Term 3: Thursday 10 August 2017

From the Acting Principal

There have been many highlights across the College over the past weeks that have been a privilege to attend in Mr Whelan’s absence. One that stood out for me was the presentation of the Year 12 Major Works at Illuminate 2017. The talent on display, as well as the thinking behind the pieces, was exceptional. I was so proud of the students as they presented their work and I saw a level of maturity and understanding that showed how prepared they were for the next phase of their life. Of course I always enjoy seeing those students that I remember as 5 year olds embarking on their schooling growing and developing into the adults that they have now become.

The College is an amazing place with many opportunities for the students to connect with others, to follow their passions and to enjoy all the College has to offer, but the journey for some of our students does not always go smoothly. There are a number of areas that parents and the College need to work together to help our students negotiate their way forward. One of these is the use of social media. A number of our students find themselves in conflict with their peers, reacting to situations inappropriately online and leaving a digital footprint which may affect them in years to come. Parents of younger students in Junior School need to stand firm and not allow their children to be on websites that are designed for an older audience. Parents always need to have access to their children’s accounts so that they can monitor and advise the correct response when the interaction between students is not going well. Many situations that get our students into trouble can be avoided with wise advice from you as parents. It is better to stop the interactions than mop up the fallout later.

Of course all this takes courage. I was discussing with a Principal from another College about the values that they have introduced and one of them was courage. As I thought about this and questioned why that would be important it became clear that courage at school covers so many aspects of our students’ development. It helps each person to make difficult choices about what is right and wrong, it helps develop resilience, determination, confidence to stand up for what they believe in. They need courage to stand up for others and courage to take on new and difficult tasks. It also takes courage to say sorry and to mend relationships, to move on from situations and start afresh. It takes courage to resist peer pressure and make good choices for yourself. Parents, we need to work together to help our students be courageous in all aspects of their schooling, relationships and decision making. This will help each one of our students as they negotiate through from childhood to becoming an adult.

‘Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.’ 1 Corinthians 16:13

Christine Bessant


Deputy Head of Junior School

A flash of colour here and a groovy side step there - the rehearsals for Creative Arts shows are well under way. The students from Prep to Year 6 have been tirelessly preparing for and fine-tuning their stunning performances. Creative Arts Performances give students opportunities to perform in front of a public audience, many for the very first time. For some students, they are in their comfort zone and for others it is an exercise in brave risk-taking. Yet for everyone they come to learn first-hand the unique challenges, joys and personal achievements gained from participation in the Performing Arts.

We want our students to experience a holistic education at Thomas Hassall Anglican College and to be involved in diverse, dynamic and exciting activities. As educators we are thrilled to see young budding artists discover new interests and talents through the Junior School Creative Arts performances. Why not come along and be a part of these truly exciting events?

To view times and book seats for Creative Arts Nights, check out the Events listing in this edition of The Way.

Sandy Wheeler
Deputy Head of Junior School

Physical Education Centre construction progress

The current dry weather has allowed the builders to make up for some lost time from when it rained continuously at the beginning of the project. It’s always an exciting stage of construction when the steel framework starts to go up.

Did you know?

  • There were 58 truck-loads of concrete (350m3) delivered to the site for the pouring of the ground floor slab.
  • The steel frame was delivered on 9 semi-trailers and weighs approximately 200 tonne.
  • The sub-surface drainage and irrigation system for the new athletics track and AFL oval will consist of over 15 kilometres of 50mm poly pipe.
  • The re-cycle irrigation system is designed to drain and filter the irrigation water back into a 165,000 litre underground storage tank ready to use again.
  • Approx. 23,000 m2 of Premium grade “Gully Gold” Couch will be laid in November and ready to play on in Term 1 2018.

Exciting times at the College . . . 'it's about their future'.

Principal's Tours

Our Principal, Mr Ross Whelan, will be conducting special tours in September and October for families who are considering Thomas Hassall Anglican College for the education of their children.

