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From the Deputy Principal - Head of Junior School

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From the Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School

Sandy Wheeler
Mrs Sandy Wheeler
Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School

Taking the time to notice, praise and celebrate growth is worthwhile and a joy.

Our Vision of ‘Growing and Nurturing Excellence in Learning, Wisdom and Service’ is focussed on every learner and their growth. We want to celebrate growth in each student as they learn in areas such as academics, social learning and co-curricular. When we dedicate time to celebrate children achieving that next step in their learning journey, we are building their self-esteem, cultivating passionate learners and empowering them to reach their potential. It’s a message that encourages the heart and says – your efforts are fruitful!

Taking the time to notice, praise and celebrate growth is certainly worthwhile and a joy. As educators, we have the privilege to nurture learning and see this growth every day - it is why we became teachers. I encourage you to turn on your notifications in the Seesaw App and talk to your child about their learning at College. Ask them to share their achievements with you regularly and praise their growth throughout the year.

As we share their learning and growth with you, we warmly welcome families to share with us any student growth or achievements that have occurred outside of College so we can celebrate with you.  Please either communicate directly with the classroom teacher or you can email anyone on the leadership team including myself. I’d be excited to share this with the Junior School.

When I was young I participated in Little Athletics every Saturday morning at the local club- Collingwood in Melbourne. As a Club they would celebrate the success of those who placed in the top three for each event. But I also more vividly and fondly remember the best cheers. These were the ones from friends and family when someone reached a new ‘Personal Best’, celebrating growth in athletic ability.

Let’s partner together and share these joyful stories of growth in 2022.