Term 1 I The Way Newsletter I Friday 18 February 2022

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From the Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

While the COVID conditions have been a challenge, our young people are showing a positivity and enthusiasm in their manner and effort. 

While conditions remain as they are at least until Friday 25 February, it is clear that life is returning to normal and we are all happy about that. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

Traffic plans have been sent to you this week and included in this edition of The Way for your consideration. The changes begin next Monday 21 February. 

Year 12 students are making every effort at this point of the year. After such disruption through 2021, we know there is work to do to be operating at full pace. Thank you to our Year 11 and 12 teachers in assisting students towards the best outcomes.

It was a joy to have the High Achievers’ Assembly this week to celebrate the best HSC performances. Mr Butler writes about the day in his article and photos are included in this edition also. Year 12 2021 students have begun the next pathways and we look forward to stories of their continued success. 

On Saturday 26 March we will hold the Open Day for all those families looking at the College for their children. Please pass the invitation to your friends and family. More information is included in this edition.

Please contact Reception if there are any issues for your children and family.  Thanks again for your support. Please take care. 

‘For we do not have a high priest (Jesus) who is unable to empathise with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are – yet He did not sin.’ Hebrews 4:15

Mr Ross Whelan
From the Deputy Principal - Head of Junior School
Sandy Wheeler

Taking the time to notice, praise and celebrate growth is worthwhile and a joy.

Our Vision of ‘Growing and Nurturing Excellence in Learning, Wisdom and Service’ is focussed on every learner and their growth. We want to celebrate growth in each student as they learn in areas such as academics, social learning and co-curricular. When we dedicate time to celebrate children achieving that next step in their learning journey, we are building their self-esteem, cultivating passionate learners and empowering them to reach their potential. It’s a message that encourages the heart and says – your efforts are fruitful!

Taking the time to notice, praise and celebrate growth is certainly worthwhile and a joy. As educators, we have the privilege to nurture learning and see this growth every day - it is why we became teachers. I encourage you to turn on your notifications in the Seesaw App and talk to your child about their learning at College. Ask them to share their achievements with you regularly and praise their growth throughout the year.

As we share their learning and growth with you, we warmly welcome families to share with us any student growth or achievements that have occurred outside of College so we can celebrate with you.  Please either communicate directly with the classroom teacher or you can email anyone on the leadership team including myself. I’d be excited to share this with the Junior School.

When I was young I participated in Little Athletics every Saturday morning at the local club- Collingwood in Melbourne. As a Club they would celebrate the success of those who placed in the top three for each event. But I also more vividly and fondly remember the best cheers. These were the ones from friends and family when someone reached a new ‘Personal Best’, celebrating growth in athletic ability.

Let’s partner together and share these joyful stories of growth in 2022.

Mrs Sandy Wheeler
Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School
From the College Chaplain
Denis Oliver

When my parents came to Australia they came with two suitcases, 11 dollars, and me.  

While there were many joys, life was tough. Yet from my parents I learned many things which I still use now.

Has your family faced tough times? 

Times were also tough in Bible times. Just after Jesus died Caesar at the time made Christianity illegal and many people were arrested. Below is part of a letter written to a young man doing it tough and wanting to give up.

5 I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also.
6 For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. 
7 For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline. 
8 So do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord or of me his prisoner. Rather, join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God.    

2 Timothy 1

The first thing Paul highlights is the faith of his mother and grandmother - how cool is that! As a child, Timothy was immersed in the faith of his mother and grandmother. The faith he saw in these two women as a child would become his own as an adult. The work that they put in to him as a child would serve him when he moved out as a man.  

The influence that we parents have on our children is massive - we pass on so many things to our children as they watch us. We must make sure we pass on the good stuff.
This term in the midst of many uncertainties, the challenge for us parents is to share the certainty of our faith rather than uncertainties of our anxieties.  

As a Christian dad, I work hard to make my faith visible to my children: I pray for and with my children; I remind them of God’s big picture in their times of tension; I work really hard to not verbalise my fears or anxieties; I want to immerse them in my faith and not my fears; and I remind them that with God they have everything they need.  