As 'word of mouth' is our most common way in which families hear about the College, may we ask you to help spread the word?  This is a unique chance for families to meet with the Principal during Terms 3 and 4 and see the College in action on a normal school day.

Bookings are essential - please follow the link on our website www.thac.nsw.edu.au


2018 Term Dates
Term 1
Friday 26 January Australia Day Public Holiday
Monday 29 January Term 1 commences - Years 1-7, 11 & 12, K Testing
Tuesday 30 January Years 8-10 commence, K Testing
Wednesday 31 January Kindergarten commence
Thursday 1 February Prep Blue and Purple commence
Friday 2 February Prep Red and White commence
Friday 30 March Good Friday Public Holiday
Monday 2 April Easter Monday Public Holiday
Friday 13 April Term 1 concludes
Term 2
Tuesday 1 May Term 2 commences
Monday 11 June Queen's Birthday Public Holiday
Friday 29 June Term 2 concludes
Term 3
Monday 23 July Term 3 commences
Friday 28 September Term 3 concludes
Class of 2018 Graduation Assembly
Term 4
Tuesday 16 October Term 4 commences
Monday 12 November Mid Term Break for all students
Wednesday 5 December Celebration - Junior School
Thursday 6 December Celebration - Senior School
Friday 7 December Term 4 concludes

Please Note:  South West Festival and Mid Term Break (August/September) to be confirmed

2017 ICAS Science Results

Congratulations to the following students for their wonderful results in the ICAS Science Assessments:- 

High Distinction:

  • Annabel Cook (Year 3)
  • Arjun Nair (Year 4)
  • Madeleine Tran (Year 4)
  • Ethan Ould (Year 6)


  • Alexander Christodoulou (Year 3)
  • Isabella Wu (Year 4)
  • Joshua Cook (Year 6)


  • Aaron Dhanvate (Year 3)
  • Lucas Glendenning (Year 3)
  • Emmeline McAnally (Year 3)
  • Rico Zou (Year 3)
  • Benjamin Al-Khoury (Year 4)
  • Phoenix Bobrowski (Year 4)
  • Michael Ofloglou (Year 4)
  • Domenic Petrovski (Year 4)
  • Chloe Qiu (Year 4)
  • Lucas Currao (Year 5)
  • Faith Wu (Year 5)
  • Benjamin Lousada (Year 6)
  • Luka Romanic (Year 6)
Important Upcoming Dates 2017

Term 3

Monday 21 August Grandparents' Morning Matinee
Junior School Creative Arts Night (Prep, Year 5 & 6)
Thursday 24 August Grandparents' Morning Matinee
Junior School Creative Arts Night (Years 3 & 4)
Monday 28 August Mid Term Break - Staff & Students
Wednesday 30 August Grandparents' Morning Matinee
Junior School Creative Arts Night (Kindergarten, Years 1 & 2)
Thursday 14 September 'Your Child's Wellbeing Matters' - Parent Seminar 
Friday 15 September Prep Red, White & Kindy Tabloid Carnival 
Thursday 21 September Prep Blue, Purple & Year 1 & 2 Tabloid Carnival
Friday 22 September Class of 2017 Graduation 
End of Term 3 

Term 4

Tuesday 10 October Term 4 Commences 
Monday 16 October 2017 HSC Commences 
Wednesday 25 October SMBC Hot Topics - Same Sex Marriage? Marriage Equality?
Wednesday 1 November SMBC Hot Topics - Do we need the right to die?
Thursday 2 November Year 11 Parent Teacher Night 
Monday 13 November Mid Term Break - Students Only 
Friday 24 November Volunteers' Thank You Breakfast & Term 4 Class Parent Meeting
Tuesday 5 December Junior School Celebration
Wednesday 6 December Senior School Celebration
Thursday 7 December End of Term 4
From the Chaplain


Alternative 2017
Biblical Training Day

This year, Dan Paterson, who studied in Oxford, spoke about; 'Why I am not an Atheist'. He said that today, belief in God is a difficult pill to swallow. In past centuries our culture tended to appeal to God to make sense of life and the universe, now it seems that skepticism is the air we breathe. For thinking people in Western culture, Atheism is almost a default option for belief, and the long list of arguments against Christianity dominate religious talk online and in the public sphere. But in the end, he argued that it still makes more sense not to be an Atheist. 

