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From the Acting Principal/Director of Staff Services

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From the Acting Principal/Director of Staff Services

Karen Easton
Mrs Karen Easton
Acting Principal

We have been blessed with beautiful autumn weather and the College trees are certainly showcasing the colours of the season at the moment. We have also continued to enjoy many special occasions that provide opportunities for the students to serve our community.

The Thomas Hassall Family Reunion was a great success. Some of our Year 11 students assisted on the day as part of their Duke of Edinburgh program. They were outstanding ambassadors for the College and their families. Thank you. 

We have also had students from both Junior and Senior school represent in debating, soccer, athletics carnival and leadership development. I am sure you will enjoy reading about some of these events in this edition of The Way.

Our annual Mother’s Day breakfast was spectacular. We served over 1000 mothers, grandmothers and students in two sittings. It was lovely to meet so many of you on this morning and I do hope that your families were able to have a memorable day last Sunday. Again, thank you to those who cooked, served and tidied for this event.

The term is in full swing and there are still quite a few events ahead. Whilst life is certainly busy, I would like to encourage everyone to also focus on learning and developing good habits in this area, especially as assessment season is upon us.

The second half of this term brings our creative arts nights to fruition. There is much preparation and rehearsals already occurring and we are looking forward to seeing these on stage in the coming weeks.

The events and transitions at this time of the year remind me of God’s goodness and promises in the ebbs and flows of life as we remember that, in Ecclesiastes 3:1, For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.