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Year 5 had a visit from Deborah Abela

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On Friday 2 March, we had the first visit for the year from an author.

Well-renowned author, Deborah Abela came to talk to Year 5. She is a prolific Australian author and some of her books include: Max Remy Superspy books, Jasper Zammit Soccer Legend, Wolfie: An Unlikely Hero, The Stupendously Spectacular Spelling Bee, Teresa - A New Australian - New City, and Grimsdon

Deborah told the students the secret to writing stories: it has to have three basic ingredients: Characters, location and a complication. She also said that she is always thinking ‘I wonder what would happen if…’ The students thoroughly enjoyed the visit and felt inspired to write.

One of her novels, Teresa A New Australian, tells the story of a young girl and her family who survive the bombing of Malta during WW2, before migrating to Australia to start a new life. The following video uses footage from a trip to Malta in October 2016, where the book was launched by President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca at her palace.

Deborah is busy writing the third and final book of Grimsdon, which is due out in August of this year.

Deborah’s site:

The students were extremely polite and engaged and represented our College well. Deb's visit is the first author visit for the year. Every year group in P-2 will be meeting an author during 2019.

Mrs Emma Harris
Stage Coordinator for Years 1,2 and 3