This Semester 7.1 and 8.5 Technology Food and Agriculture classes have participated in planting a variety of vegetables and herbs to compliment the range of foods that they have been cooking with in their practical lessons.T

On Friday 18 September, 7.1 & 8.5 Technology Mandatory students attempted to create and cook their own Stir Fry recipes…. All we could say was WOW! We were so proud to see our students taking pride in their Food Technology skills and presenting such wonderful dishes.

This Semester classes have participated in planting a variety of vegetables and herbs to compliment the range of foods that they have been cooking with in their practical lessons. They have also been learning about how to record data and carry out objective observations by visiting the garden on a regular basis and measuring the growth and health of the plants.  The students have been learning about Food and Agriculture. Students have been focusing on the investigation of managed environments, such as farms and plantations as well as fibre production. They have been developing a knowledge and understanding of food safety, food preparation and making informed decisions about food selection.

Anyone hungry?

Mr Joseph Messiha & Mrs Helen Bull
Secondary TAS Teachers