties, shorts, blazers and more. 

Kathmandu Discount for Thomas Hassall Students

If you go to the Narellan store from Friday 5 to Sunday 7 July, Thomas Hassall students will receive this one off community discount. You will see Kathmandu Narellan offer guidance and expertise with important information on correct fittings for backpacks, different sleeping bag options, choosing the correct footwear and technical information on clothing and apparel. This is an ideal opportunity to learn more about what is needed for your upcoming adventure and ensure you’ll be safe and comfortable. 

Simply present the attached letter and your student card at the Kathmandu Narellan store on the 5-7th of July to redeem your FREE Summit Club Membership and gain access to your community discount. This is a great opportunity especially for Duke of Ed or Kokoda participants to start collecting gear at a discounted price.

For the discount letter, click here: 

For more information contact Miss Friel at [email protected]