Term 4 I The Way Newsletter I Friday 20 October 2023

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From the Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

Term 4 has been off to a busy start with HSC exams starting, and now the final examinations are beginning next week for our Senior School students in Years 7-10.

We have been praying for these students throughout the weeks that they have clear minds and calm hearts to remember what they have learnt. From our conversations after each exam, our HSC students have been generally positive about the exams.

Senior School students have begun to use the new Anne Marsden N Block Pavilion and our Maths and Languages staff have moved in to the new staff area attached.  It’s a great space.  Just a reminder that the J Block change will occur very soon.  This building will be demolished to make way for a new two-storey STEM building, and construction will take place from this term right through 2024.

We welcomed 2024 Year 7 families today, including new students commencing with us in 2024 along with our current families for Year 7 orientation. This has provided them with an excellent opportunity to meet key staff members and ask any questions they may have. The new students had also a wonderful day meeting their new cohort and key teachers who will work alongside them throughout their College journey. We are looking forward to welcoming Prep, Kindergarten and new students over the coming weeks at their orientation.

There have been some great concerts held in the first weeks of this Term. We held our Junior School Ensembles Evening this week, which featured the skills of our Junior bands and ensembles. It was amazing to see so many students participate and perform in front of an audience, and we congratulate them on developing these skills.

We especially welcome our new college leadership team for 2024. Congratulations to the new Leadership Team in Year 12 and our new College Captains Mia and Sean. We look forward to seeing you lead the College.   The list of names is included in this edition of the Way.

Thanks again for your continued support of all our programs. 

Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy;
without holiness no one will see the Lord. 

Hebrews 12:14


Mr Ross Whelan
From the Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School
Sandy Wheeler

What a wonderful start it has been with many events across Junior School and now here we are at the end of Week 2 and aren’t we well and truly back into it! We held our annual Tabloid Carnival for our students in Years P-2 across 2 days last week. It was lovely to see our younger students participate in athletics events on our wonderful grounds. Thank you to all of those involved and to our Parents for coming and supporting your child. It was especially fantastic to see the Parents join their children in activities like tug-o-war.   

A number of Year 5 & 6 students attended Jam Camp last weekend. A big thank you to the staff who attended and ran all of our devotions, I have heard from students that it was a positive experience, we are so lucky to be able to share the word of Jesus to all.

This week we held our Junior Ensemble evening and what a treat that was! Thank you to Mr Byron Mark for his experience in exposing our students to so many varieties of music whether it be a drum circle, choir and so many other repertoires. I along with many other parents can see the growth in our students from the beginning of the year to now.

Next week we have our Year 4 Camp which will be a wonderful experience where our students will gain independence and team building skills along with having a lot of fun. We are looking forward to hearing all of the wonderful stories that will come from camp. 

Grandparents day isn’t far away, don’t forget to register. 

The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him;
it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.
Lamentations 3:25-26

Mrs Sandy Wheeler
Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School
From the Assistant Chaplain

Last weekend we had over sixty Year 5 and 6 students travel to Port Hacking for JAM Camp. It was an amazing time of waterslides, billy carts, games, archery sunshine and the best part, Jesus! From Friday through to Sunday afternoon, we spent time in the book of Hebrews learning about why Jesus is always better and how we are to now run the race with perseverance until Jesus returns.  
Thank you to Miss Broadstock, Mr Butchatsky, Mr Stroud, Mr Buckley, Mrs Flack, Mrs Waugh, and Miss Wotton for all their hard work in making it such an awesome time!

Jam Camp


Miss Georgia Beikoff
Assistant Chaplain

Upcoming dates

Date Event

Monday 23 October

HSC Continues
Year 4 Camp
Year 7 & 9 Exams Commence

Tuesday 24 October

Junior NASSA AFL Carnival
Year 4 Camp

Wednesday 25 October 

Year 12 English Incursion

Friday 27 October

Grandparents Day (Junior School)
Operation Christmas Child Box Due
Year 7 & 9 Exams Finish

Saturday 28 October

College Gala Dinner

Monday 30 October Year 8 & 10 Exams Commence
Tuesday 31 October Kindergarten Orientation Day
Friday 3 November

Kindergarten Orientation Day
Year 8 & 10 Exams Finish



Catching the bus in 2024

Will your child/ren be catching the bus in 2024?

