Term 3 I The Way Newsletter I Friday 20 September 2024

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From the Principal

This is the last edition of the newsletter for Term 3.

The College grounds are looking beautiful with the flowers in full bloom and the students are busy completing assessments and examinations based on their learning for the term. We are also preparing to farewell the Class of 2024 who will graduate next Wednesday before sitting their HSC.

This year I have been speaking to staff about our impact, your stories and how we can design opportunities for everyone to flourish. This week one of our bus drivers shared a lovely story that I am sure you will all enjoy too. He received a gift from two students in Year 12. He has been their driver since they began at the College – welcoming them each morning with a smile and sense of safety. They presented him with some chocolates and fancy socks because this is their memory of him and thanked him for looking after them each day. This is significant. He has had an impact, and they have also had an impact on him. We work together in community, and this is how we all flourish.

I am also grateful for the community that we have here at Thomas Hassall. I am sad to farewell the current Year 12 students. They are remarkable young people with a positive future ahead of them. I have been impressed with their kindness, the way they support one another, and I am looking forward to hearing their stories as they impact others beyond the gates of Thomas Hassall.

Please be in prayer for them and their families as they prepare for examinations and consider options for life after formal schooling.

The new building is also taking shape with some of the scaffolding now removed so you can see the exterior starting to be revealed. This building will feature our STEM subjects in 2025. STEM – or Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – are important subjects for future careers and the direction of our country. We are keen to develop students’ interest in how these subjects interact and the cross over of skills that can lead to flourishing opportunities post school.

I do wish you all rest and safety over the coming break.

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Colossians 3:17

Mrs Karen Easton
From the Deputy Principal and Head of Junior School
Sandy Wheeler

The Junior School Disco events are happening next week!

For Kindy to Year 2, they are having their Disco during the College day as a fun introduction to this style of event. We look forward to seeing them learn some classic dance moves and find their groove! The Years 3 to 6 Disco events are happening after school and I have heard the excitement in the air from students as I walk through the playground. It is gearing up to be a much anticipated event!

The students will have the opportunity to dance with their friends and make fond memories of their time in the Junior School. It is a very special and exciting moment for our students to have a childhood memory of having fun while on College grounds! It is very novel for them.

I’ve attended many school disco events over my career as a teacher and my heart does soar to see the pure joy on the students’ faces. They dance, laugh and connect with one another as the disco lights are flashing and their favourite song is playing. What fun!

I want to thank you for the strong attendance at our Parent Teacher interviews this week. These conversations strengthen partnership and we are a community that values positive partnerships with families. As we go into the holiday break please take time to recharge, relax and enjoy the time as a family.

Every generous act and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights; with Him there is no variation or shadow cast by turning.
James 1:17

Mrs Sandy Wheeler
Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School
From the Deputy Principal - Senior School Learning
David Butler

It was such a pleasure to spend the evening with teachers and students at Year 12 Trivia Night. Year 12 students, Mallika and Sean did a fantastic job organising the event, with help from Year Advisors Miss Sharma and Mr Fortuin. It was one of those memorable moments, as we head into the final week for Year 12 and everyone had a great time.
Year 12 Trivia

The Class of 2024 has been working hard on-site, studying and preparing, and they've truly impressed me with their commitment as they get ready for their final exams. Mr Corbett-Jones led the Study initiative, providing resources that tied in with the study techniques they've been learning. There was a choice between personal or group study, with teachers on hand to help whenever needed. I have to say, I’ve been proud of the mature way the students have approached these sessions, taking full advantage of everything available to them.

Year 12 Study

Of course, we couldn’t miss out on some friendly competition with our Staff vs. Students sporting fixtures. So far, we’ve had the Basketball Shootout and the Volleyball game, and you can read more about those in this edition of The Way. Today, Year 12 made the most of the gorgeous weather by having a lunchtime picnic on the Oval, reserved just for them. Picnic blankets, football games, and plenty of fun—what a lovely way to spend the day!


I’m really looking forward to the Prayer Breakfast with the cohort, and I know you’ll all join me in praying for them as they prepare for what’s ahead. The final week is such a special time, capped off by the Graduation Walk.

And to the parents—while Year 12 has been enjoying all these moments, I want to take a moment to thank you. Your support throughout this journey has meant the world to them. As they head into the break and focus on their exams, we wish them all the best for success.

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.
Psalm 119:105

Mr David Butler
Deputy Principal - Senior School Learning
From the Chaplain
Denis Oliver

At our college, we have a tradition in the final week for Year 12 students, where they visit the Kindergarten class, read a book to the children, and then gift that same book to them. This year, the chosen book is "Wherever You Go, I Want You to Know", a story that speaks about God's presence throughout life's journey — a meaningful message for both the reader and the listener.