God the Father has their future, God the Son has their past, and God the Spirit will equip them in the present.

Join us at Thomas Hassall this year as we use our influence to make the adults of the future.

Reverend Denis Oliver
College Chaplain
Upcoming Important Dates

Here are some important dates to mark in your diaries

Term Dates

Open Week

Our Open Week is coming up at the College from the 21 - 26 March.

This is a great opportunity for prospective families to see the College in action, at a time that suits them. It is an ideal opportunity for future families to glimpse our culture, observe our staff and students, meet our Principal and key staff, tour our fantastic facilities and ask questions whilst enjoying morning tea.

Many families visit the College more than once when making the decision about the best school to meet the educational needs of their son or daughter.  

If you have friends or family who are interested in finding out about the College, we encourage you to invite them to come along and see what sets us apart. Registrations for Open Week are online on our website.

Thank you for your support.

Early Career Educator Award

Early Career Educator Award -  PDHPE Teacher Hannah-Rose Stewart

Last Friday the 11th of February Hannah-Rose Stewart attended an awards ceremony held by The Teachers’ Guild of New South Wales as she was selected as a finalist for the Early Career Educator Award.

This award aimed to honour early career teachers who have made a wonderful contribution to their school in advancing the education profession. Hannah-Rose Stewart has been a blessing to the College and the PDHPE faculty. She sets herself high expectations and has already demonstrated the best pedagogical teaching methods at such an early stage in her career.

Many of our students have been blessed by the individual supportive relationships she shares with every student she teachers and how she works hard to ensure every student is cared for and encouraged to achieve their best. 

Hannah is a more than worthy recipient of this recognition and is congratulated for all she does at the College and in her development as a teacher.

Hannah Rose

Mr Kent Weir
PDHPE Coordinator

High Achievers Assembly

On Monday 14 February we welcomed back our High Achievers of the 2021 HSC to acknowledge their accomplishments.

Congratulations to all of our students on their outstanding results, as well as to our 2021 College Dux, Sreya D.

Thank you for your inspiring words of encouragement to our 2022 cohort. We wish all of you the best as you pursue the next stage in your journey.

Here is a small clip from our assembly featuring three of our students, Sreya, Damien and Tino, as well as the Principal, Mr Whelan and Design and Technology Teacher, Mrs Georges.  

Calling all girls! External Science Competition available now

The Robogals Science Challenge is a global online STEM competition for girls aged 5-15.

It aims to promote innovation and exploration through hands-on projects, which can be completed with a friend, parent, or mentor.

The competition format has two main Challenges. Participants are required to complete 2 Minor Challenges before being eligible for the Major Challenge.

What are Minor Challenges? A series of mini projects related to various STEM disciplines will be released. Participants should complete at least two before being able to progress to the next stage of the competition.

What is a Major Challenge? The Major Challenge requires participants to create their own research task and produce a video to show their findings. Participants are free to choose a topic within STEM.

Participants are entered into one of three age divisions:

Junior: 5 – 8 years
Intermediate: 9 – 12 years
Senior: 13 – 15 years

Entries to the competition are to be submitted online as videos, photos, and writing.

Register at this link

Competition Guidebook can be found here 

2022 Key dates

7 February: Competition launches, first set of Minor Challenges released

28 February: Second set of Minor Challenges released

21 March: Third set of Minor Challenges released

04 April: Major Challenge Video Submissions opens

11 April: Fourth set of Minor Challenges released

15 June: Major Challenge Submission closes

TBD: Minor Challenge Submission closes

July – September: Finalists are announced and awarded for their efforts

Find out more at www.sciencechallenge.org.au

Though this is an external competition, we would love to hear from those who enter. Please sent updates or photos of your science challenges to [email protected] in Junior School or [email protected] in Senior School.

Prep Focus

Our Prep students had an engaging week focusing on developing fine motor skills, problem solving and learning about the number one.

