Term 2 I The Way Newsletter I Friday 16 June 2023

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From the Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

As we approach the final week of Term 2, let us mark our calendars for UNITE week.  The boulevard proudly displays an array of national flags as we prepare for a week of celebrating, as we honour the uniqueness of our individual heritage and the strength of our unified College Community.  

In the last fortnight many students have been engaged in major events at the College. It has been a delight to enjoy the Junior School Creative Arts performances of Kindergarten and Years 1 & 2.  Similarly, the Senior School has impressed us with their exceptional talent demonstrated in the 'MADE for Stage' showcase event. Today, we had the privilege of attending the Choral Festival, where our Junior and Senior Choirs, alongside other Anglican schools, contributed their harmonious voices to create a memorable experience.  We look forward to the upcoming MISA Dance Festival, set to take place at the Campbelltown Cube on Tuesday.

Thank you to all our talented Creative Arts teachers and support staff, our backstage crews and MRK staff for such outstanding service for students. Thank you to parents, grandparents and friends who wholeheartedly support and encourage their children's artistic endeavours. Your presence at these events greatly contribute to the memorable experiences of our students.

We had the privilege of a visit from Mr. Nathan Hagarty, the elected Member of Parliament for the newly established State seat of Leppington on Tuesday 13 June. Mr Hagarty graciously engaged in meaningful conversations and addressed some great questions from our Junior and Senior Student Leaders. He also dedicated valuable time to visit and converse with our Year 5 students, who proudly showcased their Space Project exhibition. 


We are delighted to share the news that the South Korean Women's National Football team has chosen our College grounds and facilities as their training ground in preparation for the highly anticipated FIFA Womens World Cup later this month. This presents a significant opportunity for our students to witness the dedication and skill demonstrated by these extraordinary athletes.  Looking ahead to the upcoming term, we will see the return of the South West Festival on Saturday 26 August.  We are very excited for the Festival to be back up and running this year.

Thank you so much for your support during the term. Make every effort to enjoy the winter break. We look forward to welcoming students back on the first day of Term 3, Monday 17 July.

‘The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace’.  Numbers 6:24-26

Mr Ross Whelan
From the Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School
Sandy Wheeler

Term 2 has been a magnificent term of learning in the Junior School. It has also been a great joy to see so many families attending a range of events. We will continue to bring the community together in Term 3 with events such as Fathers’ Day and the Southwest Festival.

These events have been uplifting times when we’ve felt the benefit from that extra boost - to see the children perform on stage or celebrate a special occasion. We want a brighter future for our students and on that journey we do well to come together, enjoying life at the College on our beautiful campus. We also encourage you to connect with other families too. Coming along to the Parent Café on Friday mornings is a great opportunity for this and I hope to see you there.

This week our Year 5 students showcased their findings on a science project with parents. Students were given an independent research task to write an inquiry question about space. They were able to present their findings in a creative way of their choosing. There were so many great submissions including dioramas, videos, power point presentations and posters. Well done Year 5.

Next Week we will be celebrating UNITE Week. This is a great opportunity for our College Community to celebrate cultural diversity. We look forward to seeing students in their cultural attire next Friday. Detailed information has been posted via a Broadcast.

Our Junior School Assemblies have been taking place on Fridays. This has been a chance to recognise student achievement and for classes to share their learning with parents. We hope you have enjoyed coming along to these. They will continue in Term 3.

Thank you for your commitment and involvement in your child’s journey this term.

Have a safe and enjoyable holiday break.

Mrs Sandy Wheeler
Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School
From The Chaplain
Denis Oliver


Next week is UNITE Week at College. During UNITE week we celebrate the Multicultural diversity in our College, one of the ways we do that, is with food and flags.  Our College really is an international school. 

The part of UNITE Week that I love is the colour that comes from national costumes worn and all the flags put up.  I must confess that I am a vexillophile – a lover of flags. Do you know your flags? Do you know these flags?


These are the colourful flags of Antwerp, Nepal and Sicily. We’ll come back to this later…

The colour, excitement, curiosity, and diversity that Unite Week brings reminds me of heaven. Check out this bible passage and I show you what I mean.

9 After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. 10 And they cried out in a loud voice: “Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.”

Revelation 7

Heaven is huge – there are so many people that they cannot be counted.

Heaven is multicultural – People from all countries, regions, and even dialects - diverse yet united as one.

Heaven is pure – Every person from each country is given a white robe. Multiculturalism without racism, cultures free from sin and the hurts of the past.

Heaven has Jesus at the centre – Jesus is called the lamb. He is one who suffered and died for the sins of all who trust in him. He is the reason for the unity, the purity, the hugeness, the diversity of heaven.

Back to the flags. We may not know all flags, but God knows all the people under all flags. Vexillophiles spend their time getting to know flags, be we must spend our time getting to know people.  God is in the business of building an international kingdom and as Christians we are his ambassadors. Let us represent our kingdom well so that people will want to emigrate into his eternal kingdom.