Year 12 2023

I love witnessing the tenderness our seniors show to the Kindergarten students, and the beauty of one generation passing something on to the next. This tradition always brings to mind a passage from Psalm 78.

God gave his Law to Jacob's descendants, the people of Israel.

And he told our ancestors to teach their children, so that each new generation

would know his Law and tell it to the next. Then they would trust God and obey his teachings,

without forgetting anything God had done. They would be different from their ancestors, who were stubborn, rebellious, and unfaithful to God.

Psalm 78:5-8

God desires His Word to be known, not just by our generation, but by the generations to come. He wants our children, and their children, to have the opportunity to know Him, to choose Him, and to share in eternity with Him. God's heart is for them to grow in faith, because faith is the way He calls us to relate to Him. And since faith is built on truth, it is essential that they understand His mighty deeds and hear His powerful words.

As parents, I encourage you to share God's Word with your children. Why not make it a habit to read the Bible together as a family, or even memorise Scripture as a way to draw closer to Him? Let's take on a "big-picture" mindset, just like our God, investing in the spiritual legacy of our children and preparing their hearts for a lifetime of faith.

Reverend Denis Oliver
College Chaplain
From the Senior School Director of Teaching and Learning
Jason CB

The Importance of Parent Involvement During Examination and Reporting Periods

As we approach the end of the year, examinations and reports are keeping both teachers and students busy. Year 11 exams are only halfway complete, and students in Years 7–10 will sit their final exams early in Term 4. During this period, teachers are also working hard to write, review, and send out interim and final reports.

This process involves hours of work, including drafting, reviewing, sending, setting, marking, and documenting student progress. Some students will show improvement, others will maintain consistency, and a few may have regressed. However, all students have room for growth.

In all of this, one key factor can significantly influence how students respond to feedback—the involvement of parents. Teachers view parents and guardians as essential partners in the education process. The conversations you have with your child about their exam results and report comments are crucial. They show your child that you value their education and support their teachers' efforts.

We thank you in advance for the active role you play in encouraging, guiding, and supporting your son or daughter. Your involvement makes a big difference in their learning journey.

Research has shown that when schools and families work together, children:

- do better
- stay in school longer
- are more engaged with their schoolwork
- go to school more regularly
- behave better
- have better social skills

Mr Jason Corbett-Jones
Director of Teaching & Learning - Senior School

Upcoming dates

Date Event
Monday 23 September

The Hassall Gift 
Prep 3 Day & Year 1 Tabloid Carnival

Tuesday 24 September  Year 12 Prayer Breakfast
Wednesday 25 September        

Year 12 Graduation
Graduation Walk 
Year 12 Final Day

Thursday 26 September

Prep 2 Day, Kindy & Year 2 Tabloid Carnival 
Year 3 - 4 Disco - 4.15 - 5.45pm
Year 5 - 6 Disco - 6 - 7.30pm

Friday 27 September 

Year 12 Formal
Year K - 2 Disco

Friday 4 October Office Closed  
Tuesday 15 October  TERM 4 COMMENCES
Office Closure

Please note that the College Office will be closing during the upcoming holiday period.

We will close from Thursday 3 October at 3pm and reopen on Tuesday 8 October at 8am.

The holiday office hours are 8am - 3pm, normal trading will resume from the start of Term 4 on Tuesday 15 October. 

Notice of Intention to Leave

As we approach the end of Term, we want to remind families considering a move to another school next year to contact the College now with notice of your intention to leave to avoid any penalty fees and charges.

This helps us manage resources and ensures a smooth transition for your child.

To submit a withdrawal notice, please email enrolments@thac.nsw.edu.au with the following details:

Student’s Name

Reason for leaving

Forwarding school

Last day of attendance

If you have any questions, please contact the College on 9608 0033

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

New STEM Building

The construction of the new STEM building on Flynn Ave is well underway and has just reached a significant milestone. Many sections of the outside scaffolding are being dismantled around the building as the feature panelling is completed. These new amazing facilities will consist of eight Mathematics classrooms, six Science Labs, two General Learning Areas, a Design & Technology classroom and a new Mathematics staffroom. On the construction site there are over thirty tradespeople including electricians, plumbers, wall tilers, joinery installers and painters. They are all working together on both levels to provide state-of-the-art facilities which are planned to be completed by the end of Term 4 this year.


During the next school holidays, the K Block building next door will become a construction site. These major renovations will provide the College with brand new Textile and Food Tech classrooms and a new larger combined staffroom in addition to other improvements on both levels. All going well we plan to have the whole project completed for the start of Term 1, 2025. Both buildings will be connected by an upstairs enclosed “bridge” to improve access to the STEM departments.

After many months of meetings with our architects designing and planning these wonderful new facilities, we are getting really excited as we get closer to the next milestone when the carpet is laid and the new furniture and equipment is set up in the classrooms.