Prep Focus

Year 5 STEM

Last week, Year 5 enjoyed their STEM lesson where they got to learn about floating and waterproof materials.

In groups, they planned, built and tested their rafts that needed to carry paper gingerbread men.

After they tested their rafts, they reflected on their designs. 

Co-Curricular rehearsals

There are some great lunchtime groups rehearsing at the College that students can join.

There is a new guitar ensemble group starting in Week 4, every Thursday lunchtime in M2. Mr Robinson will be leading this acoustic guitar group that plays pop and rock songs. The group builds on skills such as playing harmonies, melodies and chord patterns. Students with some guitar experience are encouraged to join this ensemble.


The Senior Drum Circle meets every Wednesday in M5  and the Junior Drum Circle meets every Monday in M5 to learn and play African drums called ‘djembes’ and bass drums called ‘dun-duns’. Students study various accompanying rhythms and solo phrases, as well as working on group compositions.

This is a great way to develop fundamental musical knowledge, learn how to work as a team, and have fun! Mr Mark leads this group and all students of all abilities are welcome to come and participate in these rehearsals.


These groups are free for students and instruments are available at College to use for rehearsals.

Years 3 - 12 Swimming Carnival

This year our College Swimming Carnival was held as a combined Years 3 - 12  competitors only event and our 50m competitors from Junior and Senior school traveled to Prairiewood Leisure Centre, to select the swimmers that will go on to represent the College at the NASSA carnival.

The highlight of the day was the combined House relay, with the fastest swimmer in each age group - 9yrs - 18yrs in each house, combining for an all age 10 x 50m House relay .  It was a great event to close the carnival.

A BIG thank you to all the Secondary students who helped on the day, doing timekeeping, running and lifesaving.  Your positive attitude and enthusiasm in assisting the younger students was appreciated.

In a close finish in the JUNIOR school House pointscore, the day was won by CARMICHAEL.  

Term Dates

Congratulations to all who attended and swum their best.  Age champions will be awarded at an Assembly later in the year.

Swimmers who will progress to the NASSA carnival will receive information about the carnival soon. 

The NASSA Carnivals will be held at Homebush Pool on:

Junior - Tuesday 1 March - Junior School (Years 3 - 6) - afternoon carnival

Senior - Wednesday 2 March - Senior School (Years 7 - 12) - evening carnival

We wish them all the best as they represent the College.

Mrs Sharon Evans                                                                
P-6 Sports Coordinator                                               

Congratulations Vansh

Congratulations to Vansh Maini who has earnt his blackbelt over the Summer Break.

Vansh worked extremely hard even during the Lockdown period to prepare for his grading. His Blackbelt grading went for over 4 hours and it was on the hottest day of the summer. Despite the heat, he kept his focus and determination, persisting through the challenge. He ended up finishing with a Perfect A grade and also won the Best Student Award. He is the first person to receive a Blackbelt with an A grade in his age group. A huge congratulations to him for the effort, growth and achievement in Sport outside.


Vansh Black Belt


Junior School Sport - dates for your diary

Important Sport Dates for 2022 - Term One 

Week 4 -            Tuesday 22 February - Year 1 swimming program starts

Week 4 -            Wednesday 23 February - Year 2 swimming program starts

Week 5 -            Monday 28 February – CIS Tennis Trials (Year 5 and 6 - players must be ranked to enter)

Week 6 -            Tuesday 1 March – NASSA Junior Swimming Carnival – Homebush – 4.00 – 8.00pm

Week 6 -            Monday 7 March - NASSA Junior Boys and Girls Football (Soccer) Gala Day (APP Football Year 5 & 6 Boys and Girls)

Week 7 -            Monday 14 March – CIS Primary Girls Football (Soccer)Trials (selected at NASSA Gala Day)

Week 7 -            Thursday 17 March - NASSA Junior Boys and Girls Touch Football Gala Day (Year 5 and 6)

Week 8 -            Thursday 24 March – NSW CIS Primary Swimming Carnival - Homebush

Week 9 -            Tuesday 29 March - CIS Primary Boys and Girls Touch Football Trials (selected at NASSA Gala Day)

Week 9 -            Wednesday 30 March - CIS Primary BOYS Football (Soccer) Trials (selected at NASSA Gala Day)

Week 10 -          Thursday 7 April – NASSA Junior Girls Netball Gala Day (Year 5 and 6 team)


Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator 

2022 Talented Athletes and Development Programs

2022 Talented Athlete Programs in Football (soccer), Basketball, Dance and Classical Ballet

It has been wonderful to see our 2022 Talented Athlete Programs commence this week.

