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Kathmandu Discount for Thomas Hassall Students

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Looking for some new outdoor gear? Kathmandu Narellan are offering Thomas Hassall students 40-60% off Kathmandu branded gear and free Summit Club membership for one weekend only.

If you go to the Narellan store from Friday 5 to Sunday 7 July, Thomas Hassall students will receive this one off community discount. You will see Kathmandu Narellan offer guidance and expertise with important information on correct fittings for backpacks, different sleeping bag options, choosing the correct footwear and technical information on clothing and apparel. This is an ideal opportunity to learn more about what is needed for your upcoming adventure and ensure you’ll be safe and comfortable. 

Simply present the attached letter and your student card at the Kathmandu Narellan store on the 5-7th of July to redeem your FREE Summit Club Membership and gain access to your community discount. This is a great opportunity especially for Duke of Ed or Kokoda participants to start collecting gear at a discounted price.

For the discount letter, click here: 

For more information contact Miss Friel at [email protected]