Term 1 | Friday 26 March 2021

From the Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

We are fast approaching the end of Term and the Easter vacation starts at the end of next week. 

There will be an opportunity for all of us to have a break and an opportunity to reflect on the essence of the Gospel – the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. This can be a special time for our country.

For the first time in 12 months, the students and staff in the Senior School came together in an assembly which was significant. I spoke with them about the importance of our joining together; the particular values and strengths of our College; about their responsibilities in being a member of the Thomas Hassall community.

It’s been a 12 month period of uncertainty; of stress and strain for many people and while Australia has been able to manage the virus effectively, I’ve noticed that uncertainty and lack of patience remains.  We do well to reflect on the future over the break.  Many professionals say that the country will need to be in a constant state of ‘managing’ the virus.  Once vaccination has finished, we will still need to be in management mode. 

At the College we are conscious of the need to raise these issues and impacts with students in assemblies and pastoral care programs; in classrooms and groups where necessary.  It is still the case across the nation that we need to take account of proper health guidelines; to recognise the needs of others and to be more patient and aware of each other.

Junior School families and teachers have held a parent teacher night over Zoom, with positive feedback.  Thanks for your support of the change. 

Winter uniform commences after Mother’s Day and a separate note about uniform orders has been sent to all families. 

Please again enjoy the Easter break. Thanks very much for your support of the College and our programs. 

“Christ Jesus who died – more than that, who was raised to life – is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.”  Romans 8:34

Mr Ross Whelan
From the JS Director of Teaching & Learning

It was great to have conversations with parents about students on Thursday.

Parent Teacher interviews offer both parent and teachers the opportunity to share positive stories about the students at our College, and to plan ways to support progress throughout the year.  Thanks for all who participated online.

Easter Events

Term 1 concludes next Thursday (1 April). As we move into Easter time, it is a period of reflection on the wonderful gift God gave to humankind through His Son. All the students will be attending an Easter service led by Mr Richards and JAM leaders.

On Tuesday 30 March, please join us from 10.00-11.30am to watch the Prep (Red & Purple)-Year 5 students in the Easter Hat Parade. Students are able to go home after the parade. Prep Blue and Prep White will be able to have their Easter Hat Parade on Wednesday 31st March.

Year 6 students will be hosting their Eggshibition on Tuesday in the Junior School Library. This is their chance to design an egg-themed masterpiece for our enjoyment.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Ms Lisa Hansford
Director of Teaching and Learning P-6

From the Chaplain
Denis Oliver

Several years ago my only son suffered an epileptic fit while we were playing cards as a family.

I watched my son convulse and turn blue – it was a horrible experience.  I remember cradling my son in my lap, as we waited for the ambulance, thinking, ‘Will he live?’. He did and today he jokes about it – I still do not laugh. 

I love my son, but it wasn’t until his life was threatened, that I realised how precious he was.  Interestingly, this event changed the way I saw Easter.  I had never seen Easter from a Father’s perspective.

I cannot imagine giving my son's life in exchange for someone else’s – I don’t love any person that much.  I cannot imagine asking my son to save another person’s life at the cost of his life – he is too precious.  Yet God the Father did.

10 Real love isn’t our love for God, but his love for us. God sent his Son to be the sacrifice by which our sins are forgiven. 11 Dear friends, since God loved us this much, we must love each other. (1 John 4)

This Easter know that God loves you, gave his Son, and offers you life eternal if you put your faith in him – please take up his offer.

If you already follow Jesus, make sure that you pass that love of God onto others. Make it visible in your decisions.

Reverend Denis Oliver
College Chaplain
From the Assistant Chaplain

This term all students and staff have been looking at ‘hope’ and how we can put our hope in God.

What is hope?

We seem to use the word hope like we use the word wish - for example, "I hope I will grow up rich and famous". However, that is not how the Bible uses the word hope.

The word hope in the Bible is closer to the word ‘wait’. It is the idea of waiting for something that you know is definitely happen.

I see hope in the Bible kind of like a microwave. You put your cold food in the microwave and you know that in a few short seconds your food will be hot and ready to eat. My hope is in the microwave. The microwave gives me hope that my food will be great.