Reverend Denis Oliver
College Chaplain

Upcoming Dates

Date Event
Monday 19 June Unite Week Begins

Tuesday 20 June

Junior School Wanderers Cup

MISA Dance Festival

Thursday 22 June

Senior School Wanderers Cup Gala Day

Year 10 & 12 Careers Expo

Friday 23 June

Cultural Dress for Students

XThactor (Senior School)

Last Day of Term 2

Monday 17 July Term 3 Begins
Uniform Shop Trading Hours

The Thomas Hassall Uniform Shop will close for the school holidays on Friday, 23 June at 3:30 pm. 

Winter holiday trading hours are:

Friday 14 July 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

The uniform shop will return to normal hours on Monday 17 July 2023.  Throughout the College term our opening hours are:

  • Monday         7.00 am - 3.30 pm
  • Wednesday  12.00 pm - 6.00 pm
  • Friday             7.00 am - 3.30 pm

You are welcome to purchase from the online uniform shop at your convenience and your order will be filled when the store is next open: www.Midford.com.au (School Passphrase: Thomas1997)

Please contact the uniform shop if you have any questions. 

Phone: 02 8776 1193

Email: [email protected]

EventsBack to Top

South West Festival

Thomas Hassall Anglican College is very pleased to stage the South West Festival on Saturday 26 August 2023 from 10am-3pm - make sure you Save the Date. There is a great variety of international food stalls, carnival rides, children’s activities and workshops, pony rides, petting zoo, live music, market stalls, reptile interactive display and the renowned Motor Show - over 100 bikes and cars!

We are currently looking for Sponsorships and Prize Donations towards the festival. If you would be interested in promoting your business by becoming a sponsor and/or donor of the 2023 event, please visit the South West Festival website or contact the Community Relations team via email [email protected]



The last week of Term 2 is our annual College UNITE Week. It is a wonderful celebration of our cultural diversity. Each day students will have the opportunity to engage in activities that promote positive conversations about their cultural background. There will also be special assemblies in both our Junior and Senior schools encouraging an atmosphere of celebration and inclusivity.

On Friday 23 June all students are invited to arrive to College wearing an outfit or article of clothing that represents their cultural background. This could range from full traditional dress, an item of clothing, colours of their national flag or a sporting jersey from their national team. If students do not have any cultural items to wear, they are encouraged to wear the colour orange, as this is the national colour of Harmony Day in Australia.

Please note: This day is NOT a mufti or free dress day. If students choose not to wear any of the above mentioned, they are to arrive in their full winter College uniform or sports uniform only.

The Friday will be a special day in both Junior and Senior School, details for both have been sent home via the College App.


LearningBack to Top

Writing Competition

What is it? A writing competition open to ALL students, Prep to 6. Students enter under their name, grade and HOUSE. Points will be awarded to the students’ houses for every person who enters.

When is it? The writing competition will open from Friday the 9th of June and close on Monday the 19th of June. Entries are handed to the CLASS TEACHER. Students will be given one or two lessons to work on their entry in class time, but any final editing or corrections will need to be done at home.

THEME: My Life So Far. Please include this idea in the story. This could be based on the student’s actual life experiences, or can be a fictional character.

Submissions: Students may submit a creative writing piece (narrative or poem). It needs to be submitted on A4 paper.

MUST HAVE: Entries must be labelled with the student’s first and last names, class and HOUSE. The entry must be legible (at an age appropriate level – Years 4 – 6 Typed and spellchecked, option to type for younger grades). Students must submit their own work. It must be original, and not previously awarded any prizes in other writing competitions. Parents and teachers may help with basic editing before the story is submitted, but not write the text for the student.

Entries will be chosen from every grade to be published in a Thomas Hassall Magazine! A winning entry from each grade will also receive a mystery (book related) prize!

If there are any questions, please email Mrs Saville: [email protected]  

Mrs Alex Saville
Gifted and Talented Liaison for the Junior School


An Art Opportunity

Year of the Dragon drawings – Sydney Lunar Festival 2024

Young artists ages 5 – 12 years old are invited to submit their best dragon artwork for the Year of the Dragon, the Sydney Lunar Festival for 2024. 

They are looking for vibrant, colourful drawings of dragons that demonstrate any of the following:

  • celebrating the Lunar New Year
  • highly imaginative
  • performing anything from dancing to juggling or singing
  • holding a red envelope or lantern
  • happy, friendly, smiling, laughing, cheeky
  • strong and bold.

Submissions are due by the 26th of June 2023.

