Term 2 I The Way Newsletter I Friday 19 May 2023

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From the Acting Principal/Director of Staff Services
Karen Easton

We have been blessed with beautiful autumn weather and the College trees are certainly showcasing the colours of the season at the moment. We have also continued to enjoy many special occasions that provide opportunities for the students to serve our community.

The Thomas Hassall Family Reunion was a great success. Some of our Year 11 students assisted on the day as part of their Duke of Edinburgh program. They were outstanding ambassadors for the College and their families. Thank you. 

We have also had students from both Junior and Senior school represent in debating, soccer, athletics carnival and leadership development. I am sure you will enjoy reading about some of these events in this edition of The Way.

Our annual Mother’s Day breakfast was spectacular. We served over 1000 mothers, grandmothers and students in two sittings. It was lovely to meet so many of you on this morning and I do hope that your families were able to have a memorable day last Sunday. Again, thank you to those who cooked, served and tidied for this event.

The term is in full swing and there are still quite a few events ahead. Whilst life is certainly busy, I would like to encourage everyone to also focus on learning and developing good habits in this area, especially as assessment season is upon us.

The second half of this term brings our creative arts nights to fruition. There is much preparation and rehearsals already occurring and we are looking forward to seeing these on stage in the coming weeks.

The events and transitions at this time of the year remind me of God’s goodness and promises in the ebbs and flows of life as we remember that, in Ecclesiastes 3:1, For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.

Mrs Karen Easton
Acting Principal
From the Chaplain
Denis Oliver

Did you know that our School is named after a bloke called Thomas Hassall?

He was an ordinary Christian with some interesting adventures. Let me share two of those adventures.

Thomas Hassall was born in England in 1794 and his family came to Australia in 1798.  Thomas grew up in Parramatta as his dad was the minister there (yawn). But one Sunday, when he was 19, the following happened..

“He looked out the window of his home and noticed a number of boys playing in the paddock opposite. He thought it would be a good idea to gather them together and speak to them about the love of God. He invited them in and spoke to them, and after a while dismissed them. He thought that was the end of it, but on the following Sunday there was a knock on the door. When he opened it there stood before him the boys whom he had invited in the previous Sunday with other boys. They asked Mr Hassall to tell them more of his stories.”

Within 12 months this group would grow to 150 people – Thomas could have never foreseen that.

Four years later, at the age of 24, he decided to sail back to England to get some qualifications as a minister to serve in Australia. While on the ship he met a stowaway convict and he decided to share the love of God to this man. The convict gave his life to God that day. Ironically, the convict would not survive the journey to England - Thomas would have never foreseen that. Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; Point out errors, warn people, and encourage them. Be very patient when you teach. ( 2 Timothy 4:2)

Being a Christian is not about being a bible basher, but it is about sharing some good news for the benefit of the other - you can never foresee the effects the Love of God.

Reverend Denis Oliver
College Chaplain
From the Director of Operations & Wellbeing - Junior School

During our pastoral care times Junior School students have been gaining knowledge of learning behaviours to grow and develop their character. Kindness has been one of the dispositions. The bible implores us to show kindness to one another. I’m particularly drawn to this verse in Ephesians 4:32 which states “be kind to one another, compassionate, forgiving one another as God has forgiven you”. It is a good verse to memorise; to have close to your heart.

It’s hard to be kind when we feel hurt or rejected. It’s hard to be kind when we feel life is unfair. As a Junior School we have the common goal of explicitly teaching biblical truths in our pastoral care lessons and in daily devotions. It is our collective prayer we can be known as a College where students display kindness in their interactions with one another.

Mrs Kylie Singles
Director of Operations & Wellbeing – Junior School

Upcoming Dates

Date Event
Monday 22 May Year 10 Exams Commence (Mon-Fri)
Tuesday 23 May

HICES Debating

Yr 12 Economics Excursion

Wednesday 24 May AICES Netball Gala Day
Thursday 25 May

NASSA Cross Country

Friday 26 May Year 12 Construction incursion
Monday 29 May Year 10 Work Placement (Mon-Fri)
Tuesday 30 May CIS Primary Girls Rugby 7s Trials
Wednesday 31 May  Year 7 Art Excursion
Thursday 1 June Junior School 3-6 Athletics Carnival
A Message from The College Nurse

Over the last 2 years our focus has been on COVID however as we begin to circulate more in the community again, the incidence of influenza and colds is increasing. So, whilst a child may test negative to COVID, if they have a sore throat, cough, runny nose, temperature, vomiting or diarrhoea they must stay home until the symptoms have resolved. In the instance of vomiting and diarrhoea, this requires the student to remain at home until they have been asymptomatic for 24 hrs. 

The need for absence from College and the length of time a person needs to be away depends on how easily the infection can spread, how long the person is likely to be infectious and how severe the disease can be. It is also influenced by whether the student is able to focus in class and perform at a normal level and if the condition is disruptive to the Teacher and other Students in the classroom.  To protect the health of children and staff within the College, it is important that children and staff who are ill are kept away from the College for the recommended period. 

Asthmatics who have had a sleepless night or persistent cough or wheeze that requires Ventolin more often than every 4 hrs should be kept at home until their Asthma Flare up has resolved. 

Please also remind your Children that their best defence against becoming unwell, is to practise good hand hygiene. To wash their hands regularly and use the hand sanitisers. And to cover their mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing and to dispose of used tissues immediately. 

Senior students who are absent on the day prior or on the day an assessment task is due, must visit a GP and get an Illness/Misadventure form completed. 

Thank you for partnering with us in the care of our child/ren. 

Mrs Karen Tindall 
College Nurse 

LearningBack to Top

Loving Mathematical Learning in Year 4

In the past week Year 4 has been having an exciting time in Mathematics. We have been busy manipulating and investigating with two-dimensional shapes.

Students have explored:

  • Combining and splitting common 2D shapes to form other common 2D shapes.
  • Drawing reflections to complete symmetrical pictures and shapes, given a line of symmetry.
  • Creating our own symmetrical patterns.
  • Creating and recording tessellating designs by reflecting translating & rotating common shapes.

Mrs Kate King 
Junior School Teacher - Stage 2- Year 4K



Science in Kindergarten

This term in Science, Kindergarten students have been learning about the movement of objects and how the way they move depends on a range of factors such as size and shape.  The children have been doing experiments with classroom objects and toys to explore the push and pull forces they can use to move objects in ways such as sliding, bouncing and spinning.  Students will also be collecting data and learning how to group the objects according to the way they move.

Mrs Wendy Irwin
Kindergarten Team Leader – ES1


NASSA Junior Football Gala Day

After our original Football Gala day was washed out in Term One, we were blessed with lovely weather for the NASSA Junior Football Gala Day on Tuesday 9 May.

Our boys and girls Year 5 and 6 Football teams travelled to Blacktown Sports Park to play against the 7 other NASSA schools.

There were many close games and both teams worked on different aspects of their game, improving their teamwork throughout the day.

Thanks to Coach Adrian and Coach Tommy for working with both teams during the day.

Well done to both teams on a fine performance.

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator



CIS Champion team at the NSWPSSA Primary Tennis Championships

Congratulations to Alexander L (Year 6) who represented CIS in the NSW PSSA  Tennis State Championships at Albury. The CIS team played incredibly and Alexander and his team were undefeated.

Alexander's CIS boys team placed 1st and were awarded overall champions of the Don Moon Trophy of 2023 and Gold Medalists. 

Congratulations, Alexander! We are proud of you.