Mr Warren Murray 
Capital Works Project Manager

EventsBack to Top

Junior School Disco

Our Junior School Students are invited to a disco at the College.

Kindy - Year 2 - Friday 27 September

Students will be enjoying the disco at the College after lunch. They will return to class afterwards, ready for regular pick-up at the usual time. 
K - 2 will wear their sports uniform on the day and are welcome to bring any fun accessories for the disco. Please pack accessories in their bag and they will put them on before the disco. 

Year 3 - 6 - Thursday 26 September 

Years 3 - 4: 4.15 - 5.45pm
Years 5 - 6: 6.00-7.30pm

Location: John Lambert Auditorium

Drop Off: Entry to the disco will be via the foyer of the Auditorium where students will need to be signed in prior to entering the event. Water bottles are permitted. 

Pick Up: Students are to be picked up from the MRK Alfresco at the conclusion of the event. 

Dress: Students attending are allowed to wear mufti clothes ONLY to the disco. Please ensure uniforms are worn to College on the day. 

Permission will be sent via the College App/Parent Portal. 

This is a STUDENT ONLY event. 

We look forward to a fun evening!

LearningBack to Top

Kindy Farm Excursion

This week Kindergarten students visited the Camden Environmental Educational Centre.

All students had fun herding some sheep, learning about chickens, how to crack eggs and making scrambled eggs. They also learned about lemons and how to make their own lemonade. Finally, they went on a tractor ride and ended off the day with a milkshake!


As some of the students said, "It was the best day ever!"

Junior Art Showcase

Over the past term, Year 2 students have been exploring the fantasy variety of visual experience, imagining all sorts of weird and wonderful monsters.  We shared the stories ‘Ten Monster Islands’ written by Doug McLeod and illustrated by Terry Denton, and ‘Where The Wild Things Are’ written and illustrated by Maurice Sendak.  We also examined the artworks of Pitjantjatjara artists from Central Australia: Harry Tjutjuna (Spiderman) and Nura Rupert’s Mamu (Spooky Spirits).  Our black and white collages use contrasting tones and shape as the preliminary design work for a fibre art piece using felt.  I would not like to encounter any of these scary beasts in the night!



Mrs Ann McDermott 
Junior School Specialist Teacher (Visual Arts)

PRIMARY ICAS Competition 2024

Students from Years 2 – 6 recently elected to sit the ICAS assessments for English, Science and/or Mathematics.

“ICAS Assessments are designed to recognise academic excellence. Students are assessed on their ability to apply classroom learning to new contexts using higher-order thinking and problem-solving skills” www.unswglobal.unsw.edu.au.

We are delighted with the level of participation this year and with the many excellent results.

The students who achieved awards for these assessments are listed below. Congratulations to them all!


Vihaan H Yr 3
Delphy M Yr 3
William N  Yr 5
Mitchell H  Yr 6
Selina K Yr 6

Ariana T Yr 3
Victoria A Yr 3
Lexi G Yr 3
Magdalena P Yr3
James L Yr 4
Kristabel L Yr 4
Ian D Yr 4
Fawzy A Yr 5
Oliver I Yr 5
Jack C Yr 6
Charlie B Yr 6
Callum M Yr 6

Asher Z Yr 3
Emilia N Yr 4
Jason O Yr 4
Olivia T Yr 5


Clara G Yr 3
Ariana T Yr 3
Ronin C Yr 5
Alessio M Yr 5
Skyla Y Yr 6
Clayton S Yr 6
Asher Z Yr 3
Ava D Yr 3
Royce L Yr 3
Gianluca M Yr 3
Brayden L Yr 3
Delphy M Yr 3
Magdelena P Yr 3
Karen Q Yr 3
Jason O Yr 4
Zoe G Yr 4
Emilia N Yr 4
Adam V Yr 4
Ian D Yr 4
Olivia T Yr 5
Charlie B Yr 6
Jack C Yr 6
Serena S Yr 6
Victoria A Yr 3
Lexi G Yr 3
Leo V Yr 4
Oliver I Yr 5
Liam H Yr 3
Samuel I Yr 4
Ryan L Yr 4
James L Yr 4
Emilia N Yr 4
Grace H Yr 6
Kingston D Yr 6
Rhiannon C Yr 3
Royce L Yr 3
Clara G Yr 3
Vihaan H Yr 3
Delphy M Yr 3
Ian D Yr 4
Aiden P Yr 4
Kristabel L Yr 4
Alessio M Yr 5
Oliver I Yr 5
Violet O Yr 5
Skyla Y Yr 6
Jerome M Yr 2
Victoria A Yr 3
Timothy M Yr 3
Gianluca M Yr 3
Ariana T Yr 3
Jason O Yr 4
Fawzy A Yr 5
Ronin C Yr 5
Jack C Yr 6
Noah B Yr 6
High Distinction
Asher Z Yr 3

Mrs Alex Saville
Gifted and Talented Liaison for the Junior School
Australian Geography Competition 2024

Some students from Year 8-10 tested their geographical skills and knowledge against over 54000 students from across Australia in the 2024 Geography Competition. The students were tested on knowledge across the whole of Stage 4 and 5 Geography syllabus as well as range of skills. This made for an extremely challenging competition.