John Dickson, an historian and Minister, asked the question, 'Are we better off without Christianly?' The church is increasingly regarded as a burden, a spoiler, and even a poisonous influence on society. This is seen in the Crusades and the inquisitions. But Christianity also has its beautiful side, such as its contributions to human rights, the origins of charity, and the beginnings of education, universities and hospitals. His conclusion was that when the church does terrible things, it is departing from its master, Christ. But when it is doing beautiful things, it is doing exactly what Jesus said to do.

Natasha Moore, a graduate of Cambridge University, said that millennials (young people today) fiercely fight for justice and equality; they care about the marginalised. But as they come of age, we’re also seeing a growing intolerance of disagreement. Former US President Bill Clinton has said: “We only have one remaining bigotry. We don’t want to be around anybody who disagrees with us.” Natasha said that young Christians in their friendships and families, on social media, as students and citizens, have a unique opportunity to model what it means to disagree and to love at the same time.

One student commented: 

"The masterclass we went to was a great experience and was very informative. It was a great encouragement seeing so many other young Christians that are around the area. I really enjoyed all the speakers but particularly John Dickson, as I was able to understand and process his talk well."

Another student said: 

"Masterclass was a great experience. It was a great eye-opener to the way Christians should be responding when our faith is tested. One thing that really challenged me is how we as Christians should hold our faith with humility, and not be quick to anger or diminish people who have viewpoints/ opinions that we don't agree with (Proverbs 16:32)."

All of this mixed with music, prayer, fun and fellowship. It was an encouraging day for some of our Christian students who joined hundreds of other Christian students from around NSW from Independent and Government Schools to engage with topics that are highly relevant. Have a look at a short video of our excusion here.

Stuart Tye

EventsBack to Top

Junior School Creative Arts Performances

Bookings are now open for our Junior School Creative Arts Triple Bill.

Alice the Musical - Monday 21 August, performed by Prep, Year 5 and Year 6 students - go to trybooking.com/RHJV

Rockin' Through the Ages - Thursday 24 August, performed by Year 3 and 4 students - go to trybooking.com/RHJK

Billabong Bill - Wednesday 30 August, performed by Kindergarten, Year 1 and 2 students - go to trybooking.com/RHKG



Each musical will be performed at 9.30am (Grandparents preview) and 6.30pm (doors open at 6.00pm)

Get in quick as seats are selling fast!  Booking enquiries E: [email protected]


Fathers Day Stalls

Our Class Parents will be hosting the annual Fathers Day Stalls on Thursday 31 August (Prep Blue & Purple, Senior School at lunchtime) and Friday 1 September 2017 (Prep Red, White, K-12) and we need some helpers to work on the stalls on both days as follows:

Thursday 24 August from 8.30am (or straight after drop-off) - for sorting and some wrapping 

Thursday 31 August from 8am-1pm (4 volunteers needed)

Friday 1 September from 7.30am-2pm (8 volunteers needed)

Please email Mrs Jo Hutchens, Director of Marketing, Enrolments and Community Relations E: [email protected] if you can assist.  It is such a lovely event to help with . . . the smile on the children's faces makes it all worthwhile! (no Dads allowed! ha!)

Many thanks to Mrs Laura Khoury and Mrs Suzana Matic who have spent many hours planning the day and arranging purchase of the wonderful array of gifts.


Competitors will run or walk from Hyde Park in the CBD to Bondi Beach - marking a total of 14km! The College team comprises of a combination of students, teachers, parents and siblings. They're madly raising money for Compassion Australia, and it would be great to see the College community support this fantastic Christian charity, as well as the dedicated competitors.

