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From the Deputy Head of Junior School

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We live in a rapidly changing world in an age where the digital landscape is different on a seemingly daily basis.

Our children are entering this digital world without a sense of what it was like before technology was imbedded into our lives.  

We as schools are also adapting and we as a school are committed to providing a safe and supportive school culture. Thomas Hassall took the step to ban mobile phones and their usage during school hours as I heard recently so did the Victorian Department of Education and Training.

We also wanted to provide opportunities for parents to hear from experts as well. To that end we have invited Dr Andrew Campbell, a leading authority in the area of Cyberpsychology and Child, Adolescent and Family Mental Health.  Dr Andrew Campbell has been researching and teaching in the area of e-Mental Health, for more than 15 years. He is highly regarded in his field and we hope to learn a significant amount from him. He will be providing a seminar for parents on Thursday 15 August. Early next term you will be receiving more information about the event and there will be an opportunity to book your spot.

In the meantime, consider from your own families perspective on what constitutes reasonable use of technology by your child. I would like to encourage you to keep talking to your children about this issue stay connected to what they are thinking and understand about the issue. If you are looking for more information can I recommend that a starting place might be the Australian Institute of Family Studies which can be accessed from the link below.

Mr Luke Sale
Deputy Head of Junior School - Operations/Welfare