Congratulations to the following students: 


Top 30% of the scores

Leo F Yr 8
Rishab K Yr 8
Luke L Yr 8
Christian M Yr 8
Cristiano D Yr 9
Jonah D Yr 9
Lucas G Yr 10


Top 10% of the scores

Madhav M Yr 8 

Top 4% of the scores

Adrian Z Yr 10

Mrs Andrea Kemp
HSIE Coordinator - Social Science
Australian History Competition 2024

The Australian History Competition is a national competition based on the Australian History Curriculum which focuses on History skills such as interpretation and analysis. It is an opportunity for capable History Students in Years 7-10 to extend their critical thinking skills.

This year, 78 students from Thomas Hassall participated in the Competition for the first time. Of those students, 42 students received either a merit or a credit award and 15 received Distinctions and High Distinctions.

Congratulations to all students who participated and to the following students who received a Distinction or High Distinction: 

Year 7
Year 10

Geovani B
Igor I
Ethan N
Francesca P
Elizabeth S

Henry L
Benjamin T
Adrian Z

Year 7
Year 10

Daniel B
James K
Krishna R
Kian T

Lucas G
Jamie E
Annabel C

Mrs Michelle Pearson
HSIE Coordinator - History & Legal Studies
Year 9 Impress at Alliance Française Workshop

On Wednesday, 11 September, our Year 9 French students visited the Alliance Française de Sydney to participate in the Atelier Découverte Culturelle workshop. The session was conducted entirely in French, offering students a chance to practice their spoken and written skills in an immersive environment.


The students represented the College well, impressing their Alliance Française teacher with their ability to understand, respond to, and engage in French. 

Ms Michelle Raft
Languages Teacher - Head of House & Year 9 Advisor

Year 5 Crêpe Day

Today, we hosted our first Crêpe Day in the Junior School. Our Year 5 students have been learning how to express their preferences for breakfast foods and order typical French dishes.

Crêpe Day provided an enriching and immersive cultural experience, allowing students to engage their senses while practicing vocabulary related to making crêpes and choosing toppings in French.


This hands-on activity encouraged active participation, improved communication skills, and created a fun, memorable atmosphere, making language learning more dynamic and enjoyable.
A big thank you to our parent helpers who volunteered their time to assist throughout the day.

Mrs Viviana Morris
Junior School Teacher (Languages)

Year 12 Trivia Night

On Thursday night Year 12 had their third annual Trivia Night event, bringing together staff and students for an exciting event filled with laughter, teamwork, and friendly competition. Pizza and drinks were served as participants had to put their knowledge to the tests across a variety of categories such as sports, film, fake news, and trends in society bonus segments!


The night ended with the “Big Back Bandits” and the “Dino Nuggets” taking third and second place respectively, and the teachers from HSIE, anchored by Mr Butler - the “Dukes of THAC” taking the trophy home.

The highlight of the evening was Mrs Ford’s dancing to NUTBUSH City Limits, which sparked a spontaneous dance movement by students at the front of stage. In sync to perfection. Dr Gawthorne did say poetry in motion.

Thank you to everyone who participated and helped make this event a memorable success. We can’t wait to see what next year's Year 12 has in store.

Mr Roderick Fortuin
Year 12 Advisor

Performing ArtsBack to Top


On Thursday 29 August, members of our Intermediate and Senior Concert Bands visited Oran Park Anglican College to participate in the Band Jam event.

Band Jam is a combined schools event that provides an excellent opportunity for student musicians from various schools to connect and work together towards improving their performance and ensemble skills under the direction of a professional guest conductor.

This year, the Band Jam ‘mega concert band’ consisted of students from Thomas Hassall, Oran Park, and Broughton Anglican Colleges. It was a fantastic day, and our guest conductor Gerald Steinmann did a fantastic job at teaching the students three brand new pieces of music, as well as new ways to think about and approach music. The students sight-read very well, and put on a spectacular concert that evening to showcase the new material they had learnt throughout the day.

band j

band jam

Students also enjoyed some social time together at break times throughout the day, and a delicious BBQ dinner hosted by Oran Park. The Year 4 Band Program at Oran Park were also fortunate to witness some of the band rehearsals, which is a great insight as to what is possible for them in years to come.