Compassion Australia is a holistic child development organisation that has more than 60 years of experience working with families in poverty.

The College team has a target of $1500. If you would like to support the team please donate here: https://city2surf2017.everydayhero.com/au/thomas-hassall-anglican-college

City2Surf competitors are asked to load up on carbs the day before to help them get through the gruelling race and have a light breakfast and keep hydrated on race day. There will be drink stations along the 14km journey as well as first aid for anyone who needs it.

Good luck competitors!

WellbeingBack to Top

The Psychologists @ Thomas Hassall

Hello Parents and welcome to our article in the eNewsletter.

In this edition we would like to introduce you to the Student Counselling Team, provide you with more insight into what psychologists do within schools and, specifically, what you can gain from reading our articles. The articles will be tailored to address parent needs in supporting their children on their educational and life journey.

Our aims include providing you with more information about the type of 'things' we can support your child with and also how we can support you when your child is experiencing difficulties within this setting.

We have three psychologists which enables us to assist students across the College. We have the Head of Student Counselling, who works with both the psychologist located in Junior School and Senior School and support them as necessary.

In our Junior School we have a Psychologist who works specifically with students and parents from Prep to Year 6. Amongst other concerns, the psychologist can assist parents with resources/advice on how to support their children with the transition into school. Sometimes it can be difficult for parents to have a clear idea of what their child should be able to do at various ages, and what they should be supporting them with. Psychologists are well placed to assist parents to set realistic expectations from their children, whilst supporting them to develop their independence, social skills and resilience.

In Senior School the psychologists work in conjunction with a well-developed Wellbeing Team, to support students with their wellbeing. They support students with a range of topics ranging from their transition into Senior School, to how to survive the HSC.

Teachers are viewed as experts in learning, and school psychologists support children to identify the barriers to learning and support their mental health and wellbeing. Parents can feel overwhelmed when their children are struggling and school psychologists are available to support them during these times.

This link will take you to a 3 minute video that will provide you with more insight into how you can benefit from our services - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpSJYSiDQdw

Mrs Jacoline Petersen
Head of Student Counselling

Next Edition . . . Would you like to know what the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist is? Watch this space!

School TV

As a College we acknowledge that parenting today creates a multitude of modern day challenges. We want to support you on this journey and therefore, would like to introduce you to SchoolTV. It is a new online resource designed to empower you as parents with credible and sound information with realistic, practical ongoing support strategies. It is a great resource to use in conjunction with the services offered by the School Psychologists at Thomas Hassall Anglican College.

You can locate it on our website under Community and School TV, see image below.

A great deal of information is available on the internet, but this can often be confusing and overwhelming for parents looking for guidance. However, SchoolTV engaged specialists in the various fields and pulled in some great content form organisations such as Beyond Blue, ReachOut, HeadSpace and others. It serves as our new Digital Wellness Platform.

You’ll also find fact sheets, suggested books, apps, websites and much more.

We assure you will get great value from every edition and happy, safe parenting!

Click this link to learn more about SchoolTV: http://thac.nsw.schooltv.me/category-latest-newsletter

Wellbeing Matters

The College is embarking on a new initiative that will support you and your child’s Wellbeing.

We are seeking to be more proactive in partnering with you in this critical area.

‘Wellbeing Matters’ will occur 3 – 4 time a year with a focus on important matters about your child’s wellbeing.

We are looking to address a number of emerging issues with the aim of helping to inform and equip you and to enhance your child’s wellbeing.

The first event targets an area that is an ever increasing challenge and issue for a significant number of young people.

The issue is Online Pornography. Unfortunately the statistics around online pornography are alarming.

Most parents feel overwhelmed about how to have a conversation with their children or about where to start to prevent access or exposure.

Come and hear from James Grady of The Frank Chat www.thefrankchat.com who has worked in pastoral roles in schools for 10 years.

He has seen the harm that can occur and has equipped students, parents and staff to raise awareness and help people to live pornography-free lives.