Another example of hope is when I went camping at Christmas. I was sleeping in a tent and it rained and rained all night. The tent started leaking and I was hoping for the sun to rise and for nighttime to end. My hope was in the sun rising as it does every day. Knowing that the sun will rise gave me hope of a much better day.

The hope we see in the Bible is hope that we know we can trust!

What is your hope in?

Today I want you to see that we can and should have our Hope in God.

Proverbs 3:5-6:

With all your heart 
you must trust the Lord 
and not your own judgment.
Always let him lead you,  
and he will clear the road
for you to follow.

In these verses, the writer talks about how much we should have our hope in God. We should trust him even more than we can trust ourselves. That’s crazy, isn’t it?!

At the Junior School assemblies this term we have explored different reasons why we can have our hope in God; why we can trust him more than we can trust ourselves.

Firstly, we saw that we can put our hope in God because he is good.

Then we saw that we can put our hope in God because he made and cares for us.

We saw that we can put our hope in God because he never changes.

Finally, leading up to Easter, we saw that we can place our hope in Jesus because He loves us and has already saved us from our sin.

How great is our God, the God we can have our hope in.

God Bless

Mr Matthew Richards
Assistant Chaplain
Easter Hat Parade & Eggshibition

Our Junior School Hat Parade will be held on Tuesday 30 March

The hat parade will begin promptly at 10am.

Children in Prep to Year 5 will need a decorated hat to wear on the day for the parade.

Year 6 will be conducting ‘An Eggshibition’ in the S Block Library - from 8.30 - 11.15am.

Kids can come dressed in Mufti on the day. Please bring a GOLD COIN donation. Funds raised will go to charity.

Parents and friends are warmly invited to come along and see children wearing their creations.  This is a COVID safe event and you will required to check in using the Services NSW app QR Code.

Parking is available on the OVAL - Entry is from Gate 3 (Flynn Ave.) Please note that all cars parked on the Oval must be removed by 12.30am.

Easter Services

Join in any of these services in the local area to take time and reflect on what Jesus did for us all. 

THACTV - Live & Free

We have been building THAC TV over the past year into an excellent platform that enables us to connect and communicate with our students even when they are not able to be physically with us.

As the next step to this process, we have developed an all-inclusive website that now houses our livestreams, and will also have a library of previous events and videos.

This new platform will be accessible to our whole College community, allowing further connection with families who may not be able to access the College site to see their child during an Assembly or Chapel.

You are now able to log on and watch live streamed events,  as well as access previous events. Please go to the familiar link tv.thac.online and use the password hassalltv and click the link at the top of the page to the Live TV section.

As with anything new we are developing, please let us know if you have any issues so we can address them. We will continue uploading historical media from THAC TV over the coming weeks.

A special thank you to all the people that have worked behind the scenes particularly over the past year for all their efforts to advance so much in this area. We have appreciated the hard work and developments that have been made to enable us to watch and enjoy the livestreams.

Sibling Applications

Enrolments are currently working towards our 2022 positions and are now finalising sibling applications

Interviews are currently taking place, so please submit your applications as soon as possible.

Please note, all sibling applications must be received at least 2 years in advance to qualify for sibling priority. 

Please complete the following Application Form below if you wish to apply:


Everyone Belongs

Harmony Day is celebrated every year on 21 March. It celebrates Australia’s cultural diversity.

Harmony Day is about including, respecting and appreciating the stories, traditions and cultures of all people who call Australia home.

In 5G we had a great discussion about who we are as individuals and how we can come together in harmony with all our different cultures and backgrounds. We mixed paints together to create our skin colour then wrote our cultural heritage, favourite sport or hobby, favourite colour and something that is unique about us. 

“Harmony day is where people from different cultures join together and talk about what they do” – Corbin W

“Harmony day means everything to me because we all come together to celebrate together” – Sophie I

Miss Courtney Garard 
Junior School Teacher - Stage 3 - Year 5G

Parent Community

At Thomas Hassall Anglican College, we love to work together with our families to create community. 

Our Parent Community Network is one of the most important ways we achieve community and we would love you to join in 2021!

