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From the Principal

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From the Principal

Principal Ross Whelan
Mr Ross Whelan

We are fast approaching the end of Term and the Easter vacation starts at the end of next week. 

There will be an opportunity for all of us to have a break and an opportunity to reflect on the essence of the Gospel – the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. This can be a special time for our country.

For the first time in 12 months, the students and staff in the Senior School came together in an assembly which was significant. I spoke with them about the importance of our joining together; the particular values and strengths of our College; about their responsibilities in being a member of the Thomas Hassall community.

It’s been a 12 month period of uncertainty; of stress and strain for many people and while Australia has been able to manage the virus effectively, I’ve noticed that uncertainty and lack of patience remains.  We do well to reflect on the future over the break.  Many professionals say that the country will need to be in a constant state of ‘managing’ the virus.  Once vaccination has finished, we will still need to be in management mode. 

At the College we are conscious of the need to raise these issues and impacts with students in assemblies and pastoral care programs; in classrooms and groups where necessary.  It is still the case across the nation that we need to take account of proper health guidelines; to recognise the needs of others and to be more patient and aware of each other.

Junior School families and teachers have held a parent teacher night over Zoom, with positive feedback.  Thanks for your support of the change. 

Winter uniform commences after Mother’s Day and a separate note about uniform orders has been sent to all families. 

Please again enjoy the Easter break. Thanks very much for your support of the College and our programs. 

“Christ Jesus who died – more than that, who was raised to life – is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.”  Romans 8:34