All APP Football and Basketball programs have been selected for both Junior and Senior School.

We still have some vacancies in our afternoon Development programs in Football (soccer), Basketball, Dance and Classical Ballet.

To find out more information, read the individual brochures below:
Football Seniors 
Football Juniors 

The overall daily schedule is found on the book page.

How to book:
Enrolment applications must be completed online using the Thomas Hassall website.  The booking link is found on the Events booking page

Places in TAP programs are limited, so please ensure you enrol online to secure a place in the program.

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sport Coordinator & Talented Athletes Program (TAP) Coordinator

College App

Do you have the College App?

The College App allows you to easily see your child’s timetable, calendar of events, provide permission for excursions and give a reason for any absences.

It is also the key way for the College to communicate with you important information.

Please refer to this link for all the details on how to download this app.

The Parent Student Handbook is also now available to read on the College App. Click on 'More' then the Parent Student Handbook link.

Parent Student Handbook

Drop off and Pick up Overview

Traffic in and around the College has become quite problematic as I’m sure many of you have experienced.

Thank you for the comments we have received. It is important that we implement some immediate solutions and plan other long-term changes. The beginning of each year is busy and now is the time to make some realistic changes to assist everyone. 

Senior School

DROP OFF IN MORNING – both Flynn Avenue and Kingsford Smith Entries. From 7:30am to 8:00am in the morning, drop-off for Senior School students can occur at the Junior School drop-off bay on Kingsford Smith Avenue as well as Flynn Avenue (note the map for location for drop off). Junior School drop-off occurs after 8am mostly.

DROP OFF & PICK UP – FLYNN AVENUE Gate 3 on Flynn Avenue is currently the common gate for entry. We will add Gates 1 & 2 further west on Flynn Avenue. This change means that Gate 3 will be RIGHT turn only to J Block drop off / pick up. Gate 1 – will be an additional entry gate for drop off / pick up and exit Gate 2. This change will take place from Monday 21 February 2022, and also coincides with a building program at N Block (Ann Marsden) starting later in the month. 


The round-a-bout on Flynn and Kingsford Smith is both an advantage to us as well as a limitation. Are you aware of other ways to arrive and depart the College via the neighbouring streets? We have a few options to show you on the map attached below. 

We have issues with queuing across the round-a-bout. Therefore we need to remind drivers, particularly in Junior School to not come early to queue for pick up. This is a large contributor to congestion with cars remaining in one spot. Gates are not open for entry until 2.20pm. Gates 1 and 3 are not open for entry until 2.35pm. Please do not block the entry. 

Thank you very much for your patience. A reminder of the Council Notices and normal traffic rules and regulations which include: 

  • No double parking 
  • No blocking of the round-a-bout. Please also consider our neighbours and not park in or block their driveways. 
  • 40km speed limits in School Zones at peak times. 

We trust that these and other changes in the future will assist everyone. 

Pick up and drop off


Love Summer

Liverpool City Council’s popular picnic event is returning bigger and better in 2022 giving even more residents the opportunity to enjoy longer balmy summer nights a hop, skip and jump away from home.

Your local park will burst into life over three weeks during summer, with food trucks, a pop-up bar, live tunes from local performers and a host of much-loved garden games.

As the sun sets, Love Summer’s open-air cinema will keep all family members entertained – including your furriest members – with a different family-friendly movie under the stars. 

Entry to Love Summer 2022 is free and you will NOT be required to book a ticket. Find out more on the website.

Love Summer Festival