The Parent Community Network provides support to the College through:

  • Assistance in the classroom (Multilit, Minilit, Reading Groups)
  • Assisting at events (sports carnivals, stalls, creative arts events, College community events)
  • Representing the Parent Community at community events such as Open Day and South West Festival
  • Organising get togethers for grade groups outside of school hours

In order to become a part of the Parent Community Network, it is essential to have your Working with Children Check (which is free for volunteers) and participate in the online induction which includes Privacy and Child Protection Training. 

If you would like to volunteer at the College please register your details using the following Application Form

Don't forget that Cafe MRK is open on Friday mornings from 7.30am - 9.30am for parents. We would love to see you there! Here are some pictures from last Friday.

Mrs Carmen Pasapera
Marketing & Community Relations Manager

Uniform Shop

Our College Uniform Shop has extended trading hours for the upcoming holiday period.


Monday 29 March - Thursday 1 April 7.00am to 4pm

Please Note: Wednesday 31 March 12.00pm to 6.00pm


Wednesday 14 April              9.00am to 4.00pm

Thursday 15 April                  9.00am to 4.00pm

Friday 16 April                       9.00am to 4.00pm

Saturday 17 April                   9.00am to 2.00pm

Monday 19 April                    9.00am to 4.00pm

Tuesday 20 April                    7.00am to 3.30pm

Returning to normal trading hours from Wednesday 21st April

To make a booking or purchase online, please visit our website.

EventsBack to Top

Holiday Programs

We have some great holiday programs available for the upcoming school holidays.

Football Program - 12-16 April
The College is excited to host our Football Program in the upcoming holidays for students at Thomas Hassall Anglican College, their friends and family.

Students will be involved in activities that develop skills and promote understanding of the game. The daily training will be designed to improve the skill level of each individual. 

Our Football Director, Mr Sonny Makko will be leading the program and it is offered to boys and girls in Kindergarten to Year 9.

Find out more on the Football Flyer. For bookings, please visit www.thac.nsw.edu.au/book

There are some exciting days planned during the April Holidays at OSHClub. From going around the world, to a movie mania day, it is sure to be fun for students.

Find out more on the OSHClub website

CodeCamp - 13-15 April
Get creative with technology at CodeCamp running on the 13-15 April. On top of 5 coding classes to suit all skill levels,  Code Camp have launched a range of new camps, where students can learn to DJ, produce YouTube style videos and create stop-motion animation short films.

CodeCamp is a registered provider for the NSW Government Creative Kids Voucher.
Take advantage of the Early Bird sale if you book by midnight Sunday 7th March. Our discount this season is $25, and all parents can access this using the code EARLYBIRD25. 

To find out more, please read the flyer or visit the CodeCamp Website to book.

MOTIV8sports - 6-7 April
Another great holiday opportunity is the MOTIV8sports Super Camp 2021 running on 6-7 April at the College.

Held only once each year, Super Camp is a sports festival designed just for kids. Way more than a sports dreamland, Super Camp is an energetic mix of sport, music, street culture, art and dance mashed up to create the ultimate atmosphere for kids who love having fun. Campers will be treated to an incredible array of our trademark team sports in an environment full of energy, motiv8tion and unbelievable guidance from our professional team of coaches.

MOTIV8sports is a registered provider for the NSW Government Creative Kids Voucher.

To find or more or make a booking, please visit the MOTIV8sports website


AFL Holiday Camp
Easter’s coming soon and so are some exciting AFL Holiday Camps across Greater Sydney.

If your child is looking for a great way to spend a day outside playing games, kicking goals and having lots of fun, Please register your interest at https://aflnswact.com.au/holidayprograms/ as we have limited spots. Best suited for kids aged 5 – 8 and the best part is, they are ABSOLUTLEY FREE. Get in Fast!”

Knights Of The King Holiday Camp - 14-16 April
St Johns Park Anglican Church has a great School Holiday Club coming up on 14-16 April from 9.30-12.30.
It is for primary school age children in Kindergarten to Year 6.
Find out more on the flyer 

WellbeingBack to Top

Cyber Safety Resources For Parents

There are many excellent resources available for parents to help support their child's safe use of technology at home.

