In week 6 of Term 2, Year 10 went to Work Experience and had the opportunity to learn in many work environments. Year 10 have spent several weeks organising themselves to spend a week in the workplace to learn what work is like and for many, what it is like to work in industries they are interested in.
Mr Roper asked Year 10 Students “What is a positive experience or story from your week?”. Here were some responses and reflections:
“I got along with the person who did work experience with me, and since I did not know a lot he was ok with me asking tons of question and even going into deeper detail to further expand my understanding on the topic”
“I got to see how all the packages are processed and are sent out”
“The Boss lost a bet and bought everybody fish and chips, it was very nice, and we had a big talk that was very funny. I couldn't stop laughing, I nearly choked on a chip because I was laughing so hard.”
“Receiving insight into the processes involved in creating graphics/visuals for an organisation to communicate it's goals to its audience”
“I was able to cooperate with different people around the workplace to see how everything is represented/managed towards customers, as well as the way customers leave with a good experience having been developed.”
“I was able to see a baby in the mother's womb ultrasound.”
They were also asked “What is something you learned at work experience?”
“I learnt that there are tons of different things the IT department can do, such as fixing other things around the school such as audio systems for example. It wasn’t all just helping students and teachers devices, it went super deep into the tech around the whole school”
“Phone mannerisms, Asset Management and the key to fixing any computer problem is to turn it off and on again.”
“Phenomena present in the interstellar medium/how telescope are directed etc”
“Being able to adjust for different types of consumers needs and wants”
“I learned how to work in a warehouse efficiently. E.g. packaging, stocking, etc.”
“I have learnt how to change patients, how to make hospital beds, how to clean patients, how to discharge/administer patients, how to complete a handover and do ward rounds and more.”
“I learned how to take a chest x-ray and I learned how to position the probe to find the jugular vein, and thyroid in the neck in ultrasound.”
“I learnt about the intricacies, processes and aims of occupational therapy and speech therapy. I also learnt the importance of acknowledging, considering and showing support and respect to populations that might have difficulty with every-day life, especially those who might have impairments that impact their abilities.”
The host employers were also asked to provide feedback on our year 10 students and here are a few of their replies:
“… was a pleasure to have, she fit in well and completed all tasks given to her during her time here with no issues what so ever…”
“He is a bright young man who was able to perform difficult tasks quite well. He is a quick learner and asks lots of questions. He caught on quite quickly using architectural software and marking out areas. He was well liked by all site and office staff.”
“She was fabulous! Many teachers were very appreciative of her initiative and willingness to step into any activity or task.”
“He was a valued addition to our team during his work experience at MJS Electrical Supplies. He quickly learned the tasks which were taught and given to him, and made zero mistakes during his week with us. His attention to detail was outstanding, ensuring his work was done correctly at all times. We hope he enjoyed his time with us, and got to experience what it is like being a warehouse team member for an online business. We would go as far as to offer him employment with us if he were to seek it.”
“… did his work experience at Bunnings, I was very impressed that he approached Bunnings to ask for the workplace himself, the feedback he got from all six Managers was very positive, he was a hard worker, he listened and he was great with his customer service and that if he ever wanted to come back to work for Bunnings he is welcome to come and join the team.”
Many of the employers who gave feedback indicated that they would be keen to have students in the future. Feedback was sought from parents of their children’s experience. Here are a few of their responses:
“He found it eye opening to be part of the work force, it taught him to face his fears and deal with self-doubt, I received great feedback on him and they offered to take him on with paid work during the school holidays. His WE focused on the function of running a business opposed to the skill required in the trade of electrical. I was really taken back how well he settled into the work place.”
“He loved Calmsley Hill Farm, they have a very good work experience program and handbook which gave clear instructions and expectations for the student. They were very friendly and gave him productive work which made him feel part of the team. It helped that there were lots of cute animals to pat!”
“I thought work experience was a great opportunity for her to have. It has firmer up her decision to pursue dentistry. I was also really valuable to get to ask questions and speak to people in the field. They were so friendly and answered her questions. She has even been told to come back and see them once she finishes Year 12 to discuss opportunities with them.”
“My son, enjoyed the work experience and what is even better, he was asked to come and work for this employer on Saturday.”
Year 10 are encouraged to continue considering their work and study plans for the future as we attend the careers expo on the 22nd of June. Year 9 is also encouraged to start thinking about where they would like to do their work experience placement next year.

Mr Michael Roper
Careers Advisor, HSC Plus Coordinator & Year 10 Advisor