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From the Deputy Principal - Senior School Development

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From the Deputy Principal - Senior School Development

Roger Young
Mr Roger Young
Deputy Principal - Senior School Student Development

It has been a fantastic term of rich learning experiences and opportunities for our students. The holiday break has been well earned by our students and staff. It will however be a significant time for our Year 12 students as they prepare for their most important College Assessment period: The Trial HSC. These will be examinations selected to simulate the actual HSC and as such they attract the highest assessment weighting of any of their tasks. Many thanks to the Year 12 teachers who are running holiday revision workshops to assist their students, our students are very blessed to have such committed teachers to prepare them.

Academic reports will be all available in the next little while and I hope they provide an excellent opportunity to discuss your child’s learning with them. What Learning Behaviours are they particularly strong in and which need to be addressed. How have their results been and what have been the suggestions for improvement from their teachers?

What an incredible event ‘MADE for Stage’ was last night! The dance, drama and music performances were simply incredible! Particular highlights for me include Ellaria singing whilst being in a live action video clip involving her departed friend. Jean and Karen in the Year 12 Drama performance were simply hilarious and the College bands were both professional and joyous! The Visual Arts displays were also of a brilliant standard. Special mention here to the Year 11 Visual Art class for their self portraits which were highly compelling and the Easter Show videos from the Year 10 PDM class!

It was a joy to meet with a select parent focus group this week around the topic of mobile phones and possible measures at the College for the future. With the announcements in the media recently about impending bans on mobile phones, it was great to have a discussion together with some families about the way forward. Keep an eye out for invitations to similar events in the near future!

With the increasing functionality of AI tools such as Chat GPT and Quilbot, students and staff alike are investigating the impact of such technology on education. Our Leaders of Learning have been meeting regularly to discuss the implications of these applications upon assessment design and have developed new and creative ways to ensure that a students’ knowledge is being measured, rather than their ability to utilise AI tools! As a College, we are ensuring that we remain current in our software programs to ensure procedural fairness is maintained in our learning tasks. 

I hope that you get an opportunity to spend some quality time as a family over this break. I look forward to seeing you at the College in Semester Two.