I had the pleasure of visiting our Year 2 class to share some information about Thomas Hassall. This is always a great time to share the history of Thomas Hassall and his family; his important legacy for us today, and his sharing of the news of Jesus as he rode through the cow pastures around this area. Thomas has many relatives today, many of whom live all over Australia but also abroad in New Zealand and other countries. Next year the College will be hosting an event for the Hassall family as they commemorate 200 years of their family’s history in Australia.
Year 6 held their Annual Camp to Canberra which was full of different adventures and lots of new learning experiences each day. You can read more about it in this edition of The Way.
The College hosted a home round of the MISA Debating Competition for 10 schools with over 200 students in attendance. It was great to see so many participants. Thanks to Dr Gawthorne for organising the event.
It was lovely to see so many of you at our Movie Night under the Stars, and for the second year turning into an indoor event in the Rawdon Middleton VC Sports Complex. Numbers exceeded last year which made for a great night for families. Thanks to the Class Parents’ Team; the organising staff team and all the helpers.
Senior School Parent Teacher nights occur this week and next and a Coffee Club for Year 12 parents will occur on Wednesday morning and evening. Year 12 and the HSC can be a time of anxiety and pressure for many young people and we recognise that parents can feel the stress of the year too. In response, we are providing two opportunities to talk to teachers and counsellors in a relaxed setting to provide an insight into some of the challenges students may be facing. We will identify strategies to support parents and caregivers as you journey with them towards the Higher School Certificate and their final school year. We hope you can make the time to come along – join in for a cuppa on Wednesday from 7:30am for Session 1 or from 6:50pm for Session 2 in Mrs Riitano’s Kitchen. There will be another opportunity in Term 2 for another event.
Our Chaplain Jim Dayhew has a reflection on the Christchurch attack in this edition of the newsletter which may be helpful, and our Unite Week events around Harmony Day was very special this year. Vice Captain, Michael Algeri has written a short piece for your information also.
Thanks for your continued support of all programs at the College.
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God" - Philippians 4:6-7