For more information, visit: https://cityofsydney.jotform.com/231156774344963 or https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/cultural-support-funding/sydney-lunar-festival-2024-dragon-drawing-callout?page=1

Mrs Alex Saville
Gifted and Talented Liaison for the Junior School

A Space Museum

On Tuesday 13 June, Year 5 rooms was transformed into a “Space Museum”, where the students showcased their learning about space. Each student devised their own inquiry question, carried out research at home and at College and put together a presentation. It was wonderful to have many parents joining us to view the exhibits, which ranged from impressive working models through to posters, videos and slideshows. Topics covered included black holes, galaxies, time travel and much more. Thank you to all the parents who contributed on the day and helped out at home. And congratulations to our Year 5 students for your fabulous ideas and efforts!


Mr Peter Butchatsky
Junior School Teacher - Stage 3 - 5B & Team Leader - Year 5


Performing ArtsBack to Top

Wonderful Performances

Last week, all students in Kindergarten and Stage One had the opportunity to sing and dance on stage in front of their parents and friends. Students had been rehearsing their performances since term 1 and they were eagerly awaiting the moment they could finally perform for their loved ones. It was so wonderful to see students’ confidence develop as the weeks went by as they became more familiar with their songs. Especially seeing the way that Kindergarten students jumped into the shows with enthusiasm was so encouraging. 


One Kindergarten student told me this week that she couldn’t get the smile off her face when she first stepped onto the stage and another student commented that he couldn’t wait to go on stage again. Each class got to perform twice. Once in a matinee show and once again in an evening show. The audience was treated to familiar songs from movie favourites, dazzling lights, smiling faces and some cracking jokes from the Year 2 MC’s. Students should be very proud of their impressive efforts.

kindyMrs Elita Brown
Junior School Specialist Teacher (CAPA) (Th, F)

Junior School Athletics Carnival

Year 3 - 6 students enjoy participating at the College Athletics Carnival. 

Our Year 3 – 6 students had a wonderful day at the Junior School Athletics carnival at Campbelltown Stadium on Thursday 1 June.

They had the opportunity to participate in a variety of track and field events, earning House points and doing their best in all events.

A highlight of the day was listening to the student House Cheers and everyone encouraging the runners in their House during the relay events at the end of the day.

A BIG THANK YOU to Miss Tikeri, Mrs Focas, Mr Sheahan and our Secondary Year 9 PASS classes who ran the field events.  They did an awesome job to ensuring the carnival ran smoothly and efficiently. 

In a very close House competition, we congratulate LEWIS House on winning the point score this year. 

The Primary Carnival HOUSE results were:

1st Place: Lewis                       2,115 points  

2nd Place: Carmichael            2,105 points

3rd Place: Liddell                      2,062 points

4th Place: Wilberforce              1,648 points

The following students were the Age Champions for the carnival:

8 years A’mia B Orlando C
9 years Ella K Hudson G
10 years Willow S Rocky B
11 years Cierra G Stefan C
12 years Elizabeth S Arush M

Students who have qualified to represent the College at the NASSA carnival will be notified soon.  

The NASSA Junior Athletics Carnival will be held next term, on Thursday 10 August 2023 (Week 4).

Junior School Photos

Mrs Sharon Evans

P-6 Sport Coordinator

CIS Primary Cross Country Championships

On Thursday 8 June, ten Primary students travelled to the Equestrian Centre at Horsley Park to represent NASSA at the NSW CIS Primary Cross Country Championships.

Our students raced well on the tough course, with our 11 and 12 year old students having to run not only in the cold conditions, but also with the constant rainfall during the race. Congratulations to:

Ella K, Levi M, Hudson G, Thomas S, Hanna E and Willow S who ran in the 2km event.

Jenson M, Dakota J, Harlee S and Ava R competed in the 3km event

A special congratulations to Willow S who has qualified as 1st reserve in the 10 year girls 2km event at the NSWPSSA Championships.

Well done to all students on your fine performance!!


Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator

Futsal Championship

On Monday 5th June, students from Stage 3 competed in the NSW Football Schools Futsal Championship in Bankstown. For our boys, THAC went head-to-head in the quarter final making a nail-biting game. Our girls A-side gallantly made the final, winning a silver medal!
A big congratulations to all those who participated in the tournament.

footballMiss Georgia Beikoff 
Assistant Chaplain - Junior School

CommunityBack to Top

Book Club in the Junior Library


This term in the Junior Library, the book club has been reading the first novel in the popular 'Wings of Fire' series 'The Dragonet Prophecy.' A story of dragons, friendship and overcoming challenges, it was greatly enjoyed by much of the group. To celebrate finishing the book this term we had a party!

If you love reading, playing games making craft then the book club is the place for you! For more information please speak to Mrs Issa or Mr Smith.


Mrs Arabella Issa & Mr Michael Smith

Junior Library Team

Holiday Program
Football Holiday Program

Running from 5-7 July from 8.30 - 2.30pm, this is an all-weather program that will take place at the College.

It is open to boys and girls aged 5-13 of all skill levels.

Students will participate in fun activities, game development and learn soccer skills from accredited coaches.

$65 per day or $180 for the 3 days.

Book online now