Thank you to all those students that participated, and to all the parents for supporting their children and attending the event concert. We also thank all those staff involved to make this event a success. We’re very happy to have Band Jam back, and look forward to the next one!

Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles

Guest singers at Junior Choir

The Junior Choir (Years 3-6) were recently treated to a special visit from the Sons of Tonality – the Senior Boy’s Vocal Group.

As part of the ensemble transition process for Year 6 singers into Senior College in 2025, our special guests came along and played some music games with the Junior Choir before performing two items. The Junior Choir were very impressed with their deep voices and the way they sang out strongly with enthusiasm and power.

If your child is keen to develop their singing skills next year, there are two opportunities in Senior College:

1. Senior Vocal Group (mixed male and female Year 7-12)

This group perform regularly and even visited Japan in 2023! They sing at many College events and form the basis for our bi-annual College musical chorus. They sing a mixture of contemporary repertoire and are conducted by Mrs Drake and accompanied by Mrs Hobbins. Senior Vocal Group, rehearse on Monday afternoons in M2 from 2.45-3.45pm, with students being picked up from the PEC area at 3.50pm. 

2. Sons of Tonality (males Year 7-12)

This is our newest vocal group made up of boys in Senior College. They made their performance debut at the Choral Festival and many members were part of the College musical cast. They sing a mixture of sea shanties, theatre music and contemporary pieces and are conducted by Mr Robinson. Sons of Tonality rehearse Tuesday lunchtimes in M28.

If you have any questions, please contact musicadmin@thac.nsw.edu.au

Mrs Elizabeth Ford
Music Teacher & Senior School Coaching Leader

Community Music

Morning Melodies rang out at the Baptist Care Blue Hills Retirement Village last week. Our Senior String Ensemble and Senior Vocal Group

spent an hour entertaining the residents with famous classics and familiar melodies. The String Ensemble played the theme from ‘The Lone Ranger’ titled ‘The William Tell Overture’, a Tango, movie themes and finished off with a rousing version of ‘The Can Can’ or ‘Orpheus of the Underworld’. The Vocal Group took the residents through the decades with songs by The Andrew Sisters, Gershwin, Elvis, The Beatles and others. The audience participated in a ‘rollin’ version of Proud Mary with hand actions and they clapped and sang along to all the tunes through the ages. 


The students and residents thoroughly enjoyed sharing a love of music together. This was some of the students reflections:

This was a great experience and it was great to see people of an older age really enjoying themselves. - Christina C

It was a really fun and invigorating experience that allowed me to learn more about performance. - James R

Performing at the retirement village was a deeply rewarding experience, with the residents' heartfelt appreciation making the event truly memorable and fulfilling. Arya K

Staff vs Student

The Staff vs. Year 12 sporting fixtures are currently tied at 1-1 following games of Basketball and Volleyball. The Grand Final showdown of Soccer is set to be played on Tuesday.

s v s

Our College Director of Football, Sonny Makko, has been hard at work, training the staff team and ensuring they’re primed for this Grand Final match. It’s shaping up to be an exciting contest.

Mr Kent Weir
PDHPE Coord & Coaching Leader

Senior School Sports Update


MISA End of Term Results 

A big congratulations to all students who represented us in MISA this term. Collectively, we earnt 101 points for our College, putting us in 5th position overall. This is out of 17 schools in the Macarthur region which is outstanding! I want to extend my thanks to those students who were putting their best foot forward each week and to our dedicated teaching staff who took on the role of coach this term. 

A special mention to the following students who have been named MISA Player of the Term. To receive this award, students must have shown a consistent commitment to the overall success of their respective teams whilst at the same time, giving it their all on the court/field! 

Soccer - Girls 7-9 Ella H
Soccer - Boys 7/8 A Lorenzo V
Soccer - Boys 7/8 B Thomas T
Soccer - Boys9/10 A Daniel B
AFL Girls 10-12 Marley R
AFL Boys 10-12 Samuel D
Rugby League Boys U15s Nathan G
Netball 7/8 Ella W
Softball Alice C
Netball 9/11 Liliana C
Dance Adeline C


MISA Champions - Girls AFL  

I am so excited  to announce that our Senior Girls AFL team have once again made history by winning their AFL grand final 6 years in a row! This remarkable achievement is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and passion of our talented athletes. 

As we celebrate this victory, I want to take a moment to honour our Year 12 girls, who have been instrumental in leading our team throughout their high school journey. These young women have not only excelled on the field but have also exemplified the spirit of sportsmanship, teamwork, and resilience across multiple sports. Their leadership and camaraderie have set a standard for future players, inspiring them to strive for excellence both in sports and academics.