This session will cover:

• Current research on exposure
• Current research on the harm
• Why young people habitually view
• Managing technology in the home
• Parenting strategies
• Resources for parents and children
• Your questions (any questions!)

Thomas Hassall Anglican College is offering this session free of charge to all our families and friends.  

Please go to www.trybooking.com/RGXC  to book your tickets to attend.

Thursday 14 September, 7.30pm The Anne Marsden Centre. Ample parking available.

This parent information evening is a must for all parents, no matter the age of your children.

LearningBack to Top

Rhythm Games in Year 4


4G Music
4G learning about transposition of the pentatonic scale

Each week Year 4 participate in a Music theory lesson as part of the Compulsory Band Program. Recently the classes played rhythm games based on a traditional Caribbean Folk Tune called Four White Horses. This activity required students to sing while performing a clapping game. They then created a variation of the clapping game and performed this for the class. We learnt that this piece was based on the pentatonic scale. Students notated this scale on the white board and then transposed it into a different key. We also learnt that this scale is used for many of the jingles we hear on TV like McDonalds, Telstra, Toyota and AAMI. We love performing music and learning more about it each week.

Watch our lesson here.

HSC Helpers Needed

The examinations will take place from Monday 16 October 2017 - Tuesday 7 November 2017 and will be held at Thomas Hassall Anglican College in various locations across the campus.

We are currently seeking to recruit examination supervisors. This is a paid position and successful applicants will report to the HSC Presiding Officer.

All examination supervisors will require a Working with Children Check Number. For more information or if you are interested in becoming a Supervisor please contact Ms Christine Klomp, PA to the Principal.

T:9608 0033 or email: [email protected]

Performing ArtsBack to Top

Inaugural Code Camp is a hit!

Code Camp held a highly successful inaugural camp at Thomas Hassall Anglican College during the July holidays. This camp saw 65 primary aged students from both Thomas Hassall and surrounding schools spend three days learning the foundations of coding. Students used the Javascript language to create fun and interactive games which they could take home to continue playing. Students loved the opportunity to learn coding skills with the help of the experienced tutors. In addition to the coding activities during the sessions, fun lunchtime activities also took place, including a silent dance party. Some of the feedback from the students included:

"This place was the best. I wish I could come here everyday. I can't believe I made my own game."

"This was the best three days of my life. I can't wait to play my game."

"It was so cool and we learnt so much. Can't wait to come back!"

The College is hoping to host more Code Camps in future. To learn more about Code Camp and to register your interest for future camps, please visit http://codecamp.com.au/

Brilliant Band - Year 4

Year 4 have had a tremendous two terms understanding how to play as an ensemble. They have developed a strong understanding of playing and listening to music. Shortly, Year 4 will start to begin a composition task in class and perform it. 

We will have news shortly of their next performance - should be an exciting adventure!

Important note: Ifyou have any enquiries regarding instruments, please see the music staff in M3 or contact [email protected]

Sublime Strings Sing!

Four visiting schools were in attendance including Mamre Anglican, Rouse Hill Anglican, Danebank and Roseville College. Conducted by Mr Ehab Ibrahim, the students performed in front of parents and Years 1 and 2.

The day was a fantastic celebration of music with over 70 students performing as a mass ensemble. Our Junior String Orchestra also performed and worked with many other musicians.

It's not too late to sign up for the Year 1 and 2 string program at the College. Please see the relevant article in The Way for more details.

Violin Program 2017 for Years 1 and 2

Application details and form can be found here.

Junior School Sport - Term Three 2017


Term 3 Sport - for Years 3 - 6

The Winter IPSSO competition continues into Term Three.   Training occurs each Wednesday 7.30 – 8.15am. 

Boys Soccer train 7.15 – 8.15am.

