Exciting opportunities in the field of Engineering at Thomas Hassall

It has been my privilege to be involved with the development of Engineering courses at Thomas Hassall Anglican College. Our team of dedicated and knowledgeable Engineering teachers have worked together to build a range of authentic courses and experiences for students in the Senior School.

Right from the start of Year 7 students are working to develop an engineering frame of mind; problem solving and developing solutions that meet a need. Our very first unit in Technology Mandatory is the design and construction of a water rocket, and students move quickly onto Computer Aided Manufacturing in the development of their clocks. 

Further on in a students studies they have the opportunity to choose Engineering as an elective and further develop their thinking in this field, with bridge building challenges, 4x4 remote control cars and aircraft design to name just a few.

Engage with your child about their experiences with Engineering at Thomas Hassall and be in contact with the Engineering team if you would like to know more.

Mr Justin Stoker
Director of Operations and Engineering teacher