Stage 6 Ancient History students visited Canberra on Monday to see the Australian National Museum’s “Pompeii” exhibition. The city of Pompeii came alive as we saw stunning original artefacts from Italy and enjoyed the unrivalled immersive audio-visual experience of the Volcano erupting every 15 minutes, covering the exhibition in ash and darkness.

Senior School

Following the exhibition, students travelled to the Australian National University and were guided through the Classics Museum by its curator, Dr Georgia Pike-Rowney. Students were able to hold and study artefacts from Rome as they learned about daily life in the Roman Empire. Following this, Professor Caillan Davenport, who hosts the award-winning podcast, “Emperors of Ancient Rome” entertained us with a fascinating explanation of the politics of Rome in the 1st Century, linking his stories to the Roman coins issued by Julius Caesar, Tiberius, Caligula, and Nero, which we were able to pass around and closely examine. It was an amazing day of learning, interspersed with a lot of fun.

Mrs Michelle Pearson
HSIE Coordinator - History & Legal Studies