One particular resource is the eSafety website produced by the Australian Government. This website contains useful information for parents about the big issues currently facing children, including cyberbullying, time online and gaming. The skills and advice section of the website features practical steps parents can take to help their children develop good digital habits, online safety basics, protecting your child's privacy online and resources to equip parents for having difficult conversations with their children about tricky subjects.

The eSafety Guide provides helpful information about the latest apps, games and social media that are popular with children, along with information about how to protect personal details when using these platforms and instructions on how to report inappropriate content. By being familiar with the latest platforms children are using, parents can be better aware of the way their children are using technology to interact online.

Having good boundaries in place will help to support your child's safe and healthy use of technology. We encourage all parents to make use of these resources.

Mrs Megan Bennett
Director of ICT

Barbara Visit

Each Monday, our Companion Dog Barbara comes to visit Junior School.

Last Monday, Barbara visited 2R for their PE lesson. She had lots of fun playing sport with the students and they loved having her join them!


LearningBack to Top

Year 6 I Learning

In Year 6, students are learning about Australia’s Connection with Asia and the diversity of our world.

We have been exploring the culture of Asia and how Australia is connected to Asia through trade, tourism, sport and aid.

We were fortunate to participate in a Zoom interview with Angela Reynolds to learn about an Australian organisation that provides aid in Thailand. Mercy International works in Thailand to look after at-risk children and support the local villages through education, food and health services.

It was a great learning experience for students to use geographical tools, such as writing interview questions, and learning how to take efficient notes during an interview. It also helped students understand what life is like in our neighbouring countries, and how Australia plays a part to support those countries close to us.

Miss Melissa Knight 
Junior School Teacher - 6M

Mr Whelan Visits Year 2

Last week our Principal Mr Whelan came to Year 2 to talk about Thomas Hassall.

First he talked about why our College is named after him. He said that Thomas did really great things like making Sunday schools so everyone could learn new things and also about God.

Next he talked about where he lived. He lived in England.

Then Mrs Riitano also has a place in the College like the canteen. The canteen is called Mrs Riitano’s Kitchen. Mrs Riitano made all of her food from scratch. She didn’t even go to the shops.

Finally, Rawdon Middleton is a really special man. He was a pilot. He was very brave and he got lots of medals and a really hard one to get.  He got rewarded the medal from the Queen. He got the medal for sacrificing himself so other people could live.

I felt interested in what he was saying.   

By Zak Anogianakis 2B

Learning in Prep

We have been learning about the season “Autumn” in Prep Red.

We have been discussing how the weather changes then the leaves change colour and fall from the trees.

We made our own leaf people, complete with googly eyes! We are exploring 2D shapes and had fun painting with shape stamps. We like it when Barbara visits prep. The students are learning new things every day and have had a great first Term.

Mrs Erin Johnson 
Prep Red Teacher,  Early Stage 1 Assistant Coordinator

Year 5 Author Visit

Last Friday prolific and popular author, Deborah Abela visited our Year 5 students.

Deborah trained as a teacher before becoming writer/producer of a national children’s TV show at Network TEN. Since then, she has become an internationally published and awarded author of 26 books including her climate change trilogy, Grimsdon, New City and Final Storm. Her family’s survival in WW2 and migration to Australia inspired Teresa A New Australian. The Stupendously Spectacular Spelling Bee and The Most Marvellous Spelling Bee Mystery were inspired by her grade 4 teacher. Her picture books are, Wolfie, An Unlikely Hero and Bear in Space (2020). Deb’s won awards for her work but mostly hopes to be as brave as her characters.

As always when Deb visits our College, the students are always inspired in their writing and reading.

Mrs Emma Harris
Years P-2 & Gifted and Talented Coordinator

Year 3 Author Visit

Year 3 had a visit from the very well-known and popular author Louise Park recently. 

Louise draws from a strong background in Education and literacy to produce her blockbuster bestsellers that include Zac Power Test Drives and Spy Recruit, Boy vs Beast, Star Girl, Bella Dancerella, Harriet Clare and her latest time-slip series, Grace’s Secrets.

As an author she spends her days battling beasts, finding those secret doors, portals and hidden tunnels to magical lands, pretending to be the world’s best ballerina, and solving Harriet Clare’s MEGA-HUGE and terribly troublesome dramas while helping her cope with anxiety.