The journey to the grand finals was filled with challenges, but the team's determination never wavered. Each match brought its own trials, and through teamwork and perseverance, they emerged stronger. The grand final itself was a nail-biting affair, with the girls displaying incredible skill and tenacity, ultimately securing their place as champions once again.

To our Year 12 players: thank you for your unwavering commitment and for representing our school with such pride. You have left a lasting legacy, and we can't wait to see how you carry your passion and leadership into the next chapter of your lives.

MISA Champions - Netball 

The Year 7-8 Netball season proved to be one for the ages as our girls played their hearts out and remained undefeated throughout the season. I had the privilege of watching their semi final game where they were down by 6 points but under the fierce leadership of Miss Tikeri, were able to come back and win by 1 point. What made me so proud was not that they won (although I can't deny that I wasn't thrilled) but the way they came together as a team, persevered through the challenge they faced and remained positive even in tough times. This grit is what sport is all  about!


The girls then went on to win their grand final which again, was a testament to not only their talent but their drive to do well. 

AICES Athletics Carnival 

On a beautiful, sunny Tuesday in Week 8, a talented group of secondary students proudly represented Thomas Hassall at the AICES Athletics Carnival.

Each athlete gave their all, showcasing exceptional skill across running, jumping, and throwing events. Special congratulations go to Luke M, who achieved outstanding results, taking 1st place in both the high jump (1.8m) and long jump (6.4m). Christian M also impressed, securing 2nd place in the long jump (4.78m). Ryder W demonstrated great speed, finishing 3rd in the 100m (13.15s), while Matt M earned 3rd place in shot put with a throw of 11.35m. 


Both the Junior and Senior boys’ relay teams performed well, finishing in strong positions.
Representing Thomas Hassall were:

Audrey A
Arush M
Tyler T
Alessandro C
Christian M
Ryder W
David A
Aldin K
Aleksandar M
Evangelina P
Ayla S
Mike T
Max V
Lilliana C
Luka D
Luke M
Matthew M
Sofia D
Anthony G
Allishya M
Luke M
Bailee V

It was a fantastic day for all involved, with our students demonstrating determination, team spirit, and remarkable athleticism. Congratulations to all who participated!

Mrs Irene Focas
Sports Coordinator - Senior School

Junior School Sports Update

On September 6, thirteen primary students travelled to Sydney Olympic Athletic Park to compete in the CIS Athletics Championship. It was a beautiful day for our athletes to compete after all their hard work training with Coach Rob throughout Term 3. They have improved so much on their technique and skill and most students have hit a new personal record and have shown a positive attitude towards athletics. 


Congratulations to all these students in their events. Looking forward to a great program with Coach Rob in the future.

Domenico B Senior Boys Relay
Rocky B 11yr High Jump
Makayla C Senior Girls Relay
Julian C Senior Boys Relay
Hanna E 11yr 1500m and 800m
Blake F 12yr 1500m
Callum M 12yr Shot Put, Senior Boys Relay
Aarna M Junior Discus
Lara N 12yr High Jump, Senior Girls Relay
Asha R Senior Girls Relay
Willow S 11yr 800m, 11yr 100m, 11yr 200m, Senior Girls Relay
Thomas S Senior Boys Relay
Peaario T 11yr Shot Put

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator

IPPSO Winter Finals

Thomas Hassall had a great Winter season in 2024, with all our teams showing improvement of skills and teamwork through the hard work and dedication to training.

To complete the season, the top 2 teams from the Northern Pool and Southern Pool play-off to earn the title of Winter IPSSO Champions.

Once again Thomas Hassall was honoured to host the finals at our grounds on Wednesday 12 September.

Congratulations to the six teams who competed in the 2024 Winter IPSSO Finals Day. 

Special mention to our Tee-ball and Softball teams who were victorious and took home the gold medal!

Tee-ball and Softball


What a fantastic end to the season for our Junior Tee Ball and Senior Softball teams! Both squads displayed remarkable skill and teamwork throughout the season, learning and mastering the fundamentals and honing their strategic play. On Finals Day, our THAC Senior Softball team faced off against William Carey Christian School in a nail-biting match.With a thrilling 7-7 tie after the first inning, both teams battled fiercely, but THAC edged out with a 13-12 victory, thanks in part to their savvy base-stealing strategies. Meanwhile, our Junior Tee Ball team took on Georges River Grammar and showcased their prowess from the start, hitting several home runs and demonstrating exceptional teamwork in the field. Their efforts led to a decisive 13-5 win. Congratulations to both teams for their hard work and incredible performances this season!

Mrs Pamela Broadstock
Junior School Teacher 



The Senior Boys Football team had a successful season, finishing top of the table in the group stage of the competition. Finals Day was held on Wednesday 11 September. Please enjoy reading the match reports below.

