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Pleasing feedback on first edition of new digital newsletter

We are very pleased to know that you have enjoyed reading our new digital version of The Way.

Below are some of the lovely emails we have received but please, keep the feedback coming E: [email protected] ...  We were not surprised to learn that the 'most read' article from our last edition was '2018 Term Dates' ... looks like many families are already planning vacations!

I was really impressed with the new format of the newsletter and would like to say that reading it was a very pleasant experience. With the sharp and crisp images and clear text, it enhanced the viewing and made it easier to read it on my tablet as well as phone. I also noticed that there were a lot more articles than what we used to see in the past. Also, having live links to the main page of the newsletter or to certain important articles is a great idea.  To sum it up, a great job and fantastic initiative.  DM

I really enjoyed the ease of navigating through the online newsletter. Great job. Thank you .  AS

Since I have been connected with the College over the last 12 years and had three of my children successfully educated with THAC and as my last child is approaching his final year at THAC I have seen the newsletter grow extensively over the years. Thank you for an informative an easy to read senior school newsletter. This digital based newsletter is easy to access and can be opened within seconds.   As all of us have busy and hectic schedules, and as a parent I always read through the Principal's section, Head of Senior School and skim through the newsletter to read the articles relevant to my child's academic and extra curricular activities. I am looking forward to my last term of reading The Way. Congratulations to the Principal and the THAC team involved with initiating a successful newsletter. MS