The students learnt a lot about the writing process which they will be able to transfer into their own work.

Mrs Emma Harris
Years P-2 & Gifted and Talented Coordinator

NASSA Junior Soccer Gala Day

APP Primary Girls and Boys Football teams compete in the NASSA Gala Day 

On Tuesday 9 March, the Boys and Girls APP Football teams travelled to Blacktown to participate in the NASSA Football Gala Day.

In hot condiitons, the teams played 7 matches against the NASSA schools and displayed fantastic sportsmanship and teamwork throughout the day.  The coaching staff were impressed with both teams efforts and improvement throughout the day.

A huge congratulations to Ella W, who was selected to represent NASSA at the NSW CIS trials on Monday 15 March.

Six of our boys were also successful in selection into the NASSA team to play at the NSW CIS Primary Boys Football Gala on Friday 23 April.

Congratulations to: Ryder W, Danjiel R, Daniel B, Lorenzo V, Leon M and Orlando M.

We wish all our representatives the best as they attend trials for State selection.

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator

NSW CIS Primary Girls Soccer trials

Year 5 student represents at NSW CIS Primary Girls Football trials

Congratulations to Ella W who attended the NSW CIS Primary Girls Football trials on Monday 15 March.

She was the only College representative in a strong field of over 60 girls, all vying for a place in the NSW CIS Primary Girls Football team.

Although she was unsuccessful in making the state team, Ella showed both skill and sportsmanship, proudly representing the College. 

Congratulations Ella on your fine performance!

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sport Coordinator / TAP Coordinator

Year 3 - 6 Sport - Calendar updates for Week 10

Due to the wet weather experienced in Week 8 and 9, we have had to move some Junior School sporting events into Week 10. 

WINTER IPSSO trials will now be held in Week 10 on Monday 29 March for our Year 5 & 6 and Year 3 & 4 teams.

Students trialling will need to wear their sports uniform to College.

Junior School Cross Country will now be run on Wednesday 31st March on the College ovals.

8 - 10 year old - 2km event - 9.00 am - 10.00 am

11 - 12 year old - 3km event - 10.20 am - 11.30 am

Students will come dressed in College PE uniform and are able to wear their HOUSE shirt (available from the College uniform shop).  

Parents are most welcome to come along and cheer on our students and must sign in on the day using the QR code.  Our COVID safety plan for parent spectators is arrive, QR sign in, watch the event and depart by 11.30am.

IPSSO and College Sport will occur in the afternoon.

We look forward to a great day!

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports & TAP Coordinator

2021 Talented Athletes Programs and Development Programs

We still have a few vacancies in some of our afternoon Development Programs  in Football (soccer), Basketball, Dance and Classical Ballet.

To find out more information, read the individual brochures below:
Football Seniors
Football Juniors

The overall daily schedule is found on the book page.

How to book:
Enrolment applications must be completed online using the Thomas Hassall website.  The booking link is found on the Events booking page.   Please note, our Advanced Pathway Programs in Basketball and Football have selected their squads for 2021. 

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sport Coordinator
Talented Athletes Program Coordinator

NSW CIS Primary Swimming Championships

On Thursday 18 March, nine Thomas Hassall students represented the College at the NSW Combined Independent Schools Primary Swimming Championships at Sydney International Aquatic Centre in Homebush.

Our students competed in the Junior boys and Junior Girls relay events, as well as some swimmers competing in individual swimming races.  

Congratulations to: Stephanie A, Jessica A, Cooper D, Isaac E, Sabrina H, Jonah I, Dakota J, Eason M and Lucas P on your awesome performance in swimming at the State Championships.

Mrs Sharon Evans 
P-6 Sports Coordinator

CommunityBack to Top

Feature on the College Website

It is time to update our website with quotes from our Students. 

We are asking students to fill in the Questionnaire answering a few questions about what they enjoy at the College.  There will be a few quotes taken from this questionnaire.  If your child's quote is chosen they will be asked to take part in a photo shoot and featured on the website.

If you would like your child to get involved please ask them to fill out the following form https://forms.gle/1kMdx5ygTDH7ci946