In this article we feature two senior boys about to leave College, who have had to overcome some challenges pursuing a satisfactory career path but have finally found a successful way forward.

Daniel in Year 11 is a very skilful Soccer player and sportsman but he has always found difficulty concentrating in traditional classroom situations.  He has done very well out on Dukes activities where he helped others to meet outdoor challenges but settling down to normal study routines was an elusive skill set for him and he was easily distracted.  He enjoyed and found helpful, VET Fitness and also Construction subjects but was so restless with the theory that it became clear he needed to leave school and pursue a trade where there was plenty of practical activity most of the time.

Recently, he started some work experience in an engine workshop and then, providentially, he was offered a full time job in the yard of a timber factory that prepares wood for cabinet making.  Eventually he wants to get into this sort of building which will require concentration at TAFE but there is more hope for that with this change in his circumstances.

Now, after a few weeks in his new job, Daniel is very happy and focussed.  He starts at 6.30am each morning after getting public transport to the yard and prepares the area for the day’s work.  He gets bonus overtime for this and has clear rest and work times with a 3.00pm departure on all days except Friday, which is a 2.00pm departure home.  He is getting paid a fair full time wage for his age and has been accepted well by his new work mates.   

Recently, Daniel returned to complete his Year 11 exams looking relaxed and confident.  So, now he is out in the world of work following a career path to which he is well suited.  He is working very hard but able to sustain this as never before and later, when he is ready, application to the theory linked to practical work will hopefully be achievable. 

In the past at school, Daniel spent all recess and lunch times doing sport and outdoor play to try and release pent up energy. Now, morning tea and lunch breaks are important quiet refresh times from fatiguing work. He says that his wrist pedometer has clocked him doing over 10 kilometres a day of yard movement for work but he is happier than before. Well, we wish Daniel well and hope that he will be able to fulfil his dream next year to return and walk the Kokoda Track with his mentor Mr Kaye – as well as be a fine cabinet-maker one day.   

Monson is in Year 12 and is our first male student to attempt the Certificate Three nurse training to become a medic, whilst still at school.  He finds routines and theory organisation exceedingly difficult to handle and for a while, he lost hope and fell far behind.  Covid 19 conditions did not help and it seemed that he would not be able to continue and satisfy course requirements. 

A few friends and staff here and at TAFE have helped him to face the work, however, and to make small step by step attempts forward that have grown and grown despite many setbacks, so that he now only has one small task to complete next week before he passes all the theory and workshops, ready for his final HSC exam.  Some more ward work experience early next year to make up for the Covid lost time, should see him graduate as a fully qualified general nurse in 2021, able to earn a decent wage doing what he has always wanted. 

These two stories are not the usual way ahead for most students but they do underline how unexpected and different our Career paths may be as we search out our opportunities. Careful exploration, accessing the right help, persistence and steady, small-goal application, get good, fulfilling results in the end.  We need to be resilient and keep trying, even although we may get many things wrong at first and want to give up.

Congratulations Monson and all the best in your future as a medic or wherever your new training takes you.

Mr Jim Ward
Careers Advisor