1st Semifinal vs Mt Annan Christian College (MACC)

The team went into our first game with confidence and a positive attitude. Within the first few minutes, Tristan sent through a lovely curling ball into the top corner of the net. The rest of the half was played strongly by both teams until MACC found an equaliser shortly before half time. The second half started positively for THAC, with a neat turn and shot from Rocky getting past the keeper, only to bounce off the right post. A perfectly placed corner from Peter found Dietrich, whose header was just wide of the target. Lucas A made a number of crucial saves as MACC looked to press forward on the counter attack. Rocky and Peter combined well to almost find the net. Strong work from Orlando down the wing resulted in another corner that was just cleared off the line. Late in the half, a shot from MACC fortunately sailed just wide of the target. Another shot from Tristan was kept out by the opposition keeper. After having a few opportunities, Rocky eventually found himself in with the ball at the top of box. His strike found the back of the net. A few minutes later, a long ball in from Joseph, saw Nikola touch the ball over the outstretched hands of the keeper to seal the game. Final score THAC 3-1.

Final vs Wollondilly Anglican College.

We certainly had our work cut out for us against a well-drilled WAC team. An early shot from Peter on the run struck the woodwork and slipped wide. Another athletic save from Lucas was required after WAC pressed our defence. Unfortunately, a long-range strike from an opposition midfielder just cleared the defenders and found the back of the net. A few minutes later, a ricochet off a free kick resulted in another opposition goal. A corner just before half time found a free opposition player who headed truly. We went in at half time trailing 0-3 but after swinging a few positional changes, the second half saw THAC immediately pressing forward and putting pressure on the opposition defence. An excellent diving save from Lucas denied the opposition a fourth goal. Unfortunately, Wollondilly kept pressing and eventually broke through for another goal. A much improved effort in the second half wasn’t quite enough to snare victory. Final score WAC 0-4.

Overall, a second place finish was an excellent result and the boys should be proud of their effort this season.

Junior Boys Football

The THAC Junior team enjoyed mixed results but certainly made great improvements throughout the season. Highlights included a couple of comprehensive wins against traditional rivals WCCS and a strong 3-0 victory over eventual finalists, All Saints Grammar. Our last match was a 5-1 defeat of St Mary’s that kept us in contention for finals. Unfortunately, the results didn’t fall our way and we just missed out this year. Congratulations to all the boys for a solid season of football.

Mr Peter Butchatsky
Junior School Teacher



THAC Primary Junior & Senior Netball had a wonderful Winter season. I am so proud of how both teams trained consistently every week, developing skills, teamwork and confidence. Excitingly, the THAC Junior team progressed to the IPSSO Netball finals, which was held last week.

On finals day, THAC Junior Netball placed 3rd. The girls all played exceptionally well, representing THAC with great perseverance and a positive team spirit. I am so proud of the girls and their team achievement!

It has been a delight to coach these two fantastic teams and watch them represent THAC with sportsmanship every week.

Thank you to the secondary students who assisted with umpiring and scoring on the final day. Congratulations!

Mrs Bronwyn Ferguson
Junior School Teacher


What a fantastic season it’s been for our AFL Junior and Senior teams! Coaching these dedicated players has been an absolute pleasure, and their hard work and commitment have shone through in every training session and match.

Each Wednesday morning, both teams showed up bright and early, ready to train and improve. For many of our Junior players, this season marked their first experience with AFL, and they embraced the challenge, working tirelessly to develop new skills and grow as athletes. It was amazing to witness their progress over the season.

Our Junior School Senior team faced fierce competition throughout the season, with many close and exciting matches. Despite just missing out on the finals, both the Junior and Senior teams displayed incredible resolve. Whether on the field or the sidelines, the players supported each other through every high and low.

Though the season didn’t end with trophies, the determination, teamwork, and positivity shown by both teams were the true highlights. Every player should be proud of what they’ve achieved. We look forward to seeing them back on the field next season, continuing to improve and enjoying the great game of AFL. Well done, teams!

Mr David Stroud
Junior School Teacher 

Co-curricularBack to Top

In The Spotlight Dance Challenge

On Friday 13 September, our Senior and Junior Dance Troupes competed at In the Spotlight Dance Challenge and were highly successful against other schools such as, Inaburra and St Paul’s Grammar. Our Senior Troupe (MISA Open Dance) placed 1st with their brand new Lyrical dance and 2nd place in Jazz, which you saw at assembly the other week.

Our Junior Dance Academy Troupe placed 1st with their Jazz and 2nd with their new Lyrical.


Both troupes have now qualified for the NSW State Championships in November, where they will compete against other schools from around the state.

Congratulations to our wonderful dancers and to our expert dance coaches, Emma Iisakka and Ellie Bull.

