It’s been wonderful to see Year 9 enjoying 2025 so far. Camp was incredibly enjoyable, with students commenting that the giant swing was a huge hit. The Dukes-style hike was deemed challenging due to the sharp incline on the return, but a lot of fun splashing about in the beautiful swimming hole at the start. Since camp, Year 9 have been enjoying attending elective subjects, allowing them to experience learning by choice for the first time. Students have taken the decision of choosing electives seriously, with some students realising a subject was different from their expectations. A small amount of movement between subjects has therefore occurred, but the time for that has now closed.

Last week many Year 9 students and their families attended the information session about the Duke of Edinburgh Award and so far 30 students have signed up for the program. The first part of the program, a Bronze Hike, will be taking place in Week 9. Students still have a small window in which to indicate their interest, with sign-up closing on Friday 8 March. For further information about the Duke of Edinburgh Award, please contact our new Advisor, Mr David Catto ([email protected]). 

Finally, preparation for this year’s NAPLAN testing has begun. Year 9 students have been undertaking practice tests and activities in Mathematics and English classes, as well as during Period 3 on Friday Week 5. NAPLAN will take place during Week 7 and early Week 8.

Mrs Fiona Byrne & Mr Rod Fortuin
Year 9 Advisors