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From the Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School

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From the Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School

Sandy Wheeler
Mrs Sandy Wheeler
Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School

What a wonderful start it has been with many events across Junior School and now here we are at the end of Week 2 and aren’t we well and truly back into it! We held our annual Tabloid Carnival for our students in Years P-2 across 2 days last week. It was lovely to see our younger students participate in athletics events on our wonderful grounds. Thank you to all of those involved and to our Parents for coming and supporting your child. It was especially fantastic to see the Parents join their children in activities like tug-o-war.   

A number of Year 5 & 6 students attended Jam Camp last weekend. A big thank you to the staff who attended and ran all of our devotions, I have heard from students that it was a positive experience, we are so lucky to be able to share the word of Jesus to all.

This week we held our Junior Ensemble evening and what a treat that was! Thank you to Mr Byron Mark for his experience in exposing our students to so many varieties of music whether it be a drum circle, choir and so many other repertoires. I along with many other parents can see the growth in our students from the beginning of the year to now.

Next week we have our Year 4 Camp which will be a wonderful experience where our students will gain independence and team building skills along with having a lot of fun. We are looking forward to hearing all of the wonderful stories that will come from camp. 

Grandparents day isn’t far away, don’t forget to register. 

The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him;
it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.
Lamentations 3:25-26