Our annual P-6 writing competition has opened again! Please check your emails for the details.

When is it? The writing competition will open from Tuesday March 18. Entries are handed to the class teacher by April 9.


Please include this idea in the story. Students can write about a real event, an imagined event, or use it as a metaphor in their writing e.g. cloudy thoughts, clouded vision. Students are to write a poem or narrative.


  • Entries must be labelled with the student’s first and last names, class and house.
  • Years 3-6 entries must be typed and spellchecked. P-2 may be handwritten or typed on A4 paper. Please save a copy of any typed works.
  • Students must submit their own work.
  • It must be original, and not previously awarded any prizes in other writing competitions.
  • No more than 3 A4 pages.

A winning entry from each grade will receive a mystery book-related prize. They will be published in an online format.  If you have any questions, please direct them to Mrs Alex Saville:  [email protected]  

Mrs Alex Saville
Gifted and Talented Liaison for the Junior School