Term 3


Game Time



AFL and Softball

Newcombe Ball


William Carey CS

12.30 - 2.20


Hoxton Park Res

Greenway Park



St Mary's

12.20 - 2.10


Hoxton Park Res

Greenway Park



Wet Weather/Training



Hoxton Park Res

Greenway Park



Semi & Grand Final



if teams make it

to Finals



CIS Athletics







Back up Finals Day



if teams make it

to Finals



Important Junior School Sport Dates for Term Three…

Week 4 -             Thursday 10 August – NASSA Boys Cricket Gala Day – Senior Boys IPSSO team – Onslow Oval, Camden

Week 6 -             Monday 21 August– NASSA Junior Athletics Carnival - Campbelltown

Week 7 -             Thursday 31 August – TIGS Trophy Soccer Gala Day (Yr 5 & 6 Boys and Girls IPSSO team)

Week 8 -             Wednesday 6 September – IPSSO Winter Finals

Week 9 -             Wednesday 13 September – NSWCIS Athletics Carnival – Homebush

Week 9 -             Friday 15 September – THAC Prep and Kinder Tabloid Carnival

Week 10 -           Thursday 21 September – THAC Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 Tabloid Carnival


PE and Sport Reminder

It is advisable that your child has a refillable drink bottle on Sport and PE days to ensure that they are able to re-hydrate after exercise.  All children are required to wear the PE cap or College hat for sporting activities.

Talented Athletes Program - Swimming

The TAP Swimming program is designed to identify talented students from Years 3 – 12 and offers an extensive training program to students who have represented Thomas Hassall Anglican College at the NASSA carnival level or above.

Days: Monday and Friday during the College term (except Public Holidays)
Time: 6am – 7.30am
Venue: Whitlam Leisure Centre - 90A Memorial Avenue Liverpool
Cost: Fees will be charged per term
Transport: Parents are to make their own arrangements to get children to the pool for a 6.00am start. Students will be transported by mini bus to College at the conclusion of the session.

The squad-based sessions will be structured to adopt best practices and will focus on stroke development and correction, developing strength and endurance. Sessions will include race preparation, dives and turns.

The TAP Swimming program is offered to all students who competed at the NASSA Junior or NASSA Senior Swimming Carnival. However, if there is a talented swimmer who did not attend the College Swimming Carnival they may be assessed to be part of the program.  If you would like more information about the TAP Swimming program, please contact Mrs Evans [email protected]

Brochures are available at the College Office.

Football Development Program

The College offers football development programs for students in Kinder to Year 9. The year-long program caters for both boys and girls and will be conducted by our Football Director Sonny Makko.

The one-hour sessions are designed to improve the skill level of each individual and suited for all abilities. Students will be involved in fun activities that develop skills and promote understanding of the game.

Students can enrol in more than one day if preferred. The program runs for 35 weeks. Details outlining cost and further information can be found on the flyer available at the College Office or contact Mrs Evans, P-6 Sports Coordinator and TAP Coordinator - [email protected]


Year 7-9 Secondary Program         Tuesday 3.00 - 4.00pm - spaces available

K-6 Girls Only Program                  Friday 3.00 - 4.00pm - spaces available

Kinder-Year 2 Program                  Monday and Wednesday 3.00-4.00pm - full

Year 2-Year 6 Program                  Thursday 3.00 - 4.00pm - full

Lakes Grammar Equestrian Event

Evie Delicata has gone on to win two firsts, a second and third and two fourth places at the Lakes Grammar equestrian event. She also took home the encouragement award for the under 6 category.

The youngster pushed through the competition. Mum Renee said Evie was penalised nine points because her noble steed Fyn was playing up in the wind and she had to run alongside her. The reserve champion was just out of reach as a result.

Amelia Slattery only got to ride in one class as she fell off her horse the day before and fractured her writst in two places. She rode with a cast on her arm and finally had to pull the pin. 

"We had such a great time camping overnight and met lots of new friends from different schools," mum Renee said.

"All in all it was a great day and we're looking forward to the next interschools competition.

Congratulations girls . . . and we love your new saddle cloths!