Michelle Raft
Director of Dance Academy


MISA Chess Tournament

Our MISA Chess team recently competed in the MISA Chess Tournament, where the senior team finished as runners-up.

A special congratulations to Phoenix B, Stephen L, Lucian D, and Lucas G, who earned their well-deserved medals for their outstanding efforts.

Well done to all who competed, and congratulations again to our senior team on their fantastic achievement!

Junior School Garden Club

Garden Club is in full bloom, with a small group of Year 1 students diving into hands-on gardening activities! Our eager helpers are learning about planting, nurturing, and the joy of growing their own vegetables and flowers. Each week, as we meet to tend to our garden, we discover exciting new growth and spend some time learning about the importance of teamwork and kindness. 

Garden Club

Miss Miriam Quinn
Junior School Teacher

Senior School Debating and Public Speaking

It has been a big term for debating and public speaking! 

The Year 7 and 8 MISA mixed debating team got off to a great start with a win early on in the term and have one match left before we finish Term 3, with another next term before the quarter-finals. A big thank you to Mrs Viviana Matiello, who will be taking over the team as Mrs Patricia Guthrie finishes her time at Thomas Hassall. 

We also had students participate in two speaking competitions - Dante M and Della K represented us in the Year 10 MISA Public Speaking Competition and Ruby C and Aleksej D represented us at the MISA Year 9 Youth of the Year Competition. Although we didn't place, we are really proud of the students for putting themselves forward and the amount of time and energy that went into preparation. That's all for speaking competitions for the year. 

We wish our debating team a strong finish, and encourage students to start thinking about how they might get involved in public speaking next year.

Note from the English faculty: A special ‘thank you’ goes out to Mrs Guthrie for all of her work on a range of public speaking and debating competitions for Thomas Hassall in 2024. She has done a great job behind the scenes, insuring that a wide range of students have had an opportunity to shine in a very different area of achievement, fostering confidence and distinctive skills that can be so beneficial for their future.

Debating in Junior School

Once again, we entered both a Year 5 and Year 6 team in the IPSHA Debating Competition. This competition allows us to compete against other independent schools in our area.  Both teams performed admirably, showcasing their growing skills and enthusiasm for debating, with some exciting victories along the way.

For our Year 5 team, it was their first time participating in the competition. Despite their inexperience, they quickly picked up essential debating skills and surprised everyone by winning a few debates, even against some experienced Year 6 teams! Both teams tackled complex topics such as "That we should have Australian native animals as pets," "That we should ban contact sports," and "That we should stop selling bottled water." This gave them so much to think about and argue.


Meanwhile, the Year 6 students built on their existing knowledge, honing their debating abilities in class time. With the guidance of their teachers, they have been engaging in Friday mini debates, filling the classrooms with lively arguments and impressive rebuttals. It's been fantastic to witness their growth and passion for debating.

As the debating season draws to a close, excitement is building for the Year 6 Debating Grand Final, which will take place on Friday, 27th of September. We can’t wait to see these talented students showcase everything they’ve learned throughout their lessons. Good luck to all involved!

Mr David Stroud
Year 6 Teacher/Junior School Debating Coach

CommunityBack to Top

Holiday Programs


Football Holiday Program


Running from Tuesday 8 - Friday 11 October at 8.30am - 2.30pm, this is an all-weather program that will take place at the College.

It is open to boys and girls aged 5-13 of all skill levels.

Students will participate in fun activities, game development and learn soccer skills from accredited coaches.

$65 per day or $240 for the week.

Holiday Dance Program


Come join the fun at our Holiday Dance Program at the College. Enjoy learning a variety of dance styles, with fun games and a disco!

  • Hip Hop
  • Jazz
  • Cheer
  • Musical Theatre
  • Contemporary

Running from Tuesday 8 - Friday 11 October from 8.30am - 2.30pm. 

It is open to boys and girls in Kindy - Year 9. 



Join CodeCamp these School holidays where kids design, code, problem solve and become storytellers and creators of technology, by creating games, websites, music and videos or flying drones - in just 2-3 days! 

Wednesday 9 - Friday 11 October from 9.00am - 3.45pm.

Motiv8 Sports


THE MOTIV8 GAMES are held only once every year and provide campers the chance to win Gold. The Motiv8 Games is a futuristic version of the Olympics with a rock concert style atmosphere. This  multi-sports event will give campers the opportunity to participate in a long list of team sports, individual events, showdowns and team building challenges. 

Monday 30 September to Tuesday 1 October.

For ages Kindy to Year 6

Hoxton Park Anglican Holiday Program

Hoxton Park Anglican Church presents

The Chocolate Factory Holiday Kids Program 


Wednesday 9 October - Friday 11 October from 9:30am - 3pm.

Sunday 13 October from 9:30am-12:30pm

Click here for more information and to register