If you plan on having your child catch a bus to get to College/home in 2024 or are relocating, please complete the application for an Opal Card as per the instructions in the pdf link below.

All government buses are now operated by Transit Systems.

If you are considering using the Thomas Hassall Anglican College Private Bus Service for your child, please ensure you have submitted your application as places are limited.  It is advisable to still submit an application for an Opal card even if there is no current public bus service.  This information is used to identify new bus routes depending on demand.

For information regards all our transport information, please refer to the website.

PDF icon2023 Term 4_parentinformation_newsletter.pdf

Collecting your Children

If you need to collect your child early from college for an appointment, please call the college on 9608 0033 at least 1 hour before the pickup time. Please do not email teachers regarding any early pick up as this can often be missed, the reception staff will organise a note to be sent to the student.

No student will be allowed to leave class without this note.

The College phone policy means that students caught using their phones will be given a lunch detention. For this reason it is important that you do not directly contact your child on their phone to arrange pick up.

If the time of pickup falls within lunch or recess, we may need more than 1 hour notice. Please see bell times below.

bell times

Safety at College

Just a reminder that Junior School lessons start at 8.20am and for safety reasons the gates are locked from 8.25am each morning.

This applies to the K-2 drop-off gate on Southern Cross Drive, the 3- 6 drive through gate and the pedestrian gates on Kingsford Smith Ave.

Please ensure, if you are using the drop off zone, that your child has entered through the gates.  Once the gates are locked, students will need to be signed in through the Front Office to enter the College.

Thank you for your Corporation.

Mrs Sandy Wheeler
Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School


Sports Representation 2023

If your child has represented at a state or national level for any sport please let the College know.

We would like to recognise and celebrate students achievements in sports outside of the College.  Please assist the College by filling out the form below if your child has represented at State or National level in any sport and is in Years 3 to 12. In your submission you can include any photos or videos of your child participating in the sport. 



EventsBack to Top

Grandparents Day

You’re invited to come along to our special Grandparents day in the Junior School at the College on Friday 27 October. 

Join us for refreshments from 10.30am. There will be a concert at 11.00am then followed by classroom visits. 

There will be a book fair open throughout the day at the Junior School Library.

Register for the event online www.thac.nsw.edu.au/book 

WellbeingBack to Top

THAC Cares

At Thomas Hassall we proactively seek to empower our students to speak up about any concerns they may have. Students have concerns about all sorts of things: friends, family, staff, facilities, and learning.

Student safety is our top priority. We strive to provide a safe environment for all our students to learn and thrive. Listening to our students is the key to understanding their thoughts and experiences. When students feel heard and valued on all matters, small or large, it creates an environment of trust. This creates a child-safe culture, so when significant issues arise, students feel safe to talk about what has happened.

We want to partner with our parents and carers to make sure your child knows how to speak up if they have any concerns.

We encourage students in Junior School to speak to: We encourage students in Senior School to speak to:
  • their classroom teacher
  • any trusted teacher
  • the Deputy Principal: Mrs Wheeler
  • the Director of Welfare: Mrs Singles
  • our College Counsellor: Miss Bjelan


  • their PC teacher
  • any trusted teacher
  • their Year Advisor
  • their Head of House
  • the Deputy Principals: Mr Butler or Mr Young
  • the Director of Wellbeing: Mr McCormack
  • Coordinators of Student Growth and Welfare: Mrs Nalla or Mr Schrack
  • our College Counsellor Mr Cleur

Sometimes students have concerns but are too afraid to speak up. They might worry they’ll be picked on or there might be repercussions from complaining. Students might have issues that really bother them, but it might seem trivial to other people. An anonymous way to give feedback can help students to raise these issues.

At Thomas Hassall we have 2 anonymous ways for students to raise concerns at the College.

  • A letterbox in the Junior School Library
  • Online “THAC Cares” - accessed from the Student Dashboard – available Term 4 2023 for Year 7-12 and Term 1 2024 for Year 5-6.