Wanderers Cup - Primary Schools - Equal 1st place

On 8 August, our Year 5 and 6 Advanced Pathway Program Boys Football team traveled to Knight Park to play in the Southern Districts Division of the Wanderers Cup.  After the strong performance of our Secondary Boys team last week, the Year 5 and 6 boys team were keen to match their performance.

Coached by our Football Director Sonny Makko our boys started off the day strong, defeating Mount Pritchard Primary School 6-0. They then faced a determined Bonnyrigg Heights Primary School team, who were the last year's regional champions. Our boys defended well and came out winners 1-0.

Our next match was against King Park Black, who were undefeated as well. In a tight contest the boys gave it all they had and the score remained nil all.  Our final game of the day was against King Park Red and we scooted away to a 3 nil win.

The boys finished the day undefeated and having no goals scored against them, but were placed 2nd on goal difference. Coach Sonny was very proud of their performance both on and off the field. Wanderers officials came and congratulated our team on their first appearance at the Wanderers Cup not only for their skill, but for their attitude and sportsmanship.

Way to go boys!  Your dedication and commitment in training two mornings a week is evident in your improved skill, attitude and teamwork. We are very proud of you all!!

Bend AND Stretch!!!

This term, Year One have been focusing on physical development and fundamental movement skills.

This has provided them with many fun opportunities to learn how to:

  • Balance on a single foot or on a pair of stilts.
  • Bend, twist and turn while stretching in a dynamic way.
  • Pass and catch a ball of a differing size in various games.
  • Dodge and step around obstacles or challenges.
  • Develop a sense of fairness and teamwork.

This certainly has been a rewarding experience for all of the students.

Stuart Batcheldor

CommunityBack to Top

Congratulations "Karate Kid"

Congratulations to Vansh Maini who won the International Sport Karate Association Winter Challenge tournament recently. Vansh gained four gold medals in Traditional Forms, Traditional Weapons, Extreme Forms/Weapons and Sparring. 

Well done! 

Your feedback is appreciated

We are very pleased to know that you have enjoyed reading our new digital version of The Way.

Below are some of the lovely emails we have received but please, keep the feedback coming E: [email protected] ...  We were not surprised to learn that the 'most read' article from our last edition was '2018 Term Dates' ... looks like many families are already planning vacations!

I was really impressed with the new format of the newsletter and would like to say that reading it was a very pleasant experience. With the sharp and crisp images and clear text, it enhanced the viewing and made it easier to read it on my tablet as well as phone. I also noticed that there were a lot more articles than what we used to see in the past. Also, having live links to the main page of the newsletter or to certain important articles is a great idea.  To sum it up, a great job and fantastic initiative.  DM

I really enjoyed the ease of navigating through the online newsletter. Great job. Thank you .  AS

Since I have been connected with the College over the last 12 years and had three of my children successfully educated with THAC and as my last child is approaching his final year at THAC I have seen the newsletter grow extensively over the years. Thank you for an informative an easy to read senior school newsletter. This digital based newsletter is easy to access and can be opened within seconds.   As all of us have busy and hectic schedules, and as a parent I always read through the Principal's section, Head of Senior School and skim through the newsletter to read the articles relevant to my child's academic and extra curricular activities. I am looking forward to my last term of reading The Way. Congratulations to the Principal and the THAC team involved with initiating a successful newsletter. MS

Sincere Appreciation

Many thanks to the Severino family who have recently donated crockery and cutlery to the College for use at school events.  We are very grateful Nick and Anna.  

If you haven't eaten at La Rumbla in Hoxton Park we can guarantee a beautiful Italian inspired meal and great service! www.larumbla.com.au

Russell's Photography

Our transport co-ordinator and bus driver, Russell, loves to take photos of the sunrise as he arrives at College to start up the buses for the school pick-up routes each morning.  They are such beautiful images that we wanted to share this week's photo with you all.  

Thank you Russell for your photography skills . . . too good not to share!