Students can choose to be anonymous or to include their details when raising concerns. Where a concern is raised anonymously, it might prevent the College from fully investigating or reporting findings back to the student.

At Thomas Hassall we are committed to best practice, ensuring students are heard and taken seriously. While it may not be easy to deal with anonymous complaints, the College is committed to giving students a way of making anonymous complaints as part of our broader College ecosystem of student complaint options.

Talking to your children about how they can raise concerns at school, empowers your children to speak up, and helps to embed our child-safe culture.

LearningBack to Top

Writers Workshop

Winners of our recent writing competition had the privilege of taking part in a writer’s workshop, run by published author, Lesley Gibbs. The students learnt about connecting with their audience through the 5 senses and setting the scene by describing a natural landscape compared to a cityscape. They were engaged and wrote wonderful descriptions or story starts. We thank Lesley for sharing her time and her gifts with us.

Here are some samples of work from the writer’s workshop:

I could hear the taxis, beeping their horns like they were carrying the king, people talking so loudly that the wind rustling the leaves seemed silent. I saw cars, units and Big Ben. It felt like the giant clock was just staring, lonely and quiet. I could taste the smoky air of cars back firing, pushing at the clear, perfect air. – Hannah Year 3

I scrape my hands against the irregular shaped leaves. The leaves are painted sage green with dark tipped ends. I feel a small, sharp pain as the jagged edges stab me. The leaves rustle in the cold night breeze. The moon illuminates the dark, abandoned forest. This is where I belong.  – Ava Year 6

I see a koala in the green leafy tree. The rocks under my feet crack as I walk. I hear a lizard scurrying in the bush. I feel wet little rain drops and smell the breeze in the air as I walk home.  – Evie Year 1

The sound of leaves rustled and echoed throughout the forest. Smells of nostalgia flowed by…. The smell of nature. The enveloping smell of leaves continue to scent the forest. Wind blowing, soft and hard make the leaves brush my face, tickling me in the process. Bitter dusk rests on my tongue. Ebube – Year 6


Mrs Alex Saville
Gifted and Talented Liaison for the Junior School


Performing ArtsBack to Top

Junior Ensembles Evening

On Tuesday night, our Junior Ensembles took to the stage to entertain and wow their audience.

150 students from our Intermediate Stage Band, Junior Choir, Junior Drum Circle, Junior Concert Band, Intermediate Concert Band and Junior Strings Orchestra performed a wide range of repertoire including Jazz, funk, folk, pop, movie themes and gospel.

All the students have been working hard throughout the year on their ensemble skills and provided a great night of music and song. We would like to congratulate all the students for a fantastic performance, with many students also featuring in more than one ensemble.

I would also like to thank all of the Creative Arts team for the dedication to teaching our students, as well as the support of the College for providing opportunities for our students to learn and grow their passion for music.

Thank you to all the parents for supporting and encouraging their children to learn music, and we look forward to more events in the future.

Music music

Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles

Prep to Year 2 Tabloid Carnival

There were lots of smiles this week at our Prep to Year 2 tabloid carnivals that were on this week.

They had fun participating in various activities run by our Year 9 and 10 Physical Activity and Sport Studies (PASS) classes. They particularly enjoyed being able to try and beat their parents in tug-o-war!



Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator

CommunityBack to Top

Hunt for the Golden Ticket Competition Winners

Last term the Junior Library held a 'Hunt for a Golden Ticket' competition. Based on the novel 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' by Roald Dahl, ten golden tickets were hidden in the barcodes of ten different books in the Library, if a student borrowed one of those books they would win a wonderful prize. Students eagerly borrowed each week hoping that they would find a Golden Ticket, and by the end of the competition all ten had been found!

The following students were the lucky finders of a golden ticket:

Shrisha K. - Kindy

Ameilia M.  - Year 2

Jonathan B. - Year 3

Alessio M. - Year 4

Ira S. - Year 4

Sophia K. - Year 4

Zen K. - Year 5

Cinzia S. - Year 6

Lilianna T. - Year 6

Jana S. - Year 6

Each student has won a brand new book of their choice!

Congratulations to all the winners!

Mrs Arabella Issa & Mr Michael Smith